
How to check subscriptions for "Megaphone", or all about subscriptions

Simply now, we have to learn how to check the subscriptions for Megafon. In addition, we will learn how to manage them. That is, connect and disconnect. After all, many subscribers now do not understand why these or other funds are written off from accounts. And practice shows that the blame for all the usual usual paid subscriptions. Sometimes they turn on automatically. This can be a conscious operator action or a normal system failure. So how do you check your subscriptions for MegaFon?

Call the operator

To begin with, you can find out about the existence of any connected service directly from the employee of the company. First of all, we need to call the operator. This is not the most favorite method for a simple user, but sometimes you have to use it. Just dial 0500 and wait for you to be answered. As soon as the operator asks on what question you applied, let us know that we would like to know about the availability of paid subscriptions on your number. Sometimes your surname and name may be required.

The operator will notify you about all paid subscriptions. If there are a lot of them, you can suggest sending them in SMS message. By the way, a very good option: you will have the opportunity to monitor your mobile subscriptions. Megafon also allows you to unsubscribe from one or another service directly through the conversation with the operator. It's enough just to report this.

«Service Guide»

This is a special service that you can use at any time. "Service Guide" will help to answer how to check the subscriptions for MegaFon and refuse them. To work with this application, you will have to go through the registration process. More precisely, to get the password to enter.

To do this, write an SMS message with the text "41". It must be sent to number 000105. You will receive a code to enter the "Service Guide". Log in to the application, and then look at the menu that opens. Choose the "Services" function there, then "Paid Subscriptions". After that, you can read information about all the additional packages you have, and learn how to manage them.

By the way, to visit the "Service Guide" USSD-request * 105 # is used. As soon as you send it, a system menu appears in front of you, where the subscriber can find all the information that interests him. A little long process, but it's worth it.


Having learned how to check subscriptions for Megafon, you go to the next stage, where you need to try to abandon them. To make it very easy and simple. Each subscriber will be offered quite a few alternative solutions. The call to the operator is, of course, good. But sometimes you want to quickly and without help give up this or that service.

Paid subscriptions ("Megaphone") are disabled using USSD-commands. There are combinations for each package. They can be viewed on the official website of the company. Simply send a request for processing and wait for the result. In principle, a very good method. But its main problem is that you will have to learn all the queries for each subscription. By the way, they connect, too, with the help of commands.


How to remove subscriptions on Megafone once and for all? Honestly, some subscribers like to manage connected services via SMS-requests. But this is also not the best solution, if you suspect that there is a huge list of unnecessary functions on your SIM card.

How can I refuse MegaFon packages using SMS? To do this, write "STOP" in the text of the message, and specify the service number through the space. It can be seen on the official website of the mobile operator or by request in the "Service Guide". Send the letter to number 5051 and wait for the result. Most likely, within 5 minutes you will receive a message in which you will be told about the successful refusal of this or that service.

As you might guess, the drawback of this method is the availability of "serial numbers" for each subscription. If you do not know them, you can completely forget about the task. Unless to use a method that will help answer how to check subscriptions for "Megafon" through a computer.

The Internet comes to the rescue

What is it about? The site of the company "Megaphone" is able to help in viewing and managing services on the SIM card. It's enough just to go through the authorization in the "Personal account". If not, register. The services will still appear in the profile. After all, the data is obtained from the sim card. And that's why it does not matter when you registered on the website of Megafon Corporation. You can unsubscribe from subscriptions using the "Personal account" at any time.

Once you have authorization, you need to look in the section "Services". There you will see all the packages and subscriptions you have on your SIM card. To cancel them, just click on "Disconnect" on the right side of the corresponding line. After that, you receive an SMS message with the verification code. It is needed in order to confirm the processing of the request. Enter the code in the line that appears on the screen and press the confirm button. That's all, now you have abandoned this or that connected service.

Go to the office

How to remove subscriptions from Megafon? In order to implement this idea, you can contact the nearest office of the company with a request to help. There you will quickly report on the connected services, as well as offer the latest innovations from the company. It is in the office of Megafon that you can not only learn about the availability of a particular package, but also disable it. Or, on the contrary, connect. Just tell the store employee about your intentions.

This, like a call to the operator, is not the best solution. Why? First, there are always alternative methods of self-service. Secondly, such decisions require quite a lot of time. Thirdly, sometimes explaining to the office staff what exactly you need is extremely difficult. Therefore, "Personal Cabinet" on the "Megafon" website is very popular.

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