
Abolition of serfdom in Russia. In what year did serfdom abolish

The legal status of peasants' dependence is called serfdom. This phenomenon characterizes the development of society in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. The formation of serfdom is associated with the evolution of feudal relations.

The origins of serfdom in Europe

The essence of feudal dependence of peasants from the landowner consisted in control over the serf person. It could be bought, sold, forbidden to move around the territory of the country or city, to control even questions of his personal life.

Since feudal relations developed depending on the characteristics of the region, serfdom also took shape in different states at different times. In Western Europe it was established in the Middle Ages. In England, France, Germany, serfdom was abolished by the XVII century. Reforms concerning the emancipation of the peasants are rich in the times of the Enlightenment. Eastern and Central Europe - the regions where feudal dependence lasted longer. In Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, serfdom began to take shape in the XV-XVI centuries. It is interesting that in the Nordic countries the norms of the feudal dependence of the peasants on feudal lords never developed.

Characteristic features and conditions for the formation of feudal dependence

The history of serfdom makes it possible to trace the characteristic features of the state and social system under which relations of peasants' dependence on rich landowners are formed:

  1. The presence of strong centralized power.
  2. Social differentiation by property.
  3. Low level of education.

At an early stage of the development of feudal relations, the goals of enslavement were to attach the peasant to the land allotment of the landowner and prevent the escape of workers. Legal norms regulated the process of paying taxes - the absence of population movements facilitated the collection of tribute. During the period of developed feudalism, the prohibitions became more diverse. Now the peasant not only could not move independently from place to place, but he also had no right and no opportunity to buy real estate, land, had to pay a certain amount to the landowner for the right to work on his plots. The restrictions for the lower strata of the population differed regionally and depended on the characteristics of the development of society.

The origins of serfdom in Russia

The process of enslavement in Russia - at the level of legal norms - began in the XV century. The abolition of personal dependence was made much later than in other European countries. According to the censuses, the number of serfs in different parts of the country was different. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, dependent peasants began to gradually move to other estates.

Researchers are looking for the origins and causes of serfdom in Russia in the events of the period of the Old Russian state. The formation of social relations took place in the conditions of a strong centralized power - at least for 100-200 years, during the reign of Vladimir the Great and Yaroslav the Wise. The main set of laws of that time was "Russian Truth". It contained norms that regulated the relations of free and not free peasants and landowners. The dependents were servants, servants, bidders, randovichi - they fell into bondage under various circumstances. Relatively free were smerds - they paid tribute and had the right to land.

The Tatar-Mongol invasion and feudal fragmentation became the causes of the collapse of Rus. The lands of the once united state became part of Poland, Lithuania, and Muscovy. New attempts at enslavement were made in the 15th century.

The beginning of the formation of feudal dependence

In the XV-XVI centuries on the territory of the former Rus formed a local system. The peasant used the allotments of the landowner under the terms of the contract. Legally, he was a free man. The peasant could escape from the landowner to another place, but the latter could not drive him away. The only restriction was that you could not leave the site until you paid it to the owner.

The first attempt to restrict the rights of the peasants was undertaken by Ivan III. The author of "Sudebnik" approved the transition to other lands within a week before and after St. George's Day. In 1581, a decree was issued banning the peasants in certain years. But this did not attach them to a particular site. The decree of November 1597 approved the necessity of returning fugitive workers to the landowner. In 1613, the dynasty of the Romanov dynasty came to power in the Moscow kingdom - they increased the terms of search and return of runaways.

About the Cathedral

In what year did serfdom become a legal norm? Officially dependent status of the peasantry was approved by the Council of 1649 ordinance. The document was significantly different from previous acts. The main idea of the Code in the field of regulation of relations between the landowner and the peasant was a ban on the latter to move to other cities and territories. As the place of residence, the territory on which the person lived according to the results of the census of the 1620s was fixed. Another fundamental difference between the rules of the Code - the statement that the search for fugitives becomes perpetual. The peasants' rights were limited - the document practically equated them with serfs. The farm of the employee belonged to the master.

The beginning of serfdom is a number of restrictions in movement. But there were also norms, which protected from the willfulness of the landowner. The peasant could complain or sue, he could not be deprived of land simply by the decision of the masters.

In general, such rules enshrined serfdom. Years have gone to complete the process of formalizing full feudal dependence.

History of serfdom in Russia

After the Sobornoye Code, several other documents appeared that fixed the dependent status of the peasants. Finally, attached to a particular place of residence tax reform of 1718-1724. Gradually the restrictions led to the formulation of the slave status of the peasants. In 1747 the landlords were given the right to sell their workers to recruits, and 13 years later - to send to exile in Siberia.

At first, the peasant had the opportunity to complain about the landowner, but since 1767 this was abolished. In 1783 serfdom spread to the territory of the Left Bank Ukraine. All laws that confirm feudal dependence, defended only the rights of landlords.

Any documents aimed at improving the situation of the peasants were, in fact, ignored. Paul I issued a decree on a three-day corvee, but in fact the work lasted 5-6 days. Since 1833 the landlords have a legally established right to dispose of the serf's personal life.

Stages of serfdom make it possible to analyze all the milestones of consolidating peasant dependence.

On the eve of the reform

The crisis of the serfdom began to make itself felt from the end of the XVIII century. This position of society hindered the progress and development of capitalist relations. Serfdom became a wall that separated Russia from the civilized countries of Europe.

It is interesting that feudal dependence did not exist throughout the country. Serfdom was not in the Caucasus, the Far East, or in the Asian provinces. In the beginning of the XIX century it was canceled in Courland, Livonia. Alexander I issued a law on free-grain farmers. The aim was to ease pressure on the peasants.

Nicholas I made an attempt to create a commission that would develop a document abolishing serfdom. The liquidation of this kind of dependence was impeded by the landlords. The emperor obliged the landowners, upon the release of the peasant, to give him land that he could cultivate. The consequence of this law is known - the landlords ceased to release serfs.

The complete abolition of serfdom in Russia will be carried out by the son of Nicholas I - Alexander II.

Reasons for the agrarian reform

Serfdom hindered the development of the state. The abolition of serfdom in Russia became a historical necessity. Unlike many European countries, in Russia industry and trade developed worse. The reason for this was the lack of motivation and interest of employees in the results of their work. Serfdom has become a brake on the development of market relations and the completion of an industrial revolution. In many countries of Europe it successfully ended in the beginning of the XIX century.

The landlord economy and the feudal construction of relations ceased to be effective: they became obsolete and did not correspond to historical realities. The work of serfs did not justify itself. The dependent position of the peasants completely deprived them of their rights and gradually became a catalyst for rebellion. Social discontent was growing. Reform of serfdom was necessary. Solving the issue required a professional approach.

An important event, the consequence of which was the reform of 1861, is the Crimean War, in which Russia was defeated. Social problems and foreign policy failures pointed to the unproductive nature of the country's domestic and foreign policies.

Opinions on serfdom

Many writers, politicians, travelers, thinkers expressed their attitude to serfdom. Plausible descriptions of the life of the peasants were censored. Since the inception of serfdom there were several opinions on his account. Let us single out two main, opposite. Some considered such relations to be natural for the monarchical state system. Serfdom was called the historically conditioned consequence of patriarchal relations, useful for educating the population and an urgent need for full-fledged and effective economic development. The second, opposite to the first, position speaks of feudal dependence as an immoral phenomenon. Serfdom, according to fans of this concept, destroys the social and political system and economy of the country. Supporters of the second position can be called A. Herzen, K. Aksakov. The publication of A. Saveliev refutes any negative aspects of serfdom. The author writes that statements about the calamities of peasants are far from the truth. The reform of 1861 also caused mixed reviews.

Development of the draft reform

For the first time Emperor Alexander II spoke of the probability of the abolition of serfdom in 1856. A year later a committee was convened to draft the reform. It consisted of 11 people. The commission came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create special committees in each province. They should study the situation on the ground and make their own amendments and recommendations. In 1857 this project was legalized. The main idea of the initial plan for the abolition of serfdom is the elimination of personal dependence while preserving the rights of landlords to the land. The transition period for the adaptation of society to the reform was envisaged. The possible abolition of serfdom in Russia caused misunderstanding among the landlords. The newly formed committees also fought around the conditions for the reform. In 1858, it was decided to ease pressure on the peasants, and not to abolish dependence. The most successful project was developed by Ya. Rostovtsev. The program provided for the abolition of personal dependence, the consolidation of the transition period, the provision of land to the peasants. Conservatively minded politicians did not like the project - they sought to limit the rights and size of allotments of peasants. In 1860, after the death of Ya. Rostovtsev, the program was developed by V. Panin.

The results of several years of work of the committees served as the basis for the abolition of serfdom. 1861 in the history of Russia became a landmark in all respects.

Proclamation of the Manifesto

The draft agrarian reform formed the basis of the Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom. The text of this document complemented the "Regulations on Peasants" - they described in more detail all the subtleties of social and economic change. The abolition of serfdom in Rus was held on February 19, 1861 . On that day, the Emperor signed the Manifesto and promulgated it.

The program of the document abolished serfdom. Years of non-progressive feudal relations are in the past. At least, so many thought.

The main provisions of the document:

  • Peasants received personal freedom, were considered "temporarily liable".
  • Former serfs could have property, the right to self-government.
  • The peasants were given land, but they had to work it out and pay for it. Obviously, the former serfs had no money for ransom, so this item formally renamed personal dependence.
  • The size of land allotments were determined by the landlords.
  • Landowners received a guarantee from the state on the right of redemption operations. Thus, financial obligations fell on the peasants.

Below you can see the table "Serfdom: Abolition of personal dependence". Let us analyze the positive and negative results of the reform.

Positive Negative
Getting personal civil liberties There were restrictions in the movements
The right to freely marry, trade, file complaints with the court, have property The lack of an opportunity to redeem the land actually returned the peasant to the position of serf
The emergence of the foundations for the development of market relations The rights of landowners were placed above the rights of commoners
The peasants were not ready to work, they did not know how to enter into market relations. Just as the landowners did not know how to live without serfs
Excessively large amount of land plot redemption
Formation of the rural community. It was not a progressive factor in the development of society

The year 1861 in the history of Russia was the year of a turning point in the social foundations. Feudal relations, which were entrenched in society, could no longer be of use. But the reform itself was not sufficiently thought out, and therefore had many negative consequences.

Russia after the reform

The consequences of serfdom, such as unpreparedness for capitalist relations and a crisis for all classes, speak of the untimely and ill-considered nature of the proposed changes. The peasants reacted to the reform with large-scale speeches. The uprisings swept across many provinces. Over the course of 1861, more than 1,000 riots were recorded.

The negative consequences of the abolition of serfdom, which affected landowners and peasants equally, affected the economic state not ready for changes in Russia. The reform eliminated the existing multi-year system of social and economic relations, but did not create a basis and did not prompt the way for the further development of the country in the new conditions. The impoverished peasantry was now finally destroyed by the oppression of the landowners, and by the needs of the growing class of the bourgeoisie. The result was a slowdown in the capitalist development of the country.

The reform did not free the peasants from serfdom, but only took from them the last opportunity to feed their families at the expense of the landlords, who by law must keep their serfs. Their allotments decreased in comparison with the pre-reform ones. Instead of dues, which they worked off from the landowner, there were huge payments of a different nature. The rural community has virtually completely taken away the rights to use forests, meadows and reservoirs. The peasants were still a disenfranchised estates. And all the same they were considered as existing in a special legal regime.

Landowners, however, suffered many losses because the reform limited their economic interest. Monopoly on the peasants eliminated the possibility of free use of the latter for the development of agriculture. In fact, the landlords were forced to give the peasants allotment land in ownership. The reform was characterized by inconsistency and inconsistency, the lack of a solution to the further development of society and the relationship between former slaves and landlords. But, in the final analysis, a new historical period was opened, which was of progressive significance.

Peasant reform was of great importance for the further formation and development of capitalist relations in Russia. Among the positive results can be identified as follows:

• After the liberation of the peasants, there was an intense trend in the growth of the market of working non-professional strength.

• Rapid development of industry and agricultural entrepreneurship was due to the granting of serfs civil and property rights to former serfs. The estate rights of the nobility to the land were liquidated, and it became possible to trade land plots.

• The reform of 1861 became the salvation from the financial collapse of the landlords, as the state took on enormous debts from peasants' redemption payments .

• The abolition of serfdom served as a prerequisite for the creation of a constitution designed to provide people with their freedom, rights and duties. This became the main goal on the way to the transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional one, that is, to the rule of law, in which citizens live according to the laws in force, and everyone is entitled to reliable personal protection.

• The active construction of new factories and plants led to the fact that belated technical progress began to develop.

The post-reform period was distinguished by the strengthening of the position of the bourgeoisie and the economic collapse of the nobility, which still ruled the state and held power firmly, which facilitated a slow transition to a capitalist form of management.

At the same time, the emergence of the proletariat as a separate class is noted. The abolition of serfdom in Russia was followed by Zemstvo (1864), city (1870), judicial (1864), military (1874) reforms, which were beneficial to the bourgeoisie. The purpose of these legislative changes was to translate the system and administrative management in Russia into a legal correspondence with the new developing social structures, where millions of freed peasants wanted to get the right to be called people.

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