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Individual work with children in the preparatory group: general information

The preparatory group in the kindergarten is the final line on the way to school. It was during this period that children of six years begin to gradually move away from their main activity - games, and learn the skills of instruction. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach a child to learn: to perceive and assimilate information, to show diligence, discipline. An important role in this period is played by individual work with children in the preparatory group.

The benefits of individual work with children

As a rule, when planning, the teacher prescribes what kind of work with a specific child will be carried out. It depends on the needs of each baby.

This form of work of a teacher with a pupil is one of the most effective. After all, while the occupation or game is being conducted, the attention of a specialist is completely given to this kid, which means that the teacher can notice some difficulties in time, direct the child, prompt and correct.

Individual work with children in the preparatory group, as already mentioned, should be planned. Often to give recommendations on its organization can the teacher-psychologist (by results of diagnostics). And, of course, such work will be much more effective if you involve your parents. Work with children in the DOW is carried out for each section of the program and in different forms. Such planning allows you to cover all areas of the development of the baby and prevent gaps, which will later make it easier for him to adapt to the school and ensure the effective assimilation of the material.

Forms of individual work with children

What forms of work with the preschoolers of the preparatory group are singled out? Their great variety, here at least some of them: specially organized classes in the mode of the day, games, excursions, target walks, talks, reading of fiction, viewing illustrations, experimentation. Depending on what needs to be fixed, the teacher plans to work individually with the children in the preparatory group. You can organize it in day mode. For example, during the reception of children, when not all have arrived, after a quiet hour or in the evening, after dinner. The time when children are engaged in free activity, that is, they play in a group, will also suit. During this period the teacher offers the kid to play with him, draw, read or look at the book. In the process of this activity, the tasks are solved.

That is, the child takes pleasure in the process, while simultaneously securing and assimilating the material in the game or another kind of activity proposed to him.

Individual work with children: narrow specialists

Practically in every preschool institution, in addition to the musical leader and the head of physical education, there is a teacher-speech therapist (defectologist) and a teacher-psychologist. Their plans also include individual work with children in the preparatory group. Each specialist in the process of this activity solves problems related to his area. So, the speech therapist is engaged in the development of speech, and, if necessary, puts individual sounds. The teacher-psychologist works on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and mental processes of the child, the head of physical education cares about the motor development of the preschool child. Together, the systematic work of all specialists effectively affects the comprehensive development of the child, and therefore guarantees a good preparation for schooling. Another undeniable plus of this work is the teacher's personal contact with the child, during which not only educational but educational tasks are being addressed.

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