Arts & EntertainmentFilms

Short description of the film "50 shades of gray". Cast

"50 shades of gray" - a film that is suitable for viewing only for adult viewers, children during the show have nothing to do with the screen. Long before the release of the picture, many were disposed towards it negatively. Still, this topic is not everyone's liking! Sexual slavery, domination, the conclusion of bondage contracts, the denial of family values - this is what makes up the plot. The film is based on a scandalous erotic work by EL James. While preparing for the shooting of the picture "50 shades of gray", the cast studied their not very ordinary roles. Despite many bad reviews about the morals of this sensational story, the picture came out good and found its viewer.

Short description

The intriguing title and unusual story of the film "50 shades of gray." The cast made a great effort to portray what the writer wanted to say on the pages of the book. It was not at all easy to do.

The plot is based on the unusual complex relationship between the simple poor girl Anastacia (Dakota Johnson) and the owner of millions of Christian Gray. The story began from the moment when the student of the college Anastacia Steel came instead of her friend to interview the young rich handsome Christian Gray. A spark flashed between the young men. Only if from the girl's side it was the first true feeling of love, then on the part of the guy it was a sexual game and a relationship connected with a business contract.

Learning about the unusual sexual inclinations of Christian, Anastacia first was horrified, then, yielding to the persuasion of the guy, agreed to try to become a participant in his games for which a special room was assigned. The girl genuinely loves the guy, but her requirements were beyond her power. Anastacia dreams of family, of a joint bedroom of spouses, of children. Christian prefers loneliness and domination. If a girl signs a contract in the presence of a notary, she will completely surrender her body to the dominator's power, she refuses, she does not want to betray her beliefs. After the next session in the playroom, when the girl asked Christian to show all the things she would need to do, the heroine left her lover. Very different were Anastacia and Christian.

"50 shades of gray": cast

  • Dakota Johnson - Anastacia Steel.
  • Jamie Dornan is Christian Gray.
  • Jennifer El - Carla.
  • Max Martini is Jason Taylor.
  • Luke Grimes - Elliot Gray.
  • Eloise Mumford - Catherine Cavanaugh.
  • Marsha Gay Harden - Grace Trevelyan Gray.

Dakota Johnson got the lead

The role of Anastashey was approved by an American actress, a fashion model, which since childhood was associated with the world of art. Dakota Johnson was born in October 1989, her parents are famous actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. After the divorce, her mother linked her fate with Antonio Banderas, so that the girl's environment was creative.

In 1999, Dakota played her first role in the movie "Woman without rules", in addition, she is a fairly well-known photomodel. In 2010 she was involved in the film "Social Network", which was nominated for an Oscar. After this role, Johnson was seen as a talented actress, she began to receive excellent proposals for filming.

In 2013, she received a tempting offer to star in the film "50 shades of gray." The cast was professionally chosen, the girl was ideally suited for the role of Anastacia Steel. Although the decision of the creators of the film did not agree with the fans of the book, on which the picture was shot. They composed a petition in which they set out their protest, arguing that Dakota does not fit in age and appearance. Despite this, the actress was still confirmed, she coped with the work perfectly, contrary to the expectations of the protesters.

Jamie Dornan was confirmed for the main role

Jamie Dornan was born in Northern Ireland on May 1, 1982, showed himself more as a model, he has very little acting experience. Actorship studied in London, constantly participates in photo sessions. The role of the sadistic millionaire earned him the title of the sexiest man in the world. The guy is really very nice.

First, the role of Christian Gray was given to actor Charlie Hannem, but then he refused to act, motivating it with great employment in other projects. Although, according to an unofficial version, he was "rejected" by all the same devoted readers of the book. If the main female role they did not work, then the main male role was taken by another artist, who arranged for everyone. For a beginner, his career in the cinema of Jamie Dornan, this role was an excellent start.

Spicy facts about the film "50 shades of gray"

The shooting of each film is accompanied by various juicy details. The picture "50 shades of gray" is no exception, some of these details are in front of you:

1. In the most frank bedside scenes, Jamie Dornan had an understudy.

2. Dakota Johnson asked her parents not to watch the film, not wanting them to see their daughter in too frank scenes.

3. Joanne Rowling called the book by EL James pornography and did not even want to read it. Maybe it's the envy of a colleague, because the scandal broke the popularity records of the famous "Harry Potter".

4. To date, sold 65 million copies of the book, it is natural that after such a triumph, the adaptation of the novel will be of equal popularity.

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