
Independently Boil Soap.

Do you remember how in the past times everyone used soap? In my memory, basically a laundry soap. Probably because I really like his smell. Although I have not used it for about twenty years.
I also remember, soaps that cost dearly and smelled for several years and usually lay in bed linens for many of my aunts and grandmothers. I wonder if one of them could create soap? I doubt it.
Previously, not many people thought about how you can cook soap yourself. But at present it is almost a craze for many housewives and not only.
I myself also became fired by the desire to create whipped soap after I stumbled upon the recipes and technology of creating this necessary product on the Internet.
As always surfing the net in search of information I needed and saw a beautiful image ...
First clicked on the picture, where the appetizing cakes and pieces of cakes were captured. And when I read the publication, I was surprised, it was not confectionery, handmade soap. Such products from soap simply delight.
It is clear that such masterpieces are made by masters who have already "stuffed their hand" in this matter. They create magnificent soap pieces that delight the eye, and their smells and quality are perceived with great enthusiasm.
But you can weld the soap yourself. Recipes, creating soapy "delicacies," are available on many Internet sites. There are whole blogs and even communities where amateurs and masters share experiences and ways of creating products to maintain hygiene.
I never thought that soap making can be so interesting. When I read that people add to the soap, my surprise was no limit. In addition to all essential oils and dyes, useful oils for the skin, fats, vitamins and even such additives that you will not think about.
For example, many make soap with coffee grounds. This is considered so-soap peeling. Others who know how to handle felt make beautiful felt wrappers, for each piece of soap created by them.
It's something like "two in one" vibes with built-in soaps. Interesting.
By the same principle, a natural sponge and other utilities are introduced into the soap slice.
In the case of soap making, as in others, the person's imagination simply does not have a limit, and the possibilities increase as the skill comes.
However, it is not profitable to create self-made soap for yourself and yourself. It will almost always be more expensive than the purchase.
And it does not matter which technology and what products it is made from.
This is because they are keen on soap making, they buy the necessary components at a price calculated for the ordinary consumer. And special additives, due to the fact that they are not much in demand, are always not at all cheap.
These costs pay off only if a person creates a masterpiece soap and sells it at an overpriced price. Many enthusiastic soap-makers have long made this occupation their business. Although initially, it was their hobby. Each piece of soap handmade master, sold quite expensive, but the special assure that it's worth it.
In general, in this case, it's best not to focus on the value, but simply self-brew soap for yourself and enjoy its fragrance, beauty and airiness.

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