
What does normozoospermia mean? Spermiogram indices

Men, like women, have to take numerous tests throughout their lives. One of the studies, which is conducted exclusively among the male population, is called spermogram. In this article we will discuss this analysis. You will learn what a good spermogram is, and also get acquainted with the concept of "normozoospermia".

What for the analysis spermogramma

First of all, it should be said that not every man needs to carry out this research. Most often requires a spermogram of the husband in the case when the couple can not conceive a child. It always takes into account the fertility of the spouse.

Also the analysis is conducted among those men who want to become sperm donors. In this case, permission to sell your own material is given only to those representatives of the stronger sex who have a conclusion: normozoospermia.

The analysis is always carried out for men who are preparing for in vitro fertilization. This study will be more accurate.

Price survey category

For those men whom the doctor recommends this analysis, the direction is given for free. The state pays for diagnostics and you do not have to spend your budget.

If you pass the analysis spermogramma - completely your desire, then in this case you have to go to a private clinic. Alternatively, an alternative institution may be a public institution that provides paid services. It is worth noting that the cost of the analysis depends entirely on how well the spermogram is described in detail. The price of a standard study is in the range of 1000 to 1500 rubles. If you need a detailed conclusion, then in this case the study will cost more. In this situation, the so-called genetic spermogram is performed. The price of such an analysis can vary from 2000 to 5000 rubles. Such a study is most often prescribed before artificial insemination.

Spermiogram indices

In order for the analysis to be as accurate as possible, preliminary preparation is necessary. Otherwise, the figures may be false. Before the delivery of the material, it is necessary to abandon the sexual life for a few days. Also, you should not drink alcohol and do heavy physical labor.

There are several criteria by which a man's sperm status is assessed. Consider the main ones.

Age category of the male undergoing the study

First of all, the age of the male representative is taken into account. It is worth noting that in men at the age of 20 and 40 the parameters of the spermogram can be quite different, with both patients having normozoospermia.

Volume of the test material in milliliters

The quantity of the delivered material is necessarily taken into account. If the study did not manage to collect all the sperm in the proposed container, it is necessary to warn the laboratory assistant about this. Otherwise, your diagnosis may be false.

The measurement is carried out using a special pipette. The collected liquid should not be less than two milliliters in volume.

Time of liquefaction of ejaculate

After measuring the volume, a study is performed that shows the time of liquefaction of the sperm. Normally, the ejaculate becomes liquid not later than thirty minutes. If after the specified time there is no normal reaction, the liquefaction is carried out by the laboratory assistant with the help of special chemicals. Otherwise, the result of the research may be unreliable.

Acidity of material

After the liquefaction, the acidity of the sperm is measured. At the same time, it does not matter what method the previous stage was (independently or with the help of a laboratory assistant).

In the normal state, the acidity of the sperm should be higher than 7.2 pH. However, it should not exceed 8 pH. Measurement is carried out with the help of special paper, on which part of the ejaculate is applied.

Color and odor of the sample

These indicators are always individual and in most cases do not play an important role in the study. However, they are always indicated in the form with a description of the result.

Number of cells in the material

This indicator is very important for diagnosis. The lab technician takes a small amount of material with a pipette and examines it under a microscope. After this, he performs simple computational actions and determines how many cells are in the entire volume of the liquid. In some laboratories, the quantity per milliliter is displayed. This calculation helps to more accurately compare the results with previous surveys.

Mobility of male cells

This indicator is very important when assessing the result. It should be noted that there are four types: immobile cells, non-progressive-mobile gametes, progressively-weakly mobile and progressive-active spermatozoa.

A study is carried out using a microscope or a special program on the computer. The laboratory assistant estimates the percentage of cells of a particular species. When evaluating the result, in a normal state, the number of active cells should not be less than half, which means normozoospermia.

Morphological study

This type of analysis is not always performed with a standard survey, but the result of the study can give a clear picture and help in diagnosing.

During the analysis, the lab technician produces semen staining. After that pathological cells are revealed. Among them, there may be gametes that do not have a head or tail. Also this part may be of an irregular structure. Morphology always increases the price of research.

Additional indicators

In addition to the above data, the form records such indicators as the number of white blood cells, the content of cells of a rounded shape, foreign impurities and identified antispermal bodies

What does normozoospermia mean?

After examining all indicators, a conclusion is drawn. It is always represented at the end of the form. It should be noted that the conclusion of a laboratory assistant is not a diagnosis. With your results, a competent specialist who will give recommendations and put the final diagnosis should be acquainted.

If you are doing well with spermogram (which means normozoospermia), then you are quite healthy in terms of reproductive function. So, what values should a healthy man have?

The volume of the delivered material is more than 2 milliliters, and the total number of cells is not less than 40 million. Spermatozoa are more mobile. Their trajectory is direct. The time of liquefaction of the ejaculate is no more than half an hour. In this case, the viability of the cells is not lost. Acidity corresponds to the norms.


Now you know what normozoospermia means. Many men after receiving this conclusion start to panic and get upset. However, this term indicates that everything is in order with your reproductive function.

If you are assigned an analysis of the spermogram, then do not be afraid and delay the study. The sooner you learn about your problem, the faster you can eliminate it. Conduct a study of sperm by appointment of a doctor or with your own will. Be healthy!

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