
What are nickel-cadmium batteries

The theme of our today's conversation is nickel-cadmium batteries. They were very common about a decade ago and were widely used in mobile devices. Subsequently, they began to be replaced by lithium batteries. To date, they are still used as power sources, but not in the same quantity as before. Today's use of them is explained by a number of advantages. Here are some of these advantages.

Nickel-cadmium batteries have low sensitivity to the environment. They are practically immune to changing temperature conditions. Charging of nickel-cadmium batteries can be carried out even at negative air temperatures. In this case, no damage to the power supply will not be caused. They can also provide a sufficiently high current strength.

It is also important that nickel-cadmium batteries have a fairly long service life. It exceeds one thousand cycles of charging and discharging. These indicators are one and a half times higher than those that have nickel-metal hydride batteries. The advantage lies in the fact that this device has rather low operating requirements, it is able to restore its original capacity even after a long period of non-use.

Now I will tell you about the working substance that nickel-cadmium batteries have. These are very small crystals. It is in this form that they provide the maximum area of their contact with the battery electrolyte. When the conditions for the use of batteries are violated , these crystals begin to increase in size. At this point, the voltage decreases, as well as the loss of working capacity.

It is worth noting that nickel-cadmium batteries are very sensitive to various mechanical loads or impacts. Since when striking sharp edges of crystals are able to pierce the dielectric membrane. This leads to a short circuit of the battery or a quick self-discharge. Remember that for a long time to save the capacity of your power source, you must periodically perform a full discharge. This process makes it possible to remove the memory effect.

I also want to say a little more about the drawbacks of this battery. Let's start with self-discharge. Its indicator reaches a point of ten percent. And this is only a day after full charging. Also, it should be noted that the small bulk density of its charge leads to the fact that the manufacturer is forced to increase the dimensions and mass of the device.

When the battery fails, it can not be disposed of in a trash can. Since the constituent substance of the battery is cadmium, it can damage the environment by its harmful properties. Therefore, all failed power sources are subject to a special disposal procedure. This also causes some inconvenience.

All this has led to the fact that every year manufacturers of mobile gadgets refuse to equip their devices with such power sources, they prefer more modern and functional batteries.

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