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Abstract "Enchanted Wanderer". Leskov NS About the Russian righteous

Is it possible to understand the identity and charm of Russian culture, the life of the righteous and the unique Russian speech, after reading the summary? "Enchanted Wanderer" is one of the works that can not be retold without losing its uniqueness and originality.

The protagonist, the peasant Ivan Severyanich, already from an early youth was distinguished by unrestrained daring, recklessness and recklessness of actions. A vivid example is the story of the old monk, whom Ivan accidentally kills in a wild leap. The paradox is that the hero is not burdened by memories of this, he seems to exist outside the life framework. The attitude of the hero changes when the deceased monk comes to Ivan in dreams and warns about difficult trials.

From the very first chapters of the narrative the reader understands that the image of Ivan is written off from the epic heroes - Vasily Buslaev and Ilya Muromets: the same inner power and natural force demanding an exit - this is how Leskov painted his hero.

"Enchanted Wanderer" - a summary of the chapters will consist of a prologue and nineteen separate stories-memories, impressions of the events that the hero experienced. He is spiritually maturing, growing up and beginning to comprehend life in all its diversity. Ivan realizes that beauty is a multifaceted concept. Earlier he could admire only the beauty of horses, and now he admires the burning beauty of Gypsy's gypsy, the beauty of her voice, her movements. This teaches his devotion, brotherly love, the perception of someone else's suffering as his own - the whole storm of passions in the hero's soul can not convey a brief content. "Enchanted Wanderer" - this is the next stage in the spiritual formation of Ivan Flyagin. In his actions, there appears awareness, purposefulness, the desire to "pardon sin," and he travels to the Caucasus, instead of a recruit. Having received the reward for the feat, he realizes the meaninglessness of the past life and wants to achieve even greater purification. The force, which for so long did not find a way out and did not give rest to the hero, was embodied in boundless love for the homeland, for Russian nature, for people.

The summary "Enchanted Wanderer" - can not convey the formal side of the story: it was built according to the canons of "life" - a description of the life of the saints, which had the following structure: "childhood - biography - opposition to temptations." Feeling himself a sinner, Ivan wants to sacrifice himself for the sake of the state, and therefore he tells fellow travelers that he wants to die for the people. In general, the role of the story, oral speech in the story is very significant - they are given the main place in the story, so it's pointless to create a short content. "The Enchanted Wanderer" is one of the works where the dynamic development of the plot and the complex interweaving of destinies are not necessary - the inner experiences of the hero are important here, therefore the first title of the work was "Enchanted Wanderer, His Life, Experiences, Opinions and Adventures." Adventures stand in the last place ...

Such is the image of the Russian "enchanted hero", the characterization of which can not be contained in a brief summary. Leskov, "The Enchanted Wanderer" - a story about the Russian righteous, and read it only in the full version.

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