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How to play "Tanks"? "Tanks" - what tanks should I play better? World of Tanks

Despite the fact that the "tundra" (so gently nicknamed the game by users) introduced ground-based technology only recently, its influence on the balance of power in the confrontation became very noticeable. This was discussed at the stage of the open beta test, but for the general public, such changes were very unexpected. After all, earlier battles took place only among the Aces in the air, and they practically did not pay attention to the earth's firmament.

Tank alternatives

But after a number of updates in the game "Thunder of the War" the possibility of ground battles was made available to absolutely everyone. Therefore, try to keep up with the trends and understand how they play in tanks. First, you need to register on the official portal of the project, as a result of which a person will receive his own profile. As part of the authorization, the player will be offered to download the multiplayer simulator "War Thunder", and these recommendations should not be neglected. Next, you need to install an online client on your computer and prepare to immerse yourself in the virtual world of battles.

Tactical actions at the initial levels

In the game, there are several types of combat operations for armored vehicles. To understand these nuances, it is important to clearly understand how to play in tanks, and choose for yourself the appropriate regime. In total, these types of battles are three and they are divided into:

  • Simulator;
  • realistic;
  • Arcade.

In this list, the modes are listed in the order from the most difficult to the most simple. Therefore, for those who make the first steps in the "War Thunder" universe, the tanks will not seem like an inordinate load. Their study will be easy and exciting. After all, many newcomers will choose the arcade mode, where the sight has an additional crosshair that indicates the place where the projectile hits. The first tanks that will be in the hangar player, do not differ very strong reservation, because they completely copy the first real combat vehicles. Therefore, you need to soberly assess your own strengths and watch how your allies play tanks. After all, at the first level, only one hit is sufficient to destroy the armored vehicle, so it's best to be cautious and careful.


Especially difficult can be given the first steps to those users who came to the "Thunder of the war" with the "World of tanks", because in this game there is no familiar range of information or the expected spread, so here it is necessary to open fire only after the suspension and suspension of suspension. After all, shooting in motion can not be accurate for the types of tanks that do not have a stabilizer for vertical guidance. There are also differences in the mechanics of armor-piercing - the top frontal detail of the combat vehicle has the greatest thickness and does not break through. Therefore, it is best to perform a maneuver and go to the opponent from the flank or rear - from this position it will be much easier to launch a striking shell. It is preferable to aim at a tank engine, which is most often in the stern. After a successful hit in this part of the tank loses its main advantage - the ability to maneuver. It's much easier to destroy. But there are also more vulnerable points of the combat vehicle - fuel tanks and transmission compartment. A shot in them can set the tank on fire, after which its participation in the further confrontation will be reduced to zero. After all, the influence of fire leads to irreversible consequences, and in the worst case - to complete destruction. Therefore, the fighting vehicle must be equipped with a fire extinguisher, the ability to install it is provided after a proper investigation.

Management Features

We continue to find out how to play in tanks, on some examples, which will help to increase the effectiveness of players. In the case of knocking down a caterpillar of a combat vehicle with a shell, it loses its driving qualities. To repair the tracks, you must hold the G symbol for a few seconds, after which the process will be completed. You can move around.

Change of shells

To change the ammunition during the game, use the number keys 1,2,3,4. They show the number of types of shells that a user can use during a confrontation with the enemy. Before the battle, it is possible to select the necessary ammunition kit from the drop-down list. They are matched to the destination and individual tactics preferred by the particular player. However, some types of shells need to be investigated in the appropriate branch of development, since each combat vehicle has its own features and modifications.

Available ground equipment

The game features different tanks. What tanks it is better to play, it is not easy to choose. Provided by:

  • Fighters fighting vehicles;
  • Self-propelled artillery systems;
  • Air defense and anti-aircraft installations.

This technique is divided into light, heavy and medium tanks, designed to perform various tasks on the battlefield. The SAU and the PT have a huge number of precision weapons that can destroy enemy equipment from one shot, whereas heavy tanks due to sufficient reservations have not only an increased chance of rebound, but also very mediocre dynamic characteristics. Light combat vehicles are devoid of such shortcomings, they are used for unexpected attacks on enemy positions from the rear or flank and subsequent retreat. Their firepower is not high, but by joint efforts they are able to sow chaos and anarchy in the ranks of the enemy. A compromise option, for players who did not like the previous types of tanks, are medium-weight combat vehicles. They do not have such pronounced shortcomings as with light types of equipment, but excellent mobility and decent weapons make them very dangerous rivals.

The principles of the study of ground combat vehicles

This moment is very important for those who only recently joined the ranks of players, so you can not tell about it. An excellent example for this will be a branch of Russian tanks, in which it is very difficult to understand the beginner. In the tab "Army" you need to select a tank, which is available for study at this stage (let it be KV-1). After the choice is made, it is necessary to click on the "Explore" button, after which a progress bar will appear, which will be filled in as the player's experience increases and the number of battles fought by him. If the tank that the user wants to open is in the next historical epoch, then it is necessary to gain access to all combat vehicles that belong to this era.

"War Thunder" and "World of tanks"

Although it is very difficult to compare different ideologies, such disputes are conducted in the gaming community regularly. The parties neglect the fact that we are talking about the opposition of the arcade to the simulator, and they are trying to prove their case by arguments that can not withstand any criticism. In the course are the most ridiculous arguments: in "World of tanks" the tank "Tiger" is practically invulnerable, and this does not correspond to historical realities, the speed of movement of Soviet equipment is understated. Especially often these disputes are found among connoisseurs of German and Russian technology. It is in them that the glow of patriotic feelings can reach colossal values and sometimes comes to ridiculous. Comparative characteristics of equipment, results of ballistic firing, personal photos from the museum in Kubinka and many other things are given. It comes to the fact that the essence of the dispute is forgotten and the ashes of fascism fall again and necessarily - the "Tiger" tank. "World of tanks" and "War Thunder", apparently, really identify differences in the views of their users and the opposite approach to the details of the real world. Only in such information noise is usually lost that the developers have made these changes of technical and technical characteristics and environment in favor of the game balance and sofa tankers. PROFIT ...

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