
Cosmetics "Natura Siberica": reviews about the unchanged quality

"Nature Siberica", reviews about which there are only the most positive, is a cosmetic firm from Siberia, which produces various means for body care and decorative cosmetics.

Cosmetics "Natura Siberica", reviews about which are well deserved, is made on the basis of useful grasses of Siberia, and also the Far East, and is famous for the maximum high content of plant components. Producers assure that they use at least 95 percent of raw materials of plant origin, and this is invariably certified extracts of plants and essential oils. That is, the products do not contain any petrochemical derivatives, parabens, not too useful silicone and artificial dyes, not natural. Raw materials purchased by the company are grown exclusively in reserves where no one plants chemicals. Confirm the purity, usefulness and environmental friendliness of "Natura Siberica" cosmetics reviews. The company also has a European-level certificate Eco Bio.

Shampoo "Natura Siberica", reviews of which abound with delight, do not contain buyers unloved by sodium laureth sulfate and parabens, which irritatively act on the scalp and destroy the protective barrier. Perfume compositions are selected very carefully, do not have allergens in their composition, and the foaming base consists of natural amino acids. This is a wonderful product: pleasant, useful and safe. It is for these reasons that buyers of cosmetics "Natura Siberica" are happy to give feedback only positive. It happens, of course, that someone does not use shampoo, balm or some kind of cream, but this is due to the individual characteristics of the body, and not because of insufficiently high quality products.

Any series of both shampoos and balsams of this company contains a unique and completely natural extract of a plant called cedar stlanik. It contains amino acids that successfully repair damaged hair and give the locks a natural volume, pleasant softness, shine and splendor. Hair becomes silky, beautiful and healthy.

In stores you can easily find products "Natura Siberica", reviews of which are very often found in forums devoted to cosmetics and caring for the body.

One of the most popular were and remain shampoos and balms.

So, for example, the series for oily hair contains not only stannik, but also an extract of arctic raspberry, rich in vitamin C.

This composition of the products ensures the restoration of the balance of the skin and excellent care.

Line for any type of hair is rich in extract of taiga lungwort, thanks to which the products from it successfully protect the hair from loss of moisture and give shine and healthy radiance.

Well, shampoos and balms for dry hair of the company Natura Siberica, reviews of which are especially bright, can boast not only vitamins, but also contained in them Daurian dog rose, which gently influences and protects the hair.

In the line of care products there is also a shampoo for special care for every day, neutral remedies for very sensitive skin, shampoos against dandruff.

In addition, the masks of this company are very popular, which are rich in oils and extracts of valuable plants.

They can be used to protect hair not only at home, but also in the sauna.

They are suitable for nutrition and restoration of curls, strengthening and strengthening their growth.

In general, this is a wonderful product, rightfully won the confidence of consumers.

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