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6 best breeds of dogs for families with young children

Many families decide to have a dog around the same time, when they have the first child. But what breeds of dogs are best for families with young children? This will depend on many factors. First of all, it is worth taking into account your own daily life. Are you an active family that spends a lot of time hiking, running and camping? Or do you tend to stay at home to cook something delicious and enjoy the movie? When choosing a dog, it is worth considering these features of your life rhythm, so that its temperament, size and energy level best suited your family.

The Dwarves

Many veterinarians advise to take the family is a mongrel. Although it will be difficult to understand her character traits, but the shelters often allow the puppy to go home for a while before deciding whether to take him to the family or not. This will help you to understand whether a dog can live in the same house as a child.


The popularity of this breed of dogs increases every year, and it is not difficult to understand why. Puppies bulldogs are friendly, and some owners believe that they can even have a sense of humor. What could be better? In addition, these dogs feel good in urban families.


A boxer is a friendly playful dog that will bring a lot of pleasure to your family. As a rule, boxers are quite active and loving. But at the same time, they can be housewives, that is, adjust to your rhythm of life.


This is a cross between a poodle, a labrador and a golden retriever. Labradors and retrievers themselves are ideal dogs for families, while a poodle is a social breed. Thus, the doodle, who received the genes of each of them, is a good choice for families with children.

Golden Retrievers

This is a very popular family dog, because it is friendly, intelligent and loyal. Retrievers are also known for their patience, which is a key factor for families with young children. These dogs are very playful, so they can spend time with children and sleep at the same time with them.


Labrador, like a retriever, is a playful dog that is great for an active family with young children. Labradors are also very loving and, as a rule, easily amenable to training.

But whatever dog you decide to take into the family, remember that it's still an animal that has its own set of instincts and ways of communication. That's why you should not leave young children with a dog unattended. Just in case, you should always follow if they are playing together. Maybe the puppy will not react when the children start dragging him by the ears or tail, but you can not know when his patience will end.

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