
How to dye your hair with tonic - secrets of uniform staining

Today it is difficult to meet a girl who at least once in her life did not try to radically change the image. What are the only ways to do this: hairstyles, clothes, heels, makeup. But the most popular is staining. What if you do not want to spoil the hair with paint or are afraid for the result? It's simple: especially for such cases, there are tonics. How to dye your hair with a tonic? You will soon find out.

Tonic or paint?

There are often disputes about the tonic. Is it less harmful to hair than paint? The answer is yes! Any, even the most mild paint aggressively affects the structure of the hair due to the content of ammonia and its analogues. These substances raise the scales of the hair so that the pigment can get deep inside. But this is detrimental to the hair. Hair becomes thinner, ends break and split.

Tonic does not contain aggressive substances and does not break the structure of the hair. However, due to this and it is washed away much faster. But if you like to change the image or want to update the hair color for the summer season, the shade will be an ideal option, after all, after several procedures of washing the head (from 4 to 6), it will completely wash off. Yes, and the color scheme of tonics allows you to create the most unusual images.

TOP-5 of the best manufacturers

What kind of tonic to dye your hair? The shelves of cosmetic shops are full of different brands of cosmetics. And color shampoo is no exception. Before you dye your hair with a tonic, you need to decide which one to choose. But the top 5 best manufacturers of such cosmetics.

L'Oréal Professionnel

A great choice if you want to get rid of yellowness after staining or refresh the natural color of your hair. Tonics of this brand contain proteins and amino acids that promote gloss. True, finding a tonic from "Loreal" is very difficult in simple stores, and the price for it is not low.

"Tonic" from "Rokolor"

Do you think how to dye hair with tonic at home is fast and inexpensive? Then "Tonic" is your choice. It is possible to find this shampoo in almost any cosmetic shop. Popular tonic from the company "Rocolor" was not only due to the low price, but also due to the rich palette. Here you can find a variety of colors - from blue to violet or pink. Well, if you do not like the result, you can quickly wash off the dye with the help of the "Rhetonics" tool.

Irida from the "Neva"

Also not the last in quality and characteristics shade of shampoo. In the composition there is keratin, which cares for the hair. The palette, of course, is not as rich as the "Tonic", but the basic shades are present in full. The love of the customers of this tonic was won thanks to packaging in the form of three sachets, which are convenient to use and easily fit even in the cosmetic bag.


Another popular brand of tonic in Russia. However, the quality of this shade is much inferior to competitors. When painting, more means are required, and the color is not so stable. But it is easy to find in stores, and the price is democratic.

Color Lux

Belorussian shade shampoo, which is loved by all for the naturalness of flowers. The composition of this tonic has caring and nourishing oils. True, the packaging is initially surprising. This is a regular tube, as in paints with ammonia. But it is not necessary to be frightened, the tonic gives a beautiful smooth tone and does not spoil the hair.

Who tonic is suitable for?

Tonic perfectly suits both young women of fashion, and people of age. He perfectly paints gray hair, eliminates yellowness and gives a uniform shade over the entire length of the hair. Because of the bezammic formula, the tonic does not harm the hair and almost does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Painting tools

For the coloring procedure, you will need patience, dexterity and some tools:

  • Protective gloves;
  • Scallop with frequent teeth;
  • Special brush;
  • Clamps;
  • Protective cape or towel;
  • Plastic or ceramic container;
  • Color shampoo.

How to dye your hair with a tonic?

Before the procedure, always protect clothing from dye penetration. It is also advisable to cover the surface with the oilcloth, where the tools will lie. Tonic is very poorly washed.

Slightly wet your head with a shower or a household sprayer. Washing your hair is not necessary.

Divide the hair into two parts using a comb with a scallop and comb thoroughly.

A small amount of tonic pour into the container and using a brush, gently begin to color the roots, dividing the hair into small strands.

After the roots have been fully developed, use a brush along the entire length of the hair, evenly distributing the tonic.

Once again, comb the hair, then massage them, as if washing your hair with shampoo, and fasten it with clamps.

Leave the tonic on your hair at the right time, and then rinse it to clear water.

Think about how to color the tips of your hair? Tonic can be easily made fashionable ombre. True, it's quite difficult to make the line even on its own. However, in the fashion asymmetry, so that you can improvise.

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