LawRegulatory Compliance

Environmental Payments for Non-Manufacturing Business

Many organizations engaged in the provision of services, the sale of goods and other non-productive activities, do not even suspect that they are related to issues such as the environment and waste disposal. And even more so, that some environmental payments must be paid for it to the state. But, unfortunately, for legal entities and IP such a duty sometimes arises. I will tell about this in this article.

First: who and for what should I pay?

Legislatively established that the payers are organizations and individual entrepreneurs who carry out a negative impact on the environment. That is, if your company has, for example, computers, fluorescent lamps, a car or just domestic garbage, your company, automatically, is a source of environmental pollution. In fact, in our time there is hardly a company that does not use anything in its activity.

But, fortunately, you do not have to pay for everything. Your burned-out lamps, broken equipment, and other garbage should be disposed of in accordance with the agreements concluded with the specialized companies. Household garbage, as a rule, is thrown out in the special container fixed by your organization by the lessor. Therefore, when concluding a contract for the provision of public services, it is better to be reinsured and specify in detail how much and for what you will pay. This will help to easily prove in case of verification that all requirements of the law are met. After all, the company must pay the environmental charges for the waste of consumption, and you already transferred it to another organization for a fee. Of course, the landlord is unlikely to allow the disposal of electronic appliances, appliances or tires from your car. For recycling of garbage in this case it is necessary to conclude the contract with the profile company. But the recommendations remain the same, as it is possible to describe in more detail the entire "assortment" of garbage. In addition to the inspectors, your accountant will also appreciate this, because by this expense you can reduce taxable profits and no tax inspector will not care.

With cars of the organization the matter is different. Here, your organization, as the owner of the car, has a negative impact on the environment. Of course, it is not easy, because you bought it, and because it produces harmful emissions for the environment. And whether you like it or not, you will have to calculate the amount of the payment at the end of each quarter and make a payment no later than the deadline. And it's better to pay on time, because the fines for untimely, very impressive. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, the fine is from 3 to 6 thousand rubles and is imposed on the person in charge, in most cases it is the general director. In addition, a fine can be imposed on the
The organization and its size will be from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. I want to note that the payment itself is small, if you do not have a whole car park.

And what if you do not want to deal with any incomprehensible calculations? There is an exit! As an option, the registration of a car in the traffic police can be carried out not on the organization, but on any individual, for example, the director or the founder. After that, operate it under a lease agreement. The law does not prohibit this.

Further, secondly: is it enough just to pay for environmental payments?

Not really. If you are legally a payer, then you need to provide a settlement to the territorial body of Gostehnadzor within a specified time. For this, there is an approved form.

But that's not all. To provide this calculation, the organization will have to register. The problem is that there are no statutory deadlines for the production. The term is prescribed only for Gostehnadzor, which must issue, within 30 days, a certificate that the organization is now on their books. Therefore, it's up to you to decide when it's best done. If you do not want to be distracted by representatives of the authorities in the process of the company's activity, it's better to register, immediately after the car starts operating.

In conclusion:

If you decide to be a law-abiding company, you will probably want to know what documents legislatively regulate the issue of harmful environmental impact, the timing of payment and the provision of settlement, or how to correctly calculate the payment. All this information you can find on the site: in the question-answer section.

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