
"Ambrosan": instructions for use and feedback

Colds are always taken by surprise. And if with usual ORVI it is not difficult to cope, then with bronchitis the recovery is sufficiently prolonged. After all, in the bronchi appears viscous, severely separated sputum. An excellent medication that can stimulate her departure is the drug Ambrosan. Instructions for use indicate that the medicine is an expectorant. Let's consider, what is this a preparation.

Description of the medicine

The drug "Ambrosan" instructions for use represents an expectorant mucolytic agent. It is prescribed in the presence of viscous sputum in the body, which does not go well from the bronchi.

This medicine provides a number of important effects:

  • Stimulates the secretion of the mucosa of the respiratory tract;
  • Facilitates sputum discharge;
  • Reduces the severity of cough;
  • Lowers the hyperreactivity of the bronchi;
  • Provides antioxidant effect;
  • Reduces pain in the nasal cavity, in the region of the trachea and ear.

The drug should not be taken in combination with antitussive medicines, which hamper the release of bronchial secretions.

It is important to consult with your doctor before using this medication. This is especially true for patients who are diagnosed with hepatic or renal insufficiency. Such people are prescribed a medicine with high caution, since it can aggravate the course of the disease.

Forms of release

The drug is issued as:

  • Tablets (flat round pills of white color);
  • Drops (slightly yellowish, clear liquid);
  • Syrup (sweet solution).

The active substance providing an expectorant, mucolytic effect, as indicated by the drug Ambrosan, is ambroxol hydrochloride.

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, as a result of which sputum is poorly transmitted.

Often, the medicine is used when:

  • Acute bronchitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Chronic bronchitis, in the phase of exacerbation;
  • Cystic fibrosis;
  • Bronchopneumonia;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • Bronchiectasis diseases ;
  • Bacterial pneumonia;
  • Acute laryngitis, pharyngitis.

In addition, the drug "Ambrosan" instructions for use recommends the use of the drug for prevention after surgery. This remedy perfectly eliminates stagnant processes in the bronchopulmonary system.

Dosages of Ambrosan tablets

How to take this medicine? As a rule, the dosage and the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Often the patient receives the following recommendations for the use of the drug Ambrosan:

  1. Tablets should be eaten after eating. Be sure to wash them with water. The liquid enhances the mucolytic properties of the drug.
  2. Adults and children over 12 years of age are advised to take 30 mg (1 tablet) three times a day for the first 2-3 days.
  3. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the doctor may prescribe 2 pills. But in this case, twice a day they take medication.
  4. After 2-3 days pass to the maintenance dose. It is recommended 2 times a day to take 1 tablet.
  5. Children 6-12 years of age, pediatricians appoint 0.5 pills (15 mg) 2-3 times a day.
  6. Babies under 6 years of age, this drug form of the drug is not prescribed.

Dosage drops

This product does not contain sugar. Therefore, it can be used by patients who are diagnosed with diabetes.

Let's get acquainted, what dosages lead the drug "Ambrosan" (drops) instruction:

  1. Infants under 2 years. Doctors prescribe to give such crumbs 2 times a day for 35 drops (7.5 mg).
  2. Babies 2-6 years. The dosage is also 35 drops. But within a day should be used three times a medicine.
  3. The guys are 6-12 years old. At this age, 70 drops (15 mg) should be given. During the day there may be 2-3 reception. It depends on the pathology and condition of the child.
  4. Adolescents with 12 years and adults. It is prescribed to take 140 drops (30 mg) 3 times a day.

Application of syrup

Such a drug is used with pleasure by children. However, "Ambrosan" (syrup) is prescribed not only to babies. This form is also suitable for adult patients.

Let's consider in what dosages it is recommended to take such a medicine:

  1. Infants under 2 years. Such children are recommended 2 times a day to take a syrup of 2.5 ml.
  2. Babies 2-5 years. Pediatricians appoint 2.5 ml three times a day.
  3. Children 5-12 years. The dose is increased to 5 ml. It is recommended to take 2-3 times throughout the day.
  4. Children over 12 years and adults. At this age, patients are recommended to consume 10 ml of syrup 3 times a day.


Ambrosan preparation instructions for use indicate the following restrictions to the application:

  • Individual sensitivity;
  • Pregnancy (1 trimester);
  • Lactation period;
  • Ulcerative disease, in the stage of exacerbation.

Adverse symptoms

In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated by humans. However, in some cases, a fairly negative reaction is possible.

The "Ambrosan" drug warns about the following side effects:

  1. GIT. Patients may experience dyspepsia, heartburn, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.
  2. The immune system. The drug is able to provoke the emergence of hives, rashes, anaphylactic reactions, angioedema. Allergies may occur.

Very rarely the patient has the following symptoms:

  • Dysuria,
  • General weakness,
  • exanthema,
  • Dry mouth,
  • headache,
  • Rhinorrhea.

With such symptoms, you should stop taking Ambrosan's medication and seek advice from your doctor.

special instructions

In addition to the above recommendations, the drug instruction focuses on the following:

  1. Medication can not be taken on an empty stomach. It is very important that the medicine be used after taking the food.
  2. Tablets should be swallowed whole, washed down with water.
  3. The drug can not be combined with alcoholic beverages.
  4. The medication does not affect the management of complex mechanisms and transport.
  5. The substance Ambroxol is able to penetrate the placental barrier. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe this medicine to pregnant women. However, it should be said that as a result of studies and experiments on animals, it was found that the drug does not adversely affect the fetus. Despite this, in the first trimester, as mentioned above, the drug is not prescribed.
  6. The active substance also penetrates into the milk. Therefore, during the lactation period, the use of the medicine is prohibited.
  7. Very carefully it is necessary to treat the combination of drugs with the drug "Ambrosan". The medicine increases the effect on the body of antibacterial agents such as Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Doxycycline, and Cefuroxime. The concentration of these medicines in the blood increases. Therefore, it is important that a treatment regimen is prescribed by a specialist.

Opinions about the medicine

What are the comments about those patients who used this drug for the treatment of Ambrosan? It should be said that the opinion about the drug is mostly positive.

Parents say that the syrup quickly and effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms in the child. In addition, it has a pleasant taste. Kids take this remedy with pleasure.

Pregnant women, whom the doctor recommended taking the drug, show that the medicine in almost 2 days eliminated the cough and eased the condition.

Pills are also popular. They perfectly relieve even a painful cough that does not allow you to sleep at night. However, it is important to adhere to the therapy scheme that the doctor appointed. In this case, patients argue that taking the pill after eating, as recommended in the instructions, does not provoke the occurrence of side effects affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the drug "Ambrosan" is indeed an excellent mucolytic and expectorant.

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