HealthDiseases and Conditions

Fainting condition: causes and first aid

которого будут рассмотрены далее, не является болезнью. The fainting condition, the reasons for which will be discussed further, is not a disease. It is expressed in a short-term loss of consciousness. This condition is determined by acute reduction of cerebral blood supply, accompanied by a violation of cardiovascular activity. Its scientific name is syncope. Let us consider why a fainting can occur . синкопе также будут описаны в статье. Symptoms of syncope will also be described in the article.


First of all it is necessary to say that even a healthy person is not insured from a syncope, so you should not rush to treat it as a sign of any serious pathology. However, when a syncope occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist. In practice, they distinguish between true syncope and states that resemble it. The first include:

  1. Neurocardiogenic form.
  2. Orthostatic collapse. обусловливается замедлением кровотока мозга при резком перемещении тела в вертикальное положение из горизонтального. This fainting condition is due to a slowing of the blood flow of the brain when the body is moved to a vertical position from the horizontal position.
  3. Arrhythmogenic syncope. He is considered the most dangerous. In this case, the prerequisites are morphological changes in the vessels and heart.
  4. Loss of consciousness due to cerebrovascular disorders. These include changes in the blood vessels of the brain, a disorder of blood supply.

Some states are called syncopes, but they are not considered syncope, despite the fact that they look very much like him. They include:

  1. Loss of consciousness due to metabolic disorders. For example, glycemia - a decrease in glucose, hyperventilation with a decrease in carbon dioxide, oxygen starvation.
  2. Epileptic attack.
  3. Ischemic transient attack of vertebrogenic nature.

Other forms

Some conditions resemble syncope, but are not accompanied by loss of consciousness. Among them:

  1. Cataplexy is a short-term relaxation of the muscles. Man in this case can not keep his balance and falls.
  2. Syncopal states of psychogenic origin.
  3. Suddenly, an impaired coordination of movements - ataxia in acute form.
  4. Transient attack associated with circulatory disorders in the carotid arteries (carotid basin).

Neurocardiogenic form

It is believed that this is the most common fainting condition. его возникновения не связаны, как правило, с изменениями в сердце и сосудах. The causes of its occurrence are not related, usually with changes in the heart and blood vessels. It is caused by the most common domestic factors. возникает в транспорте, душном помещении, вследствие стресса. For example, an unconscious condition occurs in transport, a stuffy room, due to stress. Syncope also occurs when performing various medical procedures. It is worth saying that the arterial pressure, which falls with a faint, normally has a normal level. From this it follows that all "responsibility" for the occurrence of an attack is placed on the nervous vegetative system, in particular, on its parasympathetic and sympathetic departments. Under the influence of some circumstances they cease to function in concert, dizziness, weakness begins . такого рода у подростков и детей заставляет родителей испытывать тревогу. Fainting condition of this kind in teenagers and children makes parents feel anxious. However, the words that syncope is not caused by serious pathologies, do not usually soothe adults. It is worth saying that in many respects the fears of the parents are fully justified. сопровождается падением, что, в свою очередь, может привести к серьезным травмам. Fainting is accompanied by a fall, which in turn can lead to serious injuries.

Basic prerequisites

Fainting can occur for a variety of reasons. They can be serious and, in general, banal. Among the main prerequisites should be noted:

  1. Heat. The concept of "high temperature" by different people is treated differently. Some feel quite normal at 40 degrees, and for someone and 25-28 - already unbearable heat, especially indoors. As a rule, such fainting occurs in transport in the summer. The situation is complicated by factors such as a large crowd of people, different smells.
  2. Prolonged absence of water and food. In fainting enough people often fall, seeking to lose weight quickly or forced to significantly reduce the amount of food taken.
  3. Diarrhea, vomiting, loss of a large amount of fluid.
  4. Feeling of anxiety, accompanied by rapid breathing.
  5. Pregnancy. It is accompanied by a variety of disorders. Among them - a decrease in pressure, frequent urination, nausea. при беременности – явление достаточно частое. Fainting during pregnancy is a fairly frequent phenomenon. Moreover, it is syncope that often testifies about it.
  6. Food poisoning. Shock, pain often accompany dizziness. An unconscious condition can be caused by a nervous shock.
  7. Rapid hemorrhage. Often donors lose their consciousness during the delivery of blood. This is not because a certain volume of fluid has left the vessel, but because the body failed to activate the protective mechanism in time.
  8. Kind of blood or wounds. It is worth saying that in these cases, the consciousness is losing more often than men.
  9. Side effect of some medicines.

Pathological background

They include:

  1. Hypovolemia. When the volume of circulating blood decreases rapidly due to the use of vasodilators and diuretics, a person loses consciousness.
  2. Reducing the sugar content (hypoglycemia).
  3. Anemia (anemia).
  4. Infarction, subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  5. A number of endocrine pathologies.
  6. Volumetric education in the brain that hampers blood supply.

Most often, fainting is caused by changes in the functioning of the vascular system, associated with a decrease in pressure. In such situations, the body does not have time to include protection in a short time, to adapt to the conditions. The pressure decreases, the heart does not have time to increase the ejection, the blood, accordingly, will not bring the required amount of oxygen to the brain.

Symptoms of fainting

First of all, a person becomes ill. As a rule, such a word patients characterize their condition. Next comes a cold sweat. Then the nausea begins, the legs are shaken. Externally there is pallor of the skin. In the ears begins to ring, before the eyes - flies flies. Before losing consciousness begins dizziness. наступает достаточно быстро. The unconscious state comes quickly enough. The person loses consciousness. At the same time, his face has a grayish shade. His pressure is reduced, the pulse is weak and, as a rule, quickened. However, bradycardia (slow rhythm) is not excluded. The pupils of the patient are dilated, but the reaction to light is present, albeit with a delay. Usually after a few seconds a person comes to himself. If the attack lasts longer (from five or more minutes), there may be convulsions, involuntary urination. Unconscious people may find that an epileptic seizure has begun.

What to do?

Often, the recovery comes without medical help (if there are no injuries and syncope was short). However, it is necessary to ease the after-unconscious condition. If a person has lost consciousness, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Spray on the face with water (cold).
  2. Transfer the victim to a horizontal position. At the same time under the feet you need to put a pillow or roller to keep your head below their level.
  3. Loosen the tie, unbutton the gate, ensuring air access.

Many eyewitnesses begin to immediately grab for ammonia. But it must be taken into account that it is necessary to handle it with care. In particular, you can not bring a cotton wool soaked with ammonia, very close, as a sharp inhalation of fumes can cause a reflex stop of breathing. With regard to emergency care, its delivery is more associated with the elimination of the cause of syncope or its consequences (traumatic brain injury, cuts, bruises, etc.). Meanwhile, one should not hope to find out the prerequisites for a protracted syncope without having a proper education. A sharp syncope can be associated with serious vascular pathologies. In this regard, the most reasonable solution is to call an ambulance.


In the first place, the victim is examined. In the course of it, the characteristics of the organism are determined, the pulse, pressure (on two hands) are measured, heart sounds are listened . In addition, neurological pathological reflexes are revealed , the activity of the nervous vegetative system is investigated. Laboratory diagnosis involves taking traditional general tests of urine and blood, the latter - also on sugar. Also, some biochemical tests are performed depending on the possible diagnosis. At the initial stage of the diagnosis, the patient is given an electrocardiogram. If necessary, radiographic methods are used.

Main activities

When suspicion of the arrhythmogenic nature of syncope, the focus is on the heart. In particular, the following are fulfilled:

  1. Bicycle ergometry.
  2. Ultrasound.
  3. Radiography of the heart, contrasting of the esophagus.
  4. Holter monitoring.

In stationary conditions, special methods of studying cardiac pathologies can be used. If it is assumed that syncope is caused by organic lesions of the brain or the cause of its appearance appears vaguely, the set of diagnostic procedures is substantially expanded. The above activities can be added:

  1. Radiography of the skull, cervical region, Turkish saddle.
  2. Examination from the oculist.
  3. Electroencephalogram, monitor, including if there is a suspicion of the epileptic origin of seizures.
  4. Echoencephaloscopy.
  5. Ultrasound with doppler (with vascular pathology).
  6. MRI, CT in the presence of hydrocephalus, volumetric formations.


Treatment and prevention of syncope will depend on the cause of their occurrence. In this case, the doctor does not always recommend medicines. For example, with orthostatic and vasovagal conditions, first of all the work goes with the psychologist. The specialist teaches the patient to avoid situations that cause syncope. In addition, training of vascular tone, hardening is recommended. It is necessary to try to be less in enclosed and stuffy rooms, avoid rapid changes in body position. In some cases, men are advised to urinate while sitting. Syncope, caused by a decrease in blood pressure, is usually treated with drugs that increase blood pressure. This also takes into account the cause of the condition. As a rule, it is caused by neurocirculatory dystonia. Accordingly, in such situations, the means that affect the nervous vegetative system are prescribed. Much attention is paid to repeated fainting. They can have arrhythmogenic nature. It must be remembered that they increase the risk of sudden death.


It is impossible to say unambiguously about the danger or harmlessness of syncope. Before the cause of fainting is identified, and seizures periodically disturb a person, it is difficult to predict something. How high is the risk can be determined only in the course of a comprehensive study.

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