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How to play for Ursu in the game "Dota 2"? Ursa (Ursa), Dota 2: sets

The game "Dota 2" is played by a huge number of people. If a beginner appears, it is difficult for him to learn how to play or get accustomed to the basics of the game, because it is very difficult to meet the same inexperienced players in a thousand games. That's why we present this guide. After reading it, you will get more chances to help the team and not fail, even if you play the hero for the first time. Today we will talk about one of the most simple heroes of the game "Dota 2".

Who is it?

Before playing Ursoy in "DotA 2", you need to understand the basic principles and approaches to the game. Ursa, she's a topless teddy bear "Chuck Norris", this is a melee hero, without sufficient control over enemy players, but with good survivability and attack speed. In some cases, it can be used as a tanking character, but much more efficiently, by walking in the second wave of attackers or by cutting out the rear rows of the enemy's support posts.


  • Earthshock - a bear strikes the ground, slowing the surrounding enemies. Damage does little, but very effective, if you decide to swing through the ganks, and not in the forest.
  • Overpower is one of the most unpleasant abilities in the game "Dota 2". Ursa increases the attack speed to 400 for several attacks (with each level increasing the number).

  • Fury Swipes (passive) - with every hit on the target, more and more damage is inflicted. It is this ability that makes this character one of the most dangerous in one-on-one battles, and also allows you to kill Roshan at level 6-7, if not earlier.
  • Enrage - Ulta, available from the 6th level of the character. For 4 seconds, reduces incoming damage by 80%, and also increases passive effectiveness. With each level, the attack efficiency increases, and the rollback also decreases.


Smoothly move from the skills to the stats and the advantages of the hero. This character is a trickster. What usually means high attack speed and low health, but not in the case of Ursa.


  • Because of the high attack speed, the DotA 2 bindings allow you to create an excellent gang command. For example, with Earthshaker or Crystal Maiden. One of these characters should find the enemy in "Dota 2". Ursa at this moment should run up and "stumble bream."
  • At the 6-7 level, it easily kills Roshan. It is enough to collect a cloak to steal - Vladmir's Offering.
  • You can swing in the forest.
  • Endless opportunity to increase damage through passivation. Even the thickest tanks fall.
  • The damage depends on the ulta, and that on the health reserve.
  • Good defense from the beginning of the game.
  • A great increase in strength in comparison with other agi classes (dodgers).


  • Because of the need to approach too close to the enemy, it can easily be controlled by the camps and other unpleasant abilities. Thus, in the counter peak Ursa "DotA 2" allows you to take any stanovera. However, any Persian who does not give Ursa come close during the action of the ulta (for example, the trees of Nature's Prophet) will do.
  • Without a normal purchase it is of little use in batching.
  • The need to approach close to the attack in the absence of control.

How to swing

The question of the distribution of skills stands before the new player very acutely. An incorrectly selected build will not only prevent you from swapping, but it can also damage your allies. There are two options for the development of this character in the game, "Dota 2". Ursa can swing through the forest or through the line and the ganks. Tactics can exist a lot, but here are a couple suitable for beginners.

  1. Forester . We buy first an ax against forest residents and Stout Shield. If you are unsure of your abilities, grab the Tango for a hedge. We kill small living creatures in our forest, run out on line and kill or frighten off the enemy and help him through, then back to the forest. Skills - swing exclusively passive and acceleration attack, at level 4 you can take the first slowdown.
  2. Liner . It's better to get on top or bottom line with some support. For purchase, the same shield or mask for man's regen (sage's mask) and ring of protection (ring of protection), together form the Ring of Basilius, will work (the union support will be grateful). Also take Tango for the heel. Skills in this case shake a little differently. We start with a slowdown (1 ur.), After that you can swing 2-3 skills in turn. At 6 you. Take the ult, the seventh 2 lv. Deceleration. It is useful to us in order to save a partner on the line or to finish off the escaping enemy.

Basic armament

Unlike the same magic classes, in which the choice of gear is reduced to the player's preferences and the choice of allied heroes, Ursa has a limited set of items that could be useful to her. Many are trying to pump her dexterity, but the effort is not worth it.

  1. If you carefully read the previous paragraphs, you already realized that one of the minuses of this hero is mobility. In order to eliminate this drawback, you can build either Power Treads or Phase Boots. The first option is good at attack speed (since if we do not have 2 skills for killing, we'll have to finish it by hand), and also the ability to save our skin by switching the attribute from dexterity to force in time. "Fazniki" are good at higher speed and attack, and also the possibility to accelerate even more.
  2. Vladmir's Offering. Going by buying a few additional items to Ring od Basilius. Possessing this subject, on the 10th minute of the game you can safely go alone to beat Roshan. Has many useful auras for the team. If among the allies one more possessor of this object was found, at later stages it can be replaced by Satanic (orb).
  3. The next step in the evolution of our starting shield is Vanguard. Health + blocking damage. If you have already managed to collect everything and have nowhere to put money, improve to Crimson Guard.
  4. The next thing that absolutely any Ursa needs is Heart of Tarrasque. A lot of health and regeneration. What is needed for the ulta.

What else should I take

The remaining two places in the hero's inventory must be filled with objects that will help us catch up and kill the target. If the previous four items are included in all sets on Ursa, then the situation is much more complicated.

To be in time to get into the thick of the battle before it ends, you can use the following items.

  • Blink Dagger. Allows you to teleport for short distances. But if the character takes damage, it can not be used. That is, if they hit you, they will not be able to escape. Or vice versa, the ultras Zeus at the beginning of the batch will not let you suddenly fly into the crowd of enemies. Here is such a podankanku can throw "Dota 2". Ursa in this case becomes a clubfoot and may not be in time to reach the enemy.
  • Shadow blade. Makes you invisible and accelerates by 20%. It will allow you to move unnoticed and quickly into the thick of the battle. Can be improved to Silver Edge. A nice addition will be the ability to slow down the enemy.
  • Butterfly . Throw like a butterfly, sorry like a bee. If you hold on to the backs of the Allies, waiting for the right moment, then by activating its acceleration, you can safely have time to rush into the crowd of enemies, when half the control is already spent. The advantage will be dodging and attack speed after the acceleration time passes.

The last item can be collected based on the current situation.

  • On the one hand, it can be Black King Bar. Immune to the effects of control and spells will give you the opportunity to inflict complete damage.
  • If there is not enough control in the opponent's team, you can build Skull Basher and improve it to Abyssal Blade. Mills in the compartment with our attack speed will allow to detain the enemy in one place.
  • If you decide to use the Butterfly, then in the absence of control from the enemy you can get Monkey King Bar. Another speed of attack, a huge amount of damage and microstans that will not allow the enemy to escape from you.

Although more of these items depend on which ligaments are used. "DotA 2" in this regard is very diverse and inventive.

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