HealthAlternative Medicine

Golden root: medicinal properties and indications for use

This plant is nicknamed in the people by the golden root in gratitude for the irreplaceable, revered by magic healing properties. Officially, science calls it rhodiola pink, but to this day the "right" name is known less than the popular one. The most healing in this herb is its spine. That is why in ancient times for the root was given that amount of gold, how much it weighed. Maybe this is one of the reasons for the people's name of the plant.

Myths, legends and beliefs

In folk medicine at all times, the golden root was valued , the medicinal properties of which aroused reverence. Widely known is the Chinese story of a rich merchant, who built a path from the coins and silk to the site of the birth of rhodiola rosea.

In Altai, it is still believed that finding the golden root will find happiness, health and luck, and its life age will last for two centuries. However, in the same place, this plant is considered a symbol of justice and unselfishness. If you dig up the magic root for profit or buy it from a greedy, greedy seller, luck will leave you, money from the family will go away, and no measures will help to avoid poverty.

Altaians for the wedding gave the groom, along with the maral pantami golden root, the medicinal properties of which not only strengthened health, but also guaranteed that the marriage would not be fruitless.

Main directions of use

There are several areas where the golden root is applied. Its therapeutic properties are mainly aimed at strengthening immunity, relieving fatigue and nervous tension. The latter is especially true in our time, when without stress, there is not a single day. The ability of the rhodiola to increase, increase both mental and physical performance is also noted.

If earlier this plant was considered to be exclusively a folk remedy, from the sixties of the last century it has been recognized as traditional medicine as a stimulant for the CNS. It is prescribed for neuroses, vegetative dystonia, neurasthenia. With a nervous exhaustion, too, the golden root will help - its healing properties are very similar to the effect of ginseng.

No less valuable is rhodiola rosea and as a kind of antidote: it increases the body's resistance in the event of chronic poisoning. This is very useful for those associated with insecticides used in agriculture.

Apply the golden root (healing properties allow it) and with problems with the heart - it strengthens the heart muscle. Using it, heals uterine and internal bleeding. Rhodiola rosea is also good for getting rid of some diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Cautions for use: diseases

In principle, the plant is useful not only for the sick, but also for quite healthy people. In the Altai, it is drunk in the form of tea for general health purposes. But, like any medicine, it can become a poison.

So, having behind a shoulders any constant disease or being the elderly person, before to begin treatment by a gold root, it is necessary to consult to the doctor not to aggravate the basic illness. Age features of the organism also impose their limitations. They can conflict with the effect that the golden root gives. The instruction, of course, will warn you about it, but the doctor will better understand how safe and useful for you are the preparations of the rhodiola.

Do not also drink the tincture of this plant for hypertension (or even a random, one-time increase in pressure) or if you are fever. To avoid it it is necessary and during an emotional overstrain: the rhodiola only will strengthen exaltation, but will not bring simplification. It is better to sleep, bounce back naturally, calm down and only have a cup of tea with a magical root in the morning.

Precautions for use: do not overdo it.

But even if you do not have any contraindications to the use of this medicinal plant, remember that you can not continuously drink tea and tinctures from it. The energy of a living organism is not infinite. If you constantly use even such "benevolent" stimulants as the golden root, you can imperceptibly bring yourself to complete exhaustion. So after five days, during which the tincture of the golden root is taken (on vodka, for example), a one-week break is mandatory.

Features of tea

In terms of general health promotion, improvement of well-being and stimulation of working capacity, Altaians recommend tea. The preparation of it is significantly different from the usual: if it is necessary only to insist, then the drink from the rhodiola will also have to boil. And raw materials need very little: a liter of boiling water is enough tea spoon. To boil the "elixir of health" will be from 7 to 10 minutes, and then it should be insisted for half an hour, and better - wrapped. Get a very tasty liquid with a light pink fragrance. The color of this tea is also unusual. Depending on the quantity and quality of the root, it can be reddish-brown or (with a transition through all the accompanying shades) dark purple. You can drink it without any additives, but you can also sweeten it. In the latter case, it is better to put honey.

A warning

Despite external harmlessness, the tea from the golden root is a very, very strong stimulant! Its effect is superior to ordinary teas, and even coffee. For daily use this drink is not suitable! But in the case of exams, annual reports or other urgent, but not frequent work will become an indispensable assistant.

However, even in such extreme situations it is not recommended to drink "gulls" more than two or three glasses a day. Otherwise, you can completely exhaust your nervous system.

Combining Rhodiola with other plants

For colds or flu, stomach disorders, weakness during recovery, another drink, also containing a golden root, will work well. Recipes of alternative medicine are advised to combine the rhodiola with the leaves of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants (black) and badan. Plus, in the same collection should include flowers of tent and St. John's wort, as well as herb thyme. All components are taken in equal parts by weight. Two large spoons an hour are infused in a liter of steep boiling water. The drink is not very tasty, so when you use it without honey or sugar can not do. Stimulation in this case is very mild, in addition, metabolism is restored. And you can drink this tea for a long time, until the general condition is normalized.

Purpose of tincture

Such a preparation from rhodiola has, in principle, the same basic purpose as tea, but in those cases where a faster effect is required, it is still quite concentrated. For the same reason, it is better to consult a doctor. How is the golden root (tincture) usually taken? The instruction recommends 20 drops for half an hour before meals three times a day. However, in the presence of hypertension, you need to start with five drops, carefully watching your health and monitoring the fluctuations in pressure. In the case of a normal course of treatment, the dose gradually rises.

Unlike tea, tincture is applied externally. She is treated with wounds and skin diseases, abscesses, rashes and conjunctivitis. In this case, poultices or lotions are made. Used tincture and for dental purposes - to treat wounds on the gums, palate and tongue. In this case, or are cauterized, or rinses are appointed.


After the recognition of rhodiola pink traditional medicine medication "Golden Root" was freely available in the pharmacy. However, it is easy to prepare it yourself - so you will definitely be sure of the quality of the medicine used. Moreover, to get raw materials, now you do not need to go to the taiga and look for treasured places: this plant has long been adopted in the country garden and does not present any difficulties in growing. The main thing in this business is to properly prepare the roots, that is, to observe certain rules. The first of them is to dig for the medicine only those plants that are more than 3 years old. The second: you can start digging in July, but finish - not later than September. Third: the cleared, whole and not rotten roots are first dried in a shade and only then cut into segments of centimeters of 10 and dried at 50 degrees.

Preparation of the tincture itself is extremely simple: the raw material (50 g) is finely chopped, folded into a bottle and filled with half a liter of alcohol (40 degrees, no more). It is necessary to insist in warmth and darkness for two weeks. As you can see from the strength of alcohol, the tincture of the golden root on vodka will not be worse, just take it of good quality and without extra additives. Actually, pharmacy alcohol is therefore recommended for the preparation of medicines, which does not contain foreign impurities.

Even if you are not worried about anything and you are relatively healthy (absolute health in our world, alas, is unattainable), it is worth to drink tea or a tincture of a golden root once a year. Immunity will become stronger, the remnants of avitaminosis will disappear, which you did not even suspect, sleep and nerves become calmer. Health and prosperity!

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