
Deodorant, antiperspirant - how to distinguish and what to choose?

With the advent of hot summer days, the issue of protection from the smell of sweat becomes more than relevant. We go to the cosmetic departments of shops to choose a salvage from wet underarms. Which of the presented deodorants to choose, so as not to lose? The answer depends on the individual characteristics of your body and the desired result. Let's understand, than the deodorant differs from an antiperspirant and in what feature of each of them.

First and foremost, it should be noted that both the first and second means cope with the task of masking sweat. They contain antimicrobials, designed to fight off unpleasant odors, giving the body a pleasant aroma. As a rule, deodorants, antiperspirants have their own aromas: flowers, sea freshness, fruits. This allows you to use them not only to veil the smell of sweat, but also as an easy alternative to toilet water or perfume. What is the difference between them?

Deodorant hides only the smell of sweat, but is not able to fight with secretions. So, using it, you will not cease to sweat, but just remove the unpleasant odor. Deodorants are suitable for those who do not suffer from excessive activity of sweat glands, but wants to smell with a light fresh fragrance.

Those who are less fortunate should choose their second remedy and buy antiperspirant deodorant. The action of antiperspirant covers a wider spectrum. In addition to neutralizing the smell, it also prevents strong sweat secretions, keeping the armpits dry and the clothes clean. Due to the aluminum salts contained in its composition, the flow of moisture from the sweat glands is limited, the pores become narrower and prevent it from reaching the surface of the skin. However, there is a small drawback - aluminum salts can cause irritation and redness in the armpits. To the delight of those for whom antiperspirant deodorant is an important component of daily care, antiperspirants of a new generation appeared on the cosmetic market. They do not contain alcohol, which has been successfully replaced with triclosan or another highly effective antimicrobial. At the same time, bacteria do not just die, but the rate of reproduction also slows down. The skin remains dry much longer and the sensation of freshness does not leave a person throughout the day.

Both antiperspirant deodorant and deodorant simply also contain substances that soothe and soften the skin. These are various vegetable oils and glycerin. And that the skin does not become fat, they contain quartz, which absorbs fat. In addition, water or other liquids are an important element of these hygiene products. They provide a quality application of the product on the skin, be it an aerosol, ball or gel deodorant antiperspirant.

Do not forget that it is important to observe simple, but mandatory rules when using these tools. Apply them only on a dry, clean skin, preferably immediately after a shower. And antiperspirants should be applied only once a day - in the morning. The usual deodorant can be used more often. Enjoy the sun and warmth, while remaining under reliable protection of deodorants and antiperspirants!

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