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I want salty: why does such a desire appear?

Tastes of taste, of course, have their own every person. But periodically it happens that literally overpower some flavor quirks. For example, you always want a salty. Why is this happening? After all, you usually want so that there simply is no power to fight. And any dish then seems to be under-salted, and it pulls on a pickled cucumber, then on a tomato, then generally on a herring.

Salt functions in the body

First of all, we need to understand why our body needs salt. After all, somehow the newborn children are treated without it. Is it really necessary for our body?

It is necessary, and even more than each of us thinks. And kids simply lack the salt that is present in my mother's milk. Let us analyze its chemical composition. The molecule of salt consists of two atoms: sodium and chlorine, which together and separately each provide the functioning of almost all organs and systems of our body.

With a lack of one of the elements and want a salty.

Why does our body need sodium?

He is responsible for the acid-base balance. When sodium is contained in sufficient quantity, red blood cells are stable, oxygen is regularly delivered to tissues. In addition, it participates in the penetration of amino acids and glucose through the cell membranes, and consequently, affects the normal recharge of cells. It is also important for the stable functioning of the nervous system. Sodium helps to transfer impulses along the fibers.

He is responsible for the normal absorption of many nutrients in the kidneys and small intestine. That's why with a lack of sodium you want a salty.

Why then do we need chlorine, because it's a poisonous gas in a free state? He is responsible for the secretion of gastric juice, is involved in ensuring the stable operation of the central nervous system, genitals. Chlorine is a part of muscle and bone tissue, intercellular fluid, blood.

Normal salt content in the human body is very important. The disadvantage of it is as dangerous as an overabundance.

What happens because of a lack of salt in the diet? Why do you think it happens that a person suddenly becomes dumb right before your eyes? This is due to the fact that the impulses from the nerve endings do not go well to the brain. Due to the weakening effect of electrolytes, memory and mood deteriorate in people, inadequate behavior may occur, there may be a desire to sleep, weakness, coordination of movements may be impaired . Dehydration occurs in the body, blood thickens, resulting in a risk of heart and vascular disease.

A pregnant woman wants a salty: why does she have such a desire?

Fortunately, the desire to eat something salty does not always mean that a person starts to have health problems. This desire can be pathological, and maybe temporary, for example, if you are expecting the appearance of a baby. This is quite normal phenomenon, because the body is rebuilt, and many useful substances and trace elements from the body of the mother go to the construction of tissues and organs of the child. Why do you want salty during pregnancy? This is very simply explained.

Here are the circumstances that affect the water-salt balance of the organism in this case:

  • The volume of blood in a pregnant woman gradually increases almost twice, therefore, the amount of water proportionately increases. And, as we already know, sodium is simply necessary for normal fluid balance. This is just one of the reasons why you want salty during pregnancy.
  • The growing body of your baby needs blood, which means that salt is also needed, which plays an important role in this system.

And although the desire of the fair sex to salty during pregnancy is very much even natural, at the same time this desire conceals a huge danger. The woman is constantly eating. She wants salt cucumbers, and, of course, she can not deny herself this. Gradually, excess salt forms in her body and edema appears, which in itself is dangerous, and in later stages of pregnancy can lead to gestosis.

Increased sweating

In addition, the craving for salt can be caused by increased sweating. After all, together with the liquid, the body loses both sodium and chlorine.

Excessive sweating can be caused by:

  • Rest in hot countries with high humidity;
  • Physical loads;
  • Work in complex production (in a hot shop, etc.).

The last two items are the features of a profession or lifestyle. To prevent the lack of sodium and chlorine in the body, you need to constantly replenish them. That's why you want pickled cucumbers such people. Then do not deny yourself, however, and there is daily salty foods do not need. To replenish the lack of salts (not only NaCl, but also others) it is necessary in this case at the expense of mineral water, fruits and vegetables.

Just a habit that can become pernicious

Finally, sometimes we want a salty simply out of habit - and after all, they are formed over the years. For example, since childhood we have eaten quite salty soups, and after a while we think that this is normal. And then we start to dosalit all dishes. Thus, sometimes imperceptibly for ourselves we put our bodies at risk, which can subsequently lead to serious health problems.

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