HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chronic sinusitis: how to recognize and what to do

Many of us have heard about an unpleasant disease - sinusitis, which often occurs with a prolonged runny nose, or is a complication after a flu or cold.

Inflammation is one of the most common diseases of the paranasal sinuses, which are susceptible to a third of all patients who have applied to the ENT - doctors. There are two types of sinusitis - acute and chronic. Let's dwell more in detail on one of them - chronic genyantritis

The causes of the development of chronic sinusitis

Acute sinusitis passes into a chronic form only in the event that the immunity can no longer cope with the disease. The resulting swelling of the mucous membrane blocks the sinuses, the air ventilation stops and, as a consequence, stagnation forms. At the same time, harmful microorganisms in combination with pus and inflammatory exudate damage the nasal mucosa. As a result, the progressing disease turns into a chronic form. Therefore, after a certain time, the disease arises again.

In some cases, chronic sinusitis is a consequence of narrow nasal passages or a curved nasal septum. In children, this disease is often observed in combination with adenoid growths.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

  1. The main symptom of sinusitis is nasal congestion, impaired sense of smell and aching pain in the nose.
  2. The increase in temperature indicates the development of the inflammatory process, noticeable swelling of the cheeks and eyelids.
  3. Quite often there are severe headaches.
  4. Development of chronic conjunctivitis.
  5. Dry, incessant cough even after taking expectorants.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis, in the first place, depend on the form of the disease.

  1. Exudative form - differs a long runny nose with watery secretions.
  2. A purulent form - at a rhinitis of allocation have purulent character, combined with an unpleasant smell.

Unnatural dryness of the pharynx, abundant discharge in the morning hours and vomiting, caused by difficulty in the outflow of mucus - the main symptoms that indicate the development of the disease.

Complications caused by sinusitis

The danger of sinusitis lies in the anatomical features of the structure and location of the nasal sinus. Thin walls forming the sinuses contact the brain, can not always contain the infection. Therefore, the risk of developing meningitis is quite large.

A lot of the accumulated infection affects the orbit. In this case, there is edematous eyelids and their bulge, accompanied by unbearable pain.

Chronic sinusitis can contribute to the development of angina, pharyngitis or dental disease.

In some cases, chronic sinusitis, the symptoms of which we have considered, is complicated by the development of an abscess - pus filled with a closed cavity.

Quite often, chronic sinusitis causes permanent bronchitis and other diseases associated with coughing.

Treatment of the disease

Of course, chronic sinusitis requires a special, professional approach to treatment. Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the causes that cause the inflammatory process and associated with ensuring the outflow of the secret formed. In the absence of the effect of treatment, a radical operation is performed.

How to cure chronic sinusitis with folk remedies? Of course, there are numerous ways to help get rid of the disease. They can be used only in complex therapy with medications.

Treatment with honey and herbs. Add in 1 teaspoonful. Lies. Honey, 3 drops of aloe juice and celandine (or Kalanchoe) and a little salt. Strain through cheesecloth and dig in 3 cap. In each nostril 2 times a day.

Treatment with compress from salt. Compress is an effective method to get rid of the disease. Heat the salt in a frying pan and pour it into a woven bag. Warm up the bridge of the nose with hot salt for up to 30 minutes. After cooling, heat the salt again. Perform the procedure only before bedtime.

Treatment with folk ointment. According to many people, this remedy can cure even a 20 year old sinusitis. Take the following ingredients: milk, honey, alcohol, olive oil or vegetable oil, laundry soap and onion juice of the same amount. Put everything in a saucepan and warm it in a water bath until the soap is completely dissolved. Cool down. Prepare cotton swabs, dab them in a prepared ointment and insert into both nostrils. After 15 minutes, remove it. The course of treatment is 1 month. During the procedure, pus will gradually come out.

Remember, treatment should be carried out under medical supervision. Otherwise, it will be impossible to avoid negative consequences.

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