
Eye drops "Tobrex": reviews, instruction

What are the properties of the drug "Tobrex"? Reviews about this drug will be presented further. Also we will tell you about what indications and contraindications this tool has, how it should be used correctly, whether it has side effects and the like.

Description, packaging and composition of the preparation

What are eye drops "Tobrex"? Experts say that they go on sale in the form of a transparent colorless or with a yellowish hue solution in a special bottle-droppers with the possibility of dosing (5 milliliters). Each bottle is placed in a cardboard package that has a blue and blue pattern.

What does the drug "Tobrex" contain? Experts say that this solution contains such an active substance as tobramycin. As auxiliary components, the preparation contains benzalkonium chloride, purified water, boric acid, tilaxopol, sodium sulfate and sodium hydroxide.

Pharmacological action of the drug

How do the "Tobrex" drops work? Experts' comments indicate that the drug in question is an antibiotic that acts on a wide range of pathogens. It belongs to the group of aminoglycosides.

In low concentrations, the drug exhibits bacteriostatic action (it stops the synthesis of proteins and inhibits the 30S subunit of ribosomes).

In high concentrations, the drug is able to change the permeability of cell membranes, thereby causing cytolysis. Thus, it exhibits a pronounced bactericidal action.

Properties of the preparation

According to the spectrum of its action, the active substance of the drug is very similar to "Gentamicin". However, it is more active with respect to gentamicin-resistant strains. In this regard, the agent in question is often used in the inefficiency of neomycin-containing drops.

Tobramycin fights well with various infections. However, it is ineffective against some strains of streptococci, which belong to the group D.


Is the drug "Tobrex" (eye drops) absorbed? The feedback from specialists informs us that, when applied locally, there is no absorption of this drug into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

In what cases can the "Tobrex" drops be prescribed to children? Pediatricians say that such a drug is often used to treat infectious and inflammatory lesions of the eyes and surrounding tissues.

Thus, indications for the use of the said agent are the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • Blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Keratitis;
  • Keratoconjunctivitis;
  • Iridocyclitis.

In addition, this drug can be prescribed for barley (meibomite), as well as for the prevention of complications that occurred before and after ophthalmic interventions.

Contraindications for use

What are the contraindications for the drug "Tobrex"? The doctors say that this remedy can not be used only with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine.

The drug "Tobrex" (eye drops), instruction

The patients' comments about this drug are ambiguous. To avoid side effects and overdoses, before using this medication, we recommend that you read the instructions or consult a doctor.

So how should you use the drug "Tobrex"? Instruction, reviews of experts say that it is necessary to dig in one drop four or five times a day.

It should be specially noted that in addition to the drug "Tobrex" in pharmacies, you can also see such drops as "Tobrex 2X". These funds differ only in the frequency of administration. The drug "Tobrex 2X" is recommended to dig in one drop two or three times a day.

Differences of these funds in the frequency of application are due to the fact that the second drug has a more dense consistency. This feature allows the active substance of the drug to stay in the conjunctival sac longer . In this regard, the frequency of its use is reduced without affecting the therapeutic effect.

The course of treatment should be seven to ten days.

If necessary, eye drops "Tobrex" can be digested every 60 minutes. However, after the symptoms are eliminated, you should return to the above scheme.

For a better therapeutic effect at night, the "Tobrex" ointment should be additionally used.


If the drug is misused, and if it is accidentally ingested, there are almost no signs of poisoning. Although experts argue that in some cases, signs of an overdose with this medication may be very similar to its side effects. In such a situation, it is recommended to rinse eyes thoroughly with warm water.

Adverse Reactions

What side effects can drug "Tobrex" (eye drops) cause? Experts say that in 1.5% of cases, allergic reactions are detected in the patients, which are manifested by itching, reddening of the conjunctiva and tearing.

In 1% of cases, redness and swelling of the eyelids, swelling of the conjunctiva, as well as general discomfort in the eye area are observed in the patients.

In 0.5% of cases, patients were diagnosed with chemosis (ie, edema of the conjunctiva), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), as well as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid edges), single ulceration and pain in the eyes.

With prolonged therapy, the manifestation of fungal superinfection is possible.

Drug Interactions

It should be excluded the simultaneous use of the drug "Tobrex" with the following means:

  • "Furosemide" or ethacrynic acid (ototoxic effect is noted).
  • "Carboplatinum", "Capreomycin", "Cepepime", "Teicoplanin" and "Cefotaxime" (nephro- and ototoxic effects are noted).
  • "Vancomycin" (nephro-, oto-, and neurotochemical effects are observed).
  • "Amphotericin", "Cefapazone", "Zifamandol", "Cefuroxime" (manifested nephrotoxic effect).

It should also be noted that the agent in question can not be used simultaneously with drugs that have tetracycline in their composition (due to the content of tyloxapol in Tobrex drops).

special instructions

Unreasonable increase in the multiplicity and duration of the drug can lead to the appearance of bacteria, substances that are not sensitive to substances, including fungal infection of the eyes. If there are signs of superinfection, immediately consult a doctor.


Is it possible to prescribe Tobrex for children? Feedback from experts inform us that this tool is actively used in pediatric practice. It is used for children aged one year and older.

Do you prescribe a drug "Tobrex" for newborns? The manufacturers' comments indicate that this remedy is safe and effective for infants with conjunctivitis. As a rule, such patients are prescribed a five-fold use of the drug within a week.

Lactation and pregnancy

A small amount of data on the use of eye drops "Tobrex" by pregnant women does not allow specialists to draw objective conclusions about the toxicity of the drug. In this regard, during the period of bearing the fetus from its use should be abstained.

In addition, there are absolutely no studies that confirm the ingestion of a drug into breast milk. In this case, you can not exclude the risk for a baby breast-feeding. In this regard, you should stop lactation for the duration of treatment.

Analogues and the price of a medicinal product

Preparations "Tobrex 2X", "Tobrimed" and "Tobrosopt" are complete analogs of the considered means (in terms of composition and form of release). In Russia, the price of this product varies between 150 and 220 rubles. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Patient Reviews

Currently, there are quite a few reviews about the medication in question. In general, they are positive. Patients are happy with the fact that after a short treatment the drug produces a pronounced therapeutic effect.

A large number of people who have been prescribed this drug, especially often noted that during their use they almost never have adverse reactions.

It should also be noted that patients can not but rejoice at the low price of eye drops. One bottle is enough for a full course of treatment, which is quite cheap. By the way, there is evidence that this agent shows itself very effectively when used as drops for the nose in rhinitis.

As for negative reviews, there are not very many of them. Some patients claim that this drug is generally ineffective in the aforementioned diseases. Experts explain this by the fact that each person is unique, and the same drugs can affect different people in different ways.

Be healthy!

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