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Astronot eye. Types of astronotuses

Astronotus eye is a bright and beautiful aquarium fish. This tropical inhabitant, belonging to the detachment of cichlids, grows up to 25 cm at home. In the wild, they usually reach 35 cm. Since many owners of aquariums are interested in this amazing fish, it is worthwhile to learn about the conditions of its contents, about the features of its nature and about what Types of astronotus are found in pet stores.


Astronotus belong to the largest aquarium fish. Their torso has an oval shape with slightly compressed sides. Fins relatively large and slightly oblong, but their size depends on the variety of astronotus. These fish differ convex forehead, large head and eyes. The coloration of the ophthalmic astronotus can be different and, as a rule, uneven. The pattern is in the form of spots or divorces of yellow color, often with a black fringing. The main tone of the fish is from light brown to black. There is a large black spot near the caudal fin, which is framed in orange. This part may resemble a large eye, which is why the fish got the name astronotus ocellar. In males, the color is slightly brighter.

Types of astronotus

In nature, there are three types of ophthalmic astronomers. They are "albino", "tiger" and "red". All other known varieties were excreted by humans by crossing. Between themselves, they can differ greatly in color, fin shape and even body contours. This inhabitant is known under the names "Oscar" and "peacock eye", but the international name is "eyeball astronotus".

The content, feeding, breeding of any of the species of these fish is practically the same. Only albinos do not tolerate bright lighting. For them it is important that the light is dim.


These individuals have a natural color. Usually it is not bright and can be pale green, gray, light yellow. These astronotuses have various discreet stripes and an admixture of other shades.


This astronotus ocellate has a contrasting color. More often the main tones are red and black. The name speaks for itself, the pattern resembles a tiger color.

"Red astronotus"

The main dark color of these fish has a light red or orange coating. This species lacks a distinct pattern or distinct contrast lines. The Thai fish breeder was able to get a red Oscar, which differed from the others by the absence of a black spot in the caudal fin resembling the eye.


The natural albino is white. On the body appear red or orange spots that seem to give a shade to the entire fish. Natural albino eyes have a pink, sometimes orange, color. If they are ordinary dark, even if there are no dark pigments on the body, this is an astronotus "lutino". Albinos never have green, brown and black shades.


This astronotus ocellate very much resembles an albino, but still they can be distinguished. Lutino has spots in the fins and tail slightly darker. He also has dark eyes. All coloration resembles the color of a red or brindle astronotus.

The "veil"

This breed has beautiful enlarged fins and a tail. The color can be light and dark, often it is contrast.

"Golden Oscar"

This kind of astronotus is very rare. Its coloring resembles a red Oscar, it also does not have clear lines and spots. But the main tone here is golden or yellow.

Astronotus ocelli - a fish that causes respect for its owner

If you already have fish in your aquarium, it is worthwhile to think carefully before acquiring this inhabitant. This type is powerful, even aggressive. In addition, they frighten other fish and can eat smaller neighbors. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the fish with those breeds that are not afraid of attacks and are close to them in size.

But in this breed there is one important feature. The fish is able to recognize its owner and even with time can learn to take food from his hands. Seeing its owner, the pet can waddle a tail and move his head. This is one of the few fish that is not afraid of man and allows himself to pat. But sometimes she can suddenly bite, leaving a small scratch on her finger from small teeth.

Conditions of detention

A large aquarium is important for these fish. The minimum size is 80 cm in length. Ideal when the volume of the tank is more than 200 liters. Gravel or coarse sand is laid on the bottom . It is important that the water is well filtered, saturated with oxygen and regularly changed. The temperature can be up to 30 degrees, but not less than 22. Large stones and snags are suitable for decorating the aquarium. Astronot ocellar from the family of cychlum in a special way refers to gardening. Algae with long stems, these fish are cut off, so floating plants will do. You can also plant greenery with hard-leaved algae, for example, get Bolibitis and Thai fern.

Feeding the astronotus

At the will of the rivers, these fish eat a small fish. Therefore, the basis of food in the astronotus - a living protein food. They prefer large bloodworms, grasshoppers, tadpoles, ordinary worms, artificial fodder, pieces of fish meat.

Breeding fish

Maturation in astronotus occurs after two years of age (provided that the fish has a body of not less than 12 cm). This breed is very fastidious to a partner, so to form a pair requires a group of Oscars, in which there are at least four individuals, well, if there are more. If the fish is seen as aggressive, it is better to evacuate it.

For the entire period, there is weak constant illumination. Caviar (from 300 to 1800 eggs depending on the size of the fish), they lay on flat stones. Both the female and the male take care of the well-being of the offspring, so they should not be bothered during this period, otherwise the producers can destroy their own clutch. If possible, you can immediately transfer the eggs to the incubator. Fry begin to swim after a few days (from 6 to 11 depending on the temperature). They receive their initial nutrition from their parents. If fries are incubation, they are fed small plankton. When they grow up, they are sorted. The coloring of the kids is very different from the parent.

additional information

The beauty of this fish is mesmerizing, so many in the aquarium already contains an eye-sighted astronotus. The price of this fish varies greatly. Depending on the size of its cost starts from 50 rubles.

If it is planned to keep astronotus together with other inhabitants of the aquarium, it is better to accustom them from youth. It is very difficult to add other individuals to an adult couple. For the neighborhood, other cichlids, chainmail catfishes, six-banded distibutes will do.

The lifespan of the astronotus is about 10 years.

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