
How it is correct: "both" or "both", "both", "wallpaper" or "obi"?

In order to understand what word should be used: "both" or "both", it is necessary to find out to which part of the speech it relates and what rules it obeys.

Varieties of numerals

As you know, there are two types of numerals: quantitative and ordinal. In turn, these groups are also subdivided. In particular, the quantitative divide by numerals, denoting integers, fractional and collective. Deepening into the problem, which word - "both" or "both" - should be used in this or that context, we should dwell in more detail on one of the mentioned groups. This will be collective numerals. It is to them that the word "both" applies with all their word forms.

Collective numerals are not for documents and orders!

This group is called the semantic variety of quantitative numerals, which is mainly used in colloquial speech. Indeed, it is hardly possible to find in the document the words "both" or "both", and if such an incident occurs, it will immediately fall into the section "You can not imagine what you're doing!" Or "Pearl of leaders". It is enough to imagine such a document: "Petrov A. V. and V. Sidorov were repeatedly warned that smoking is strictly forbidden on the territory of the plant, but they continue to disregard the safety rules. Therefore, an official decision was taken: both of them should be fined 1,000 rubles. " Also, for example, the instruction to collect a tent, in which the text compiler will use the words "both" or "both", will look ridiculous: "The kit includes two plastic spacers. They both need to be inserted into special grooves, arranged crosswise relative to each other. " Although at the present time, such documents are not so rare. Unfortunately, the literacy of modern young people is falling, and very rapidly. Therefore, even the instruction with the expression "their wallpaper should be inserted into the grooves" or "their obi need to be introduced" today is quite possible to come across. It is regrettable, but we must admit that many people do not know, we need to write: "both" or "obi", and in which case the word "wallpaper" is used.

The difference between the word "both" and all other collective numerals

Some scholars are inclined to refer this word to the demonstrative pronouns. And the debate around him is still going on. And this is due to the fact that, unlike all the other collective numerals, it varies by birth and can be combined not only with animate nouns, but also with all the others. For example:

  1. Vegetation on both banks of the river was magnificent - a noun "banks" inanimate, masculine, so "both" also has a masculine gender.
  2. Both girls were dressed in beautiful bright dresses - a noun of "girls" animate, feminine, so the word "both" is used in the form of a feminine gender.

The declension of the collective numeral "both"

All words for communication in the sentence are changed by case. The collective numeral "both" also leans, and in three variants, according to the genus of the noun with which it is used. However, the change in the cases in the middle genus completely coincides with the forms of the masculine, so on this variant one should not focus attention. This collective numeral is declined in the same way as the full adjective of the soft variant in the plural. Another thing to remember is that the basis in the masculine gender will be obo, and in the female, obe-.

The infra-redal is both (m.), Both (l.).

Rectal processes - both (m.p.), both (l.).

D.P. - to both (m.), Both (zh.p.).

Centaurus - both (m.), Both (zh.p.).

T.p. - both (m.p.), both (l.p.).

Petrograds - both (m.), Both (zh.p.).

The most common mistakes in the use of word forms of the collective numeral "both"

  1. Quite often people say instead of the word "both" similar in sounding "wallpaper". However, it should be understood that these are completely different concepts. After all, "wallpaper" - it's tapestries, which paste on the walls, the material to cover. And this word is not connected in any way with the numeral meaning the pair of something. And the expression "Wallpaper cheerfully smiled at each other and showed languages!" Cartoonists portray a funny picture.
  2. The use of the masculine form of the collective numeral "both" in relation to the feminine noun and vice versa, for example: "On both sides of the river there are fishermen of different ages". Naturally, you need to say and write like this: "On both sides of the river there are fishermen of different ages." However, if the noun to which the collective numeral belongs refers to a feminine gender, then the form will need to be used correspondingly. For example, it will be about the parties. This noun refers to the feminine gender. How to correctly say: "on both sides" or "on both sides"? In this case, a variant of the feminine gender is chosen. That is, it will be appropriate to use the phrase "on both sides." For example: "The drawers of the dresser were covered with washable wallpaper on both sides."
  3. Along with the confusion in the use of expressions "on both sides" or "on both sides," some are tormented by the question of whether there is a collective numeral "obi." The answer is unequivocal: there is no such form for this word, and it never was!

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