HealthHealthy Eating

Caloric content of rice and other interesting facts about it.

Rice is undoubtedly a very popular product. It is easy to buy: it is sold in any store, at least one kind. With him you can cook a variety of dishes - both sweet and basic. It is often used in baby food and in various diets - the caloric content of rice is quite possible.

Rice contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients - thiamin, for example, or B2 and B6, amino acids, potassium, phosphorus ... Together they provide invaluable help to our body in several directions at once - nails are strengthened, the intestine works better, Including salt, even slow down the processes leading to skin aging.

All this applies to all types of rice - and steamed, and brown, and black. And, of course, to the usual white rice, so familiar to each of us. The only thing in some sorts of useful is more - the darker the rice, the more useful it is. This is due to the fact that the upper layers of the shell are removed during processing. The shell is dark, but in it the vast majority of vitamins and elements are found.

Caloric content of rice is relatively small - something about 300Kcal / 100 grams. Therefore, it can be safely eaten by those who want to lose a few pounds. The feeling of saturation is, excess weight - no, the dream of all those who lose weight!

However, it is worth taking a cautious approach to rice diets - when we are offered to eat almost the same rice. After all, it is almost absent from the sodium that is important for retaining fluid in the body. Consequently, excessive consumption of rice can lead to unexpected consequences in the form of dehydration. And, of course, it is better to consult with a nutritionist if you are going to sit on a rice diet. The diet should be balanced.

If we just love rice, and do not try to lose weight with it, asking ourselves how many calories are in cooked rice, we are faced with a lot of recipes using this cereal.

The simplest thing is to use rice as a side dish. It is so universal that it is suitable for meat (and almost everyone - chicken, beef and pork, for example, perfectly combined with it), and fish, and vegetables. You can often see ready-made frozen mixtures where rice is used.

But the calorie content of rice is not the most important question when it comes to this delicious cereal. More often than not, rice is asked about how to cook it.

The main rule - rice should be half the water. And, of course, before cooking, do not forget to rinse the rice well in cold water - preferably not once. For different types of rice, the process is slightly different - white friable rice is recommended to cook for 12 minutes, leaving then "walk" for another as much. Steamed rice is cooked longer - about 25 minutes. A brown - pre-wet it should be soaked for 15-20 minutes in cold water with salt, and then cook. It is cooked the longest - about 40-45 minutes.

How many calories in rice boiled - about the same as in dry rice. Here again the color of the grain will become a clue - the darker the rice, the less calories. So, in white long-grain rice - 330 kcal, and in the wild - about 285. Accordingly, for diets or a fasting day, dark varieties will do the best.

To keep as many useful properties of rice as possible during cooking, it is advised to cook it in a double boiler. This is extremely simple: you need to wash the rice, pour it into a special bowl for rice - it's called and set the timer - depending on the type of rice. When the rice is cooked, you need to salt it and everything - you can use. This method of cooking is also convenient because the rice does not need to be stirred, it will not burn and will not stick together.

In order not to experience disappointment from the product, you should carefully consider its choice - pay attention not only to the caloric content of rice, but also to color. Some manufacturers write on packages, for what it is possible to use this kind - certainly, it is more convenient. After all, rice for soup-harcho will not look very much like a garnish to a fish, for example - it gets very boiled.

Bon Appetit!

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