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Do you know how people call a titmouse?

It's unlikely you do not know this little bright bird. In total there are 65 species of tits in the world, 11 of them live in Russia. Tits - why are they called that? It is unlikely that they received the name for their color, in which the blue color is not present in all its species ...

How did the tit get its name?

Etymology (the section on the science of the origin of words) claims that originally this piuga was called zinnitsa because of the characteristic ringing singing: "zin-zin."

How do people call a tit? A little bird, which is dedicated to the whole day of the year. The wise people have noticed the date when the individual-tits begin to gather in flocks, feeling the breath of winter. In the calendar of November this is the 12th in the new style (30th in the old style), the Day of the Martyrs of Zinoviy and Zinoviy. In the people it was known as the holiday of titmouses.

When a bird appears in the children, smiles appear on the faces ... It is interesting to observe it: it is troublesome, quick and very useful. The family of bilberries (which, of course, should be protected) reliably protects the garden from pests. Therefore, how do people call a bird in everyday speech? Invariably - affectionately, and often - consonant with the name of certain species of this bird: azure, gaichka, moscow ... Feel? In all these nice names, people's sympathy sounds invisibly.

Most often in the cold season at people's houses you can see the so-called big tit (its weight is only 20 g). It is this bird that is generally recognized as a songwright. Its trill, mink, whistling and "bell" give the basis for specialists in bird singing to refer it to the second (quite high) category of singers.

Knowing her habits, her unyielding temper, how do people call a titmouse? Birdie free. She does not give in to training, locked in a cage, will zealously fight for her freedom. Few birds will be so worn behind bars, screaming, showing wildness and anger amazing for such a tiny pikuchka. Of course, this is not a predator, but the incompatibility of the titmouse and the stay in captivity are well known ...

Sinichka ... the bird is mysterious

What is the magical name of this bird, how do people call the titmouse, believing in its outlandish possibilities? Nine-word. People believed that it was not easy, it was not simple ... It was given to her to possess a prophetic word. Perhaps, therefore, the people say: "Titmouse feels spring." The prophetic word, sung by the little witch, awakens the nature that has been put to sleep by winter blizzards. And this word can also irritate wounds, and heal them, extinguish a flare-up fire with a poured shower, "open locks," kindle love and hate ... Titus knows whether to come true to the enigmatic or not. She feels the approach of trouble. Therefore, people tried to please her, bring her to the house, crumbling her bread, throwing grain ...


In winter, this bird really needs your help. As if it is said that in winter, hunger is much worse for birds than cold. Build the bird feeder, and in gratitude for this, the titmouses will revive the view from the window.

How do people call a bird-tit? God's bird, that's why they have long been wondering at her. They threw her grain and slices of fat, and then looked that she would first peck. If bacon, then livestock will be multiplied, if the grain - to be prosperous in the household.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the one who killed the titmouse will not be lucky in cattle breeding. And Henry of Bavaria even severely punished people who fished tits: a monetary fine and even violent expropriation of poultry. Probably, he liked this little charming bird. And you?

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