BeautySkin care

Eyebrow correction: how to make beautiful?

Each type of face corresponds to a certain form of eyebrows. For example, for an oval face, arch shaped eyebrows are more suitable, for a square one - long, for oblong - straight, for a round face - raised upwards and rounded at the ends. The height and length of the eyebrows are also an important element of correction. Eyebrow correction is a delicate matter. First you need to determine the beginning and end of the eyebrow.

The beginning and the end of the eyebrow should be located in strictly defined places, for the definition of which you need to mentally draw a straight line from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye - the inner one. As an option, you can simply attach a pencil on this line for clarity. Just on the continuation of this line, and the beginning of the eyebrow will be. And the highest point should be located on the correction line on the line, which will pass from the upper lip (in the center) through the pupil of the eye. Our main decoration will end where the line from the wing of the nose to the outermost corner of the eye touches the eyebrow.

Eyebrow correction is performed using tweezers with rounded tips, and the removed hairs are brushed with a small brush. You will also need cotton swabs. Before making eyebrow correction, tampons are moistened with hot water and applied to the eyebrows. For anesthesia, tampons can be moistened with a drug with benzocaine and similarly applied to the eyebrows. After the correction, tampons moistened with lotion are applied to the skin. And for the removal of redness it is recommended to apply tampons moistened with cold water after the procedure.

Correction of eyebrows is done with clean hands, tweezers are rubbed with alcohol, and eyebrows are smeared with cream. Pluck eyebrows many women, but not all achieve the desired result, so before you pick up tweezers, you need to carefully study the recommendations.

Natural in our time is again in vogue, but you can not start eyebrows anyway. However, when correcting, it is necessary to preserve the natural growth line of the hair, and the upper line should not be touched at all, because the high line of the eyebrows makes the face much more expressive. And again: there is a "standard" form that can fit any woman - the nose is slightly wider, and the line gradually narrows to the outer edge.

First, using a special pencil, draw a contour of eyebrows and only then begin to gently pull out the hairs in the direction of growth, moving to the outside of the eyebrow. The skin during correction should be slightly pulled.

After the correction, the eyebrows are given the desired color. To do this, you can use corrective pencil, shadows or mascara, but it is better to make permanent make-up, especially if they are light and rare. Men also have to deal with eyebrow correction, especially when there is such a problem, like fused hair on the bridge of the nose. If a man is also close or deep-set eyes, then the expression looks grim and gloomy.

Male eyebrow correction differs from female one not only in form and method of correction, but also in the choice of color. The main thing in male correction is naturalness. The color of the eyebrows should exactly match the color of the hair or differ very slightly. This can be achieved by chemical staining. The size of the eyebrows in men is determined in the same way as in women. The classical form for men will be a straight, wide line, and this is completely independent of the fleeting fashion.

Finding the right contour is not easy - correction of eyebrows requires serious and thoughtful work of a professional. The best thing to do with this difficult task will be able to cope with the beautician, who will visit once a few months as needed. And then you can make a small correction yourself.

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