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Degradation of personality

Knowingly people belong to the class of animals . Humanity like animals only lives by instincts , the main of which is survival. But was it always like that?

People eventually become more greedy, angrier and selfish. Nobody cares about other people's problems, each for himself. Probably, there are few places left on earth, in which really kind and sincere people still live. Well, if you do not count our thoughts and fantasies, and then, rather, only children. Children in our time begin to deteriorate very early. Previously, these were lovely, virgin and pure creatures, but what now? Have they remained the same?

Undoubtedly, in our society, not without good people, but all of us are spoiled by society, it is this. People have new principles and priorities. Everyone is ready to break each other at the first opportunity. Everyone is two-faced, absolutely everything! People from the very childhood are taught not the things, they are taught not the habits, give the wrong knowledge.

But still, I am reassured by the thought that somewhere in the world there are worthy people. They are not spoiled by the surrounding world, although they interact with it. These individual, rare people are, undoubtedly, personalities, and very holistic. Undoubtedly, each of us is a person, but what is it?

All people have their own masks, no one shows their real essence. We all hide what we really are. Yes, yes, THAN, not someone.

If you study history and see what people used to be, in my opinion, from the very beginning of the existence of mankind, it was not without "fools". At all times there were evil and envious people, but still there was more good. Take even, for example, children's fairy tales, they were written in the likeness of society, which is inherent in this or that time. Consequently, times used to be much better than now. And indeed all literature and art is not what it was before. This is not an art that impressed the imagination, mind and soul. Now people have only fashion on their mind. The world is not possible without negative feelings. Utopia is unrealizable. Perhaps, even for the better, though ...

In response to good, in most cases, they respond with evil. We are all subject to emotions and can not always restrain them. And our thoughts are full of evil. We are looking for a reason for scandal in everything. People forgot how to just love ...
With the advent of the Internet and various social services. Networks, people began to not develop, and on the contrary "to roll on inclined". The degradation of personality is gaining momentum, people are becoming more aggressive and inhuman.
In my opinion, we all should take ourselves in hand and do something more worthy. Develop themselves and society as a whole. Our future depends only on us, and I do not think very much who wants their children to live in such future. So it's time to wake up and begin to build a normal life! Our parents raised us not to "spoil" life, but to improve it.

What becomes of the society, what are we doing with it and why? Degradation of personality, is it widespread?

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