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Vinegar from nail fungus on legs: reviews, application features and efficacy

Fungus is definitely an unpleasant disease, from which, alas, no one is immune. It arises suddenly, bringing a lot of problems, ranging from intolerable itching and ending with an absolutely unaesthetic kind of legs.

Fortunately, this ailment is easily eliminated even by improvised means. Let's talk about how ordinary vinegar from nail fungus on legs can help. Feedback and results are inspiring!

Risks of infection with foot fungus

Official medicine has long attributed the fungus to the so-called public diseases. Not surprisingly, it is only necessary to find out a list of places where they can get infected: swimming pools, baths, saunas, bathrooms, beauty salons, shoe stores, and even beaches.

People of different age and sex are affected. However, there is a certain risk group. These are people with weakened immunity, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland.

Whether it is necessary to address to the doctor?

If you develop suspicious symptoms such as itching, sharp unpleasant foot odor, noticeable defects of the nail or swelling, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor for tomorrow.

It is not recommended to diagnose the fungus independently, as it can be a banal eczema, which should be treated under the strict guidance of a specialist. 100% probability can only give the ultraviolet lamp of Wood.

Nail fungus on legs: treatment and prevention with vinegar

At first glance, it may seem incredible, but vinegar will help cure the fungus. Yes, you did not misunderstand, ordinary, vinegar available to all 9% !

Today, there are many ways to get rid of the fungus with the help of vinegar. But it is worthwhile to understand that any self-treatment is fraught with harmful consequences. The best option is to use it as an auxiliary to the basic treatment.

If you do not have time to go to the doctors, and the confidence in the correct diagnosis is unshakable, you can definitely start using vinegar from the nail fungus on your legs. Feedback from those who have already tried the tool on themselves, inspire confidence, and most importantly, the belief in a speedy recovery.

Useful properties of vinegar

Vinegar is widely known for its useful fortifying properties. It was used by ancient Egyptian women to improve their skin. At that time he acted as an antiseptic and was actively used to create medicines. Cleopatra herself used vinegar to preserve the delicate skin of the body, hands and feet.

Time passed, and vinegar only gained its popularity. Today it is used as a universal folk remedy, which does not have any serious contraindications. However, it should be said that some doctors still decide to challenge this claim.

Features of using vinegar

Extremely effective treatment of nail fungus legs with vinegar. The reviews confirm this fact. His influence on the disease is easily explained from a medical point of view.

Vinegar creates a special acidic environment, which prevents the spores from escalating over the surface of the skin. Moreover, the fungus left without access to nutrients and minerals, in due course simply perishes.

Fungus - a very unpleasant disease, which is not at the surface of the nail, but literally grows into its deep layers. To completely rule out the possibility of relapse, procedures with the use of antiseptic (in our case vinegar) should be carried out regularly.

Before proceeding to treatment, make sure that you are using vinegar table vinegar (9%), and not essence (70%). Otherwise, you risk not only not to get rid of the problem, but also get a serious chemical burn.

In the rest, vinegar from the fungus of the nails on the legs of the reviews gets extremely positive. They inspire optimism and belief in a speedy recovery.

Now let's move on to the ways in which you can easily and easily get rid of the problem with vinegar.

Healing baths

An extremely effective way to fight the fungal infection remains the acetic baths. Before they are carried out, it is important to take care of a good pedicure: remove the dead skin particles and affected areas of the nail plate beforehand and wash off the varnish.

To prepare the bath you will need ordinary table vinegar 9%, as well as a small amount of hot water (that its level was ankle-deep) with a temperature of about + 50 ° C. In such a solution, the feet are kept for about 15 minutes, after which they are wiped dry with a towel.

This procedure is both the prevention and treatment of nail fungus with vinegar. Reviews of the baths are really impressive. Many Internet users claim that in this way they could permanently get rid of the fungus at the initial stage.

Will gadgets help?

This method is rather an auxiliary method of treatment, rather than the main one. However, the effect of lotions is visible after a few days.

Experts recommend to use them directly after taking acetic baths, when the skin is still steamed, and the fungus is vulnerable. To implement the lotions you will need an ordinary cotton pad, as well as vinegar 9% or acetic essence, diluted with water.

Saturate the sponge with vinegar, hold the cotton pad on the affected area of the skin, and then put on clean cotton socks. The course of treatment with this method is a week. However, if the fungus has not left you, it is recommended that you repeat everything by taking a break for several days.

You can also use a more complex prescription lotion. To do this, you should get the following list of ingredients:

  • vodka;
  • glycerol;
  • Acetic essence of 70%.

All three components must be mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio, then moisten the wadded disk in the resulting solution and attach it to the affected nail. This is a very aggressive, but extremely effective method of treatment. It will not take a week, as you will write your feedback about the treatment of foot fungus vinegar in this way.

Folk recipes: an effective panacea

There are a lot of recipes that our grandmothers used. Some of them are actively condemned by medicine, but from this their effectiveness does not fall in any way. We present to your attention a selection of the most popular recipes against fungus on legs.

  • Apple cider vinegar and iodine. Apple cider vinegar against nail fungus does a good job. To prepare this remedy, it is necessary to mix it with iodine in equal proportions. Wipe the affected area several times a day until the disease completely leaves you.
  • Vinegar and carrot juice. Mix 1: 1 vinegar with carrot juice, and you will be surprised how quickly the fungus disappears, and the affected skin will recover. For best effect, it is necessary to wipe the mixture not only with the nail, but also the skin of the legs around it. Wonderful properties of vitamin A in the shortest possible time will cope with keratinized cells.
  • Vinegar, egg whites and vodka. To create this spritz, you need 50 ml of vodka or 40% medical alcohol, three egg whites, and 50 ml of acetic essence (a solution of 70%). To wipe the nail infected with an infection, it is necessary every day until recovery. This mixture can be stored for up to a month in the refrigerator.
  • Apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. A very good tool that helps in a short time to fix the problem. Mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio. Dampen the cotton swab in the resulting mixture, attach it to the affected area, wrap it with a bandage (or fix it with an adhesive plaster), and put a cotton sock on top. You can walk with such lotion during the day or leave for the night.

Reviews do not lie!

It is possible to make the only correct conclusion: vinegar from nail fungus on legs effectively helps. Comments, strangely enough, leave even supporters of traditional medicine.

Recently, an interesting experiment was conducted on one of the medical portals. It involved people suffering from fungal infection. By voting, it was decided that five of them would treat their illness with classical medications, and four of them exclusively with acetic acid. There was another group of people, consisting of 3 people, who had to use medical products in conjunction with folk.

Surprisingly, the first two groups were able to get rid of the fungus at the beginning of the third week, almost simultaneously. The last group showed an amazing result - a week and a half.

The use of vinegar in the treatment of fungus is an effective remedy. However, if you use it not as a primary panacea, but as an auxiliary one, you can achieve the best results.

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