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Stars on the trunk in WoT as an aesthetic indicator of player skills

Recently, the company Wargaming has intensified and began to carefully introduce even small, but quite interesting updates for its game project. Among all the infinite number of updates it is worth noting one very interesting thing, which is known as the stars on the trunk in WoT. What is this update? Why was it introduced, is it worth keeping a close eye on it?

And not to wander in doubt, you need to prepare. In this article we will reveal the whole truth about this update and why it is needed at all. True, do not rejoice, because it is aesthetic and has no special advantages in itself.

New aesthetic function

The stars on the trunk in WoT are a new aesthetic update in the game that allows you to visually determine how successful the user is playing on this type of technique. This innovation marks on the barrel of the gun of the star, depending on the effectiveness of the participant in combat on a certain type of equipment. That is, the function is not general, but is calculated for each tank separately.

The stars on the trunk in WoT are an indicator of the ability to own combat vehicles, and in more detail, they reflect the effectiveness of the game in terms of damage in comparison with all players in WoT. For example, one star shows that the player has an excellent damage rating, which is owned by only 35% of "colleagues", two stars indicate the presence of this result in 15%, and three stars and does say that a person enters the top and his result There are only 5% of gamers.

How to get a star?

With the characteristics of these stars, everything is clear, now it's interesting to know how to receive them and whether they can be lost altogether. To get the stars on the trunk in the WoT, it's good enough and effective to conduct fights with great damage. If you constantly get into the top 3 players by the damage per fight, then for sure you will approach the stars on the trunk.

It is damage that involves putting stars on the trunk, your aesthetic statistics will depend on it. But it should be borne in mind that if you start negligently treating damage and will lead disgusting fights, then the chance of losing stars on the trunk will increase significantly. Try to conduct each of your battles effectively and with the greatest possible damage. Only in this way it will be possible to keep the deserved result and be able to break away from its competitors.

Differences by nation

In addition, do not forget that in WoT stars on the trunk were introduced in connection with the found historical evidence. Allegedly the tankers themselves put such indicators on their tank. But it is worth considering the moment that there are several nations in the World of Tanks, therefore the designation can be different, although the difference is not so extensive.

For example, the nations of China and the USSR put on the barrel of the star, while others in the WoT star on the trunk are replaced by simple white bands, which are also three, they are applied exactly according to the same rules as the stars themselves. Therefore, it should not be surprising that some tanks have different markings on the trunk. And do not relax, as the introduced aesthetic statistics has its place in the game.

Importance of this indicator

What do the stars on the trunk in the WoT, we figured out, it remains now to understand how much weight they have in the game. Strangely enough, but in the game gamers have become more attentive to each other, since the marks on the trunk show how well a player owns his equipment, whether he should be relying on him, whether he should be afraid, etc. After all, if a participant owns 3 stars, then he certainly plays well, and it is worth thinking about before throwing it and doubting its decisions. In addition, many clans enter their player evaluation system, which takes into account the marks on the technique, which allows you to determine as accurately as possible how well and on what this or that player is playing. Thanks to the marks on the trunk it became easier to determine what a gamer is, whether to listen to him, cover up and generally be afraid if he is among the rivals. In addition, it is worth noting that the developers have introduced this update as a test and now intend to develop their idea. While it is not known exactly what exactly the developers want to introduce, it becomes clear that they do not plan to put this idea on hold, and work on its development is already underway.

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