HealthDiseases and Conditions

Adenovirus infection in children, symptoms and clinical manifestations

Adenovirus infection in children, the symptoms of which are quite diverse, refers to acute respiratory diseases that occur with the involvement of the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract. Acute viral diseases most often occur when ingested adenoviruses. They are known 32 types.

Adenovirus infection in children, the symptoms of which are characterized by severe intoxication, rapid onset, high infectiousness, mainly affects the respiratory tract. The disease is attributed to anthroponosis, and its transmission is by air. Adenovirus infection in children is more common than in adults and is seasonal in nature. Most often, outbreaks occur in the winter and spring, during the period of hypovitaminosis. Morbidity in childhood is high also because the immune system of the child is imperfect and is in the period of formation. Outbreaks of the disease are observed in preschool institutions.

Adenovirus infection in children, symptoms and course

The disease has an acute onset. A pronounced clinical picture can be preceded by a prodromal period, which is characterized by general malaise and asthenia. Adenoviruses affect mainly the nasal passages and larynx. In some cases, conjunctivitis may occur. The duration of the disease without complications ranges from five to seven days. When joining complications (pneumonia, bronchitis), the disease is delayed up to a month.
With this disease, rhinorrhea is noted. Detachable from the nose abundant, mucous. If there is a bacterial infection, it can be mucopurulent. The body temperature is high, reaches 38-39 ° C, there are pains in the muscles and joints. The child is restless, whiny. Skin covers are hot to the touch, the face can be hyperemic. When examining the nasopharynx, there is hyperemia of the throat, palatine arch. Swallowing is often painful. The phenomena of conjunctivitis are accompanied by lacrimation and flushing of the sclera. There may be dry cough and sneezing. On examination, enlarged cervical, submandibular and bovine lymph nodes can be palpated.

Adenovirus infection in adults occurs with the same complaints, but the clinical manifestations of the disease are not as pronounced as the child's.

Diagnosis of the disease

In medical practice, the etiologic characteristics of acute viral diseases often remain undisclosed. Only the clinical manifestations characteristic of this or that virus allow one to judge the etiology of the disease. A true confirmation of the diagnosis can serve as an increase in antibodies in sera taken with an interval of several days. The method of immunofluorescence allows you to quickly detect the pathogen. Development of persistent immunity after the transferred disease is not observed. Therefore, within a year the child can get sick several times. This is especially true for children's institutions (gardens and schools).

Healing measures

When diagnosed adenovirus infection in children, the symptoms, or rather their severity, determine the tactics of treating the disease. Uncomplicated forms of the disease are treated at home. For the child it is important to comply with bed rest, as far as possible, restriction of outdoor games. The patient should be isolated (especially from other toddlers).

At high temperature, antipyretic agents are indicated. To prevent complications and reduce the production of inflammatory mediators, antihistamines are used. Antibiotics for viral infections are not used and use them only in case of attachment of bacterial complications. The abundant drink, the reception of multivitamins is shown. When coughing, you can prescribe expectorant drugs. At the onset of the disease, a human immunoglobulin can be administered .
The outcome of the disease is favorable.

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