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Heater of running water: types and features

The problems that often occur in public utilities and lead to the lack of hot water, stimulate us to buy water heaters. And if you have to look for a place for the boiler, the heater of running water - the device is compact (some models can even be called miniature). For such a device, you can find a place even in the smallest room. The main advantage Flowing water heaters is their small size and rapid heating of an unlimited amount of water. This is really convenient: immediately after turning on the device, get warm or hot water at the outlet.

Types of running water heaters

By the type of heating element, these devices are gas or electric. A running water heater running on gas is the most economical option: gas costs less than electricity. And the efficiency of heating in the units of this type is higher: water is heated in a pipe-heat exchanger, which is heated by a gas burner. Modern models of gas columns have the function of electric ignition, and many allow you to set the temperature of the water at the outlet. This is convenient if you are going to use a flow-through water heater for a shower. For safety, the "Gas Control" function is available: when the gas is lost, the column automatically turns off. There are also sensors that monitor the water temperature: if it approaches the boiling point, the flame is extinguished, the column remains in working order.

Flowing water heaters have long and firmly established in dachas and in country houses, in apartments where there is no natural gas. Most often they have a large capacity, which allows you to quickly heat large amounts of water. But more power leads to the need to conduct a separate power line (if it was not provided earlier). A separate line is a security guarantee, and you should not neglect this requirement. In addition, if the power exceeds 10 kW, a three-phase power supply is required. If this is a problem, select a less powerful model.

Installation of an electric instantaneous water heater

Heating of water in this type of device occurs in a flask in which a heating element or a spiral is placed. If you have a hard water, it is advisable to choose a flowing water heater with a spiral: the construction of this heating element prevents the formation of scale, which significantly extends the life of the device. The maximum temperature of heating - 55-57 o C, this is enough to take a shower or wash dishes.

Price policy

The price of a flowing water heater depends on its capacity, manufacturer and technical characteristics. The most budgetary option is available for $ 45-50. But its service life (even under normal operating conditions) does not exceed two years. With an increase in prices, the working resource also grows. There are models, the cost of which is thousands of dollars, but these models have a built-in microcomputer that monitors the water temperature with very high accuracy.

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