
American-Japanese War: history, description, interesting facts and consequences

The American-Japanese War of 1941-1945. Was very difficult and had serious consequences. What are the causes of this bloody war? How did it go and what consequences did it have? Who won in the US-Japanese War? This will be discussed in the article.

American-Japanese contradictions and causes of war

The contradictions between America and Japan have a long history since the 19th century, when the Americans imposed unequal trade agreements on the Japanese. But after the First World War, the situation worsened even more, as there was a struggle between these states for spheres of influence in the Asia-Pacific region. So, since 1931, Japan continues to conquer China and creates on its territory the state of Manchukuo, which was in fact completely controlled by the Japanese. Soon all American corporations were forced out of the Chinese market, which obviously weakened the US position. In 1940, a trade agreement between the United States and Japan was terminated. In June 1941, Japanese troops captured the French Indochina. Soon, in response to aggression on July 26, the United States imposed an embargo on the import of oil to Japan, subsequently England joined the embargo. As a result, Japan faced a choice: either continue redistribution of territories in this region and enter into a military conflict with the States, or withdraw and recognize the US as the leading role in this region. теперь очевидны. The reasons for the US-Japanese war are now obvious. Of course, Japan chose the first option.


The American government was considering a variant of the war with Japan, in connection with this, the army and the navy were actively training. So, a number of military and economic reforms were carried out: the law on military service was adopted, the military budget increased. On the eve of the war with Japan, the strength of the American army was one million eight hundred thousand people, of which three hundred and fifty fighters were in the navy. The number of ships of the US Navy was 227 ships of various classes and 113 submarines.


Japan, in 1941, conducting military operations in China, was already preparing to start a war with America. Japan's military budget at this time amounted to more than 12 billion yen. The number of the Japanese army before the war amounted to 1 million 350 thousand in the land army and 350 thousand in the fleet. The number of the navy increased and amounted to 202 ships and 50 submarines. In aviation, there were one thousand aircraft of various classes.

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, the US's entry into World War II: history

The attack on Pearl Harbor is an unexpected attack of the Japanese Imperial Army's aviation and navy without a declaration of war on American warships and an air base in the Hawaiian Islands on December 7,

The decision on the war with the United States was taken at a meeting of Japanese ministers from the emperor on December 1, 1941. To actively advance the Japanese army in the Asia-Pacific region, it was necessary to destroy its Pacific Fleet, which was deployed in full force on the island of Oahu. To this end, a preemptive strike against the base of the US Navy was chosen. The essence of the attack was that, using the effect of surprise, with the help of aviation, which took off from the aircraft carriers, to make a powerful raid on the base. In the end, on December 7, 1941, two air strikes with a total of 440 Japanese aircraft were committed.

The US losses were catastrophic, virtually destroyed or disabled by 90% of America's Pacific fleet. In total, the Americans lost 18 ships: 8 battleships, 4 destroyers, 3 cruisers, losses in aviation were equal to 188 aircraft. Losses in personnel also amounted to catastrophic figures, about 2,400 people were killed and 1200 wounded. Japan's losses amounted to an order of magnitude less, 29 aircraft were shot down and about 60 people were killed.

As a result, on December 8, 1941, the US, led by President Franklin Roosevelt, declared war on Japan and officially entered the WWII.

The first stage: the victory of Japan

Immediately after the attack on the base of Pearl Harbor, on the wave of success and taking advantage of the confusion and confusion of the United States, the islands of Guam and Wake, which belonged to America, were captured. By March 1942, the Japanese were already off the coast of Australia, but they could not seize it. In general, during the four months of the war, Japan achieved outstanding results. The peninsula of Malaysia was annexed, territories of the Dutch West Indies, Hong Kong, the Philippines, southern Burma were annexed. Japan's victories at the first stage can be explained not only by military factors, but successes are largely due to a well-thought-out propaganda policy. Thus, the population of the occupied territories was told that Japan had come to liberate them from bloody imperialism. As a result, in December 1941 - March 1942, Japan seized territories of more than 4 million square kilometers with a population of 200 million people. It lost at the same time only 15 thousand people, 400 aircraft and 4 ships. The losses of the US only taken prisoners were 130 thousand soldiers.

The second stage: a turning point in the war

After the sea battle in May 1942 in the Coral Sea, although it ended with a tactical victory of Japan, which was extracted at a heavy price and was not as obvious as before, there was a radical change in the war. His date is considered to be the Battle of Midway Atoll on June 4, 1942. On this day, the American fleet won its first major victory. Japan lost 4 aircraft carriers, against 1 American. After this defeat, Japan no longer undertook offensive operations, but focused on protecting previously conquered territories.

After winning the battle for six months, the Americans regained control of the island of Guadalcanal. Later, the Aleutian and Solomon Islands, New Guinea, and the Gilbert Islands were transferred to the control of the United States and its allies.

The last stage of the war: the defeat of Japan

In 1944, the outcome of the American-Japanese war was already predetermined. The Japanese systematically lost their territories. The main task of the Japanese government was to protect China and Burma. But from late February to September 1944, Japan lost control of the Marshall Islands, the Mariana Islands, the Caroline Islands and New Guinea.

The climax of the US-Japanese war was the victory in the Philippine operation, which began October 17, 1944. Japan's losses during the offensive of the US and its allies were catastrophic, three battleships, four aircraft carriers, ten cruisers, and eleven destroyers were sunk. The losses of personnel amounted to 300 thousand people. The losses of the United States and its allies amounted to only 16,000 and six ships of various classes.

In early 1945, the theater of operations moved to the territory of Japan itself. On February 19, a successful landing took place on Iwo Jima Island, which, in the course of fierce resistance, was soon seized. June 21, 1945, the island of Okinawa was captured.

All the battles in particular in Japan were very fierce, since most Japanese servicemen belonged to the samurai class and fought to the end, preferring death to captivity. The most striking example is the use by the Japanese command of kamikaze squads.

In July 1945, the Japanese government was invited to capitulate, but Japan refused to accept surrender, shortly after that the US aircraft hit nuclear strikes on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And on September 2, 1945, an act of surrender of Japan occurred on board the ship "Missouri". This was the end of the war between the United States and Japan, like the World War II, although officially for Japan, the WWII ended in 1951 with the signing of the San Francisco Treaty.

Atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

To quickly end the war with Japan, the US government decided to use atomic weapons. There were several possible targets for bombing, the idea of bombing exclusively military facilities was rejected immediately because of the possibility of a miss in a small area. The choice fell on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as these territories had a favorable location, and features of their landscape provided for an increase in the range of damage.

The first city to which a nuclear bomb with a capacity of eighteen kilotons was dropped was the city of Hiroshima. The bomb was dropped in the morning on August 6, 1945 from the B-29 bomber. Losses among the population amounted to about 100-160 thousand people. Three days later, on August 9, the city of Nagasaki was bombed, and now the explosion was 20 kilotons, with about 60,000 to 80,000 casualties. The effect of the use of atomic weapons forced the Japanese government to agree to capitulation.

Outcome and consequences

After the defeat was declared on September 2, 1945, the occupation of Japan by American troops began. The occupation lasted until 1952, when the peaceful San Francisco Treaty was signed and entered into force. After the defeat of Japan, it was forbidden to have a military and air fleet. The entire policy and economy of Japan was subordinate to the United States. In Japan, a new constitution was approved, a new parliament was formed, the samurai class was abolished, but the imperial power was formally left, as there was a risk of outbreaks of popular unrest. On its territory, American troops were stationed and military bases were built, which are still there.

Losses of the parties

The war between Japan and the United States has brought huge losses to the peoples of these countries. The US lost just over 106 thousand people. Including from 27 thousand prisoners of war American soldiers in captivity were killed 11 thousand. The losses of the Japanese side were about 1 million soldiers and according to various estimates 600 thousand civilians.

Interesting Facts

It is known that there have been quite a few cases in which some Japanese army servicemen continued to conduct military operations against the Americans after the end of hostilities. So, in February 1946 on the island of Lubang during the exchange of fire, eight US soldiers were killed. In March 1947, about 30 Japanese soldiers attacked American servicemen on the island of Peleliu, but after they were told that the war had long since ended, the servicemen surrendered.

But the most famous case of this kind is the guerrilla war in the Philippine Islands, the junior lieutenant of Japanese intelligence Hiro Onoda. For almost thirty years he has committed about a hundred attacks on the US military, as a result of which he killed thirty and wounded a hundred people. And only in 1974 he surrendered to the Philippine army - in full uniform and perfectly armed.

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