
How and what use ointment with bruises?

The most common type of injury is a bruise, because you can get it in everyday life on the street, at home, working in the garden or at the cottage. Most often, the head, hands and feet suffer from bruises, and the vessels, nerves and muscles are injured. As a result of bruises, bruises, bruises, swelling and swelling form. How to provide first aid and how to treat bruises?

First of all, an ice bag or a towel moistened with cold water should be applied to the injured place. If there is a scratch in the place of the bruise, a scratch, it needs to be disinfected, burned with iodine or alcohol.

One day after getting the injury, the place of the injury can begin to be massaged. Self-massage helps with joint damage, relieves pain, improves blood circulation and metabolism, promotes accelerated resorption of hematomas and edema. First, massage the site located above the site of the injury, for 4-5 minutes twice a day. Use kneading, stroking, squeezing. After two or three days, they go directly to the injured area, lightly stroking it and stretching it, and then proceed to a deeper effect. It is also recommended to use with warming massage applications of paraffin or simply warm water. On the area of the bruise on the second day you can apply warming compresses.

Throughout the period of the treatment of the injury, various ointments are used that have warming, restoring blood circulation and damaged vessel walls and anesthetic effect. A unique antiseptic and anti-inflammatory property is possessed by ointment with bruises - balsam "Rescuer forte". This drug well anesthetizes the place of injury, and also removes the edema and stimulates the recovery processes. The composition of this ointment with bruises includes only natural components that do not cause negative reactions on the skin.

When using such medicinal ointments as Viprosal, Virapin, Vipratox, which have anti-inflammatory and warming properties, a preliminary skin test should be performed. If the drug is well tolerated, a small layer is applied to the diseased area and with light circular motions, the ointment is rubbed with bruises until light burning and heat develops. If the place of the injury is too painful, then rub the ointment can be a little higher, or just below the localization of pain, the blood vessels will still be delivered to the blood vessels as intended.

On the first day of the ointment with bruises it is better to apply before bed. With a positive reaction, on the second day the drug is applied already three times during the day, and starting from the third day of treatment - the ointment is applied twice - in the morning and in the evening, but the amount is increased.

Strongly acting drugs, for example, "Finalgon", should be used cautiously. First, a small amount of ointment is applied to the sore spot. With a favorable effect, the dose can be gradually increased. It should be borne in mind that the "Finalgon" ointment forms a protective film on the skin, which prevents penetration of the drug under the skin during repeated use. Therefore, before the next use, the area of the injury should be rinsed with warm water.

Well showed itself in the treatment of bruises, especially the elbow and knee joints, a drug based on comfrey. It relieves swelling and pain with joint mobility. This ointment with bruises contains allantoin - a substance that has regenerative and regenerative functions. Thanks to it, the growth of cartilage, bone and muscle cells is increasing.

Another well-proven ointment with bruises - "Extreme" on the basis of bee venom. It relieves pain, regenerates and repairs tissues, resolves hematomas.

Using a different ointment with bruises, it is necessary to study the instructions and methods of its application.

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