BeautySkin care

How to get rid of freckles on your face at home?

Each of the fair sex watches her beauty. A woman daily performs many procedures in order to become more attractive: she is washing, applying cosmetics or grooming means to the face area, doing a haircut and selecting the appropriate wardrobe. In addition to daily care for themselves and their body, the fairer sex makes depilation and hair removal, cleanses the face with chemical compounds, visits cosmetologists and hairdressers. This article will deal with freckles. You will learn a few secrets of this education. Also get an answer to the question of how to get rid of freckles on the face.


To begin with, it is worth saying that these spots are pigmented. However, unlike many others, they have a small size and a certain location. So, most often freckles affect the face of women and men. If the representatives of the stronger sex do not particularly worry about this, the ladies try to whiten their skin as thoroughly as possible.

In addition to face, freckles can be located on the body. The most popular place for such spots is the shoulders, chest and back. Anything that is prone to frequent sunlight can be covered with freckles.

Who faced such a problem?

As already mentioned, freckles can hit a strong and weak sex. However, most often they appear in those women who have a natural reddish hair color. Blondes also often suffer from the appearance of these specks, but in a much smaller number. What about brunettes? If the girl has a frosty-white skin color, brown eyes and the same shade of hair, then, most likely, freckles to her are not terrible. No matter how much such a person is under the sun, sunburn and age spots will not appear. In this case, it can only be a burn.

How to get rid of freckles on the face?

At present, there are many ways to carry out such manipulation. The most effective and durable is laser removal. It is carried out exclusively in cosmetology salons by experienced masters. It would seem that a method has been found, how to get rid of freckles on the face for the rest of your life. However, after a procedure that is held once a month, you will have to comply with certain conditions of protection from the sun. It is also worth noting that this method is quite expensive. The price directly depends on the intensity of the spots and the area of their spread.

How to get rid of freckles on your face at home?

If you do not want to expose your skin to different devices, then this section is for you. There are several ways how to get rid of freckles on your face forever at home. Consider the most popular methods and recipes.

The first way: the use of decorative cosmetics

How to get rid of freckles on the face for 1 day at home? Very simple! You will only need a thick tonal base, a pencil-proofreader and powder. This option is suitable for each of the fair sex. However, it is necessary to select appropriate cosmetics. The tonal cream should be one-half darker than your complexion. It is better to choose something in between the basic shade and the color of your freckles. The corrector is preferable to take a pink-green tone. It is he who can even out the red color, and also smooth it. So, how to get rid of freckles on your face quickly?

Take the corrector and pinpoint the color on the spots. After that, wait a few minutes and lightly shade the pencil. You should not try to smooth the boundaries, as you will have to use the cream further. Apply an even layer of foundation to the entire surface of the skin. Remember that it is necessary to paint not only freckles. Rastushushte all the transitions. After that, with the help of powder, give the skin covering dullness. Done! There is no more pigmentation on your face. You can begin to apply makeup.

The second method: the use of glycerol

Another method that explains how to get rid of freckles on the face at home. It will quickly turn out to be done only for those women who have fat skin that instantly becomes shiny. In the case when the skin is dry, it is worthwhile to look for alternative methods, how to get rid of freckles on the face at home.

So, you need to buy pure glycerin. You can buy this product in any pharmacy chain or professional cosmetics store. Take the cotton swab and type some remedy. Apply a thin layer to the cleansed skin . Choose only those places on which there is a pigmentation. After this, allow the solution to dry completely.

A few days after the procedure, you will find a strong peeling. The processed skin will begin to gradually peel off and change to clean and fresh. Do this treatment better on the eve of the weekend, so as not to be with a peeling face in the workplace.

The third way: almond masks

How to get rid of freckles on the face and simultaneously nourish the skin? Owners of dry skin is ideal for this method. You will need several almond grains, water and honey. Put the nuts in a small container and put it on the fire. Wait until the liquid starts boiling and wait another 10 minutes. After that, remove the softened kernels and mash them. Put in a received weight one teaspoon of liquid honey and add a little water. You should have a consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the mixture on the face and wait 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure can be up to two times a day. It all depends on your employment. This mask not only perfectly whitens the skin, but also softens it.

The fourth way: daily exposure

How to get rid of freckles on your face forever at home? It is worth noting that pigmentation has the property of disappearing and appearing new. That's why you need to constantly adhere to the established rules. If you want the stains to disappear forever from your life, then you need to wash every day with certain solutions.

Set a single rule for yourself. Every morning after awakening, wash your face with sour milk. Then cut the cucumber slice and wipe the skin. In the evening after removing makeup, use squeezed lemon juice. Wipe them face and allow to soak in the leftovers. Such techniques gently cleanse the skin and bleach sun spots.

The fifth method: parsley with milk

This method is suitable for those women who like to carry out a variety of cosmetic procedures at home. Take one bunch of parsley and crush it thoroughly. It is better in this case to use a blender. Add the same amount of fresh milk to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the formulation to the face area and wait 15 minutes.

You can make this mask daily. Milk perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives it a beautiful and healthy appearance. Parsley juice perfectly whitens freckles.

Sixth method: the use of suitable cosmetics

Currently, on the shelves of shops you can find a lot of funds that bleach the skin. Choose the right care for yourself. It must necessarily include peeling, face mask, as well as a moisturizer.

Use these medications as directed. Only in this case you can achieve the desired result.


Now you know how to get rid of freckles on the face for 1 day or longer. If you decide to deal with pigmentation, then start with sunscreen. Apply them to the skin before each exit from the house. It is worth noting that the sun can adversely affect the skin and in winter. Therefore, use a cream with protection constantly.

Remember that these tools have a relatively short action. Update skin protection as needed.

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