
Thiamine bromide: indications, action

Vitamins are important substances that take part in a number of vital processes. They do not always come in sufficient quantities with food - this is attributed to the poverty of the diet, monotonous nutrition. In such cases, multivitamins come to the rescue. If a deficiency of a certain vitamin is diagnosed, you should prescribe it.

Vitamin B 1

This chemical compound was called thiamine. The daily requirement for this vitamin is different - it depends on age and sex. Women need 1.3-2 mg, men 1.6-2.5 mg, and children only 0.5-1.7 mg per day.

Thiamine must necessarily come with food, otherwise there are specific neurological manifestations associated with its deficiency. Vitamin is often called antineuritic, since its effect is directed to the regulation of the activity of the nervous system. Thiamine is found in nuts - cedar, walnuts, cashews, pistachios. It can also come with pork, lentils, oatmeal and wheat cereals, corn.

When does the need increase?

As a rule, the vitamin comes with food in the required quantities. However, it is possible to distinguish states when the optimal daily dose is not enough. The need is increased when there are the following factors:

  • Intensive physical activity;
  • Nervous overstrain, stress;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Cold climate;
  • Irrational nutrition;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (especially with diarrhea);
  • Infection;
  • Severe burns;
  • Antibiotic therapy;
  • Occupational hazards (work with chemicals).

Vitamin deficiency

When vitamin B 1 enters the body in insufficient quantities, there are characteristic clinical manifestations. First of all, the functions of the nervous system are affected. The processes of inhibition begin to predominate in the body, and excitation, on the contrary, weakens. This is manifested by rapid fatigue, weakness, as well as nausea and loss of appetite. Patients report worsening memory, insomnia, and recurrent seizures. With a lack of vitamin, the body is less resistant to the pathogens of infectious diseases. When these symptoms are found, it is recommended to diversify the food ration with products rich in B vitamins. In addition, special preparations are prescribed - thiamine bromide or multivitamins containing a whole complex of necessary substances.

Thiamine bromide

Vitamin preparation is used in cases when the intake of thiamine with food is insufficient, and clinical manifestations of its deficiency arise. The additive affects the spread of nerve impulses, and also has curare-like and ganglion-blocking effects.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for a number of pathological conditions. Before application, other pathologies with manifestations specific to vitamin deficiency should be eliminated and the deficiency should be confirmed. It is recommended to collect anamnesis, find out how the patient feeds, whether he has chronic pathologies. The drug is prescribed if the following indications are available:

  • Hypo- and avitaminosis;
  • Neuralgia, neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • Spasms of blood vessels;
  • Myocardial dystrophy;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Eczema, psoriasis;
  • Itching of the skin;
  • Neurogenic dermatosis;
  • Pyoderma.

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients, but it should not be used if there is an increased sensitivity.

Application Features

Thiamine bromide is a safe drug. Among the side effects can be identified only an allergic reaction, if the patient has hypersensitivity. It usually manifests by skin rashes and itching. It is necessary to avoid excessive introduction of vitamin into the body, as this adversely affects the enzyme systems of the liver. It is not allowed simultaneous administration of thiamine and multivitamins - this can cause hypervitaminosis. Also, the drug is not combined with cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine (they are B12 and B6, respectively).

Thiamine bromide: instruction

The drug has two forms. Injections are administered intramuscularly, using 0.5 ml of a 3% solution once a day. The course of therapy is 10-30 days. Parenteral administration increases bioavailability. This is not the only version of thiamine bromide. Tablets are used for enteral administration. As a rule, prescribe 10 mg of vitamin 1-3 times a day. Before use, it is best to consult a specialist who will select the necessary daily dose depending on the clinical situation.

Thiamine bromide is indispensable in the event of hypovitaminosis. It allows to stabilize the neurological symptoms of a number of pathologies and improve the patient's condition. Thiamine is often used in the multivitamin complexes, the regular use of which will avoid the emergence of a deficit. It is recommended to drink a course of vitamins every year.

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