
Shadows for the eyebrows - choose correctly

Many women and girls have not been rewarded by nature with perfect eyebrows, thick enough, regular in shape and pronounced.

But, of course, there is a way out - eyebrow correction. Correction begins with the same procedure, and ends with combing the house and finalizing the eyebrows with one or more cosmetic products (eyebrow pencil, eyebrow shadow, special gel or wax, etc.).

To give the eyebrows a form, first you need to visit the salon, in which you will pull out the extra hairs and denote the shape. Denote - because from the original form, we can "stitch" the necessary eyebrows. In no event are you engaged in eyebrow correction at home in front of a mirror - at least the first few times you go to a professional. There are many subtleties: how to pull out hairs, in what direction, etc. - all this is well known in the salon. It is much more difficult then to re-do what you correct yourself.

When the form is ready, we can start creating bright and expressive eyebrows. To do this, it is necessary to fill the entire space of the eyebrow, its entire area - that is, paint it between the hairs.

It is very important to choose the right tone of a pencil or shadows: it should not be darker than your hair. The difference can be 2-3 tones, not more.

If you draw your eyebrows in pencil, you can visually get rid of wide cheekbones, for example. To do this, you need to draw a little bit of the eyebrow, how to continue it. With the help of shadows this is not achieved. Drawing the upper part of the eyebrows, as if creating a house, you can make the effect of a female vamp, the image will be bold and stylish.

On the other hand, eyebrow shadows can create a very natural make-up - they can hardly be seen on the face.

There are several subtleties: if you have widely planted eyes, you can apply more shadows to the beginning, closer to the bridge of the nose, and if close, then part of the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose does not need to be painted, the accent is transferred to the tip. In general, by the way, it is not recommended to paint a wide part of the eyebrow (except for the aforementioned case), it is believed that it makes the face heavier.

Shadows for the eyebrows are especially suitable for the owners of wide eyebrows, because the pencil usually looks roughly on them.

The choice of shadows is very large: from budget Ffleur to mass market (Pupa, for example) and the famous MAC.

They differ, as well as eye shadow, resistance, coating, ease of application. Also, expensive shadows, as a rule, have more shades.

Usually shadows are matte, but there are exceptions. So, the shadows for MAC brows are satin and even pearly. This brand of cosmetics is more focused on professional makeup artists or those who have experience in shaping eyebrows - that is why the pallets are appropriate, complex, multicolor.

There are wonderful shadows for the Pupa eyebrows, which include both shadows themselves and a special wax for eyebrows. It is useful to those who have naughty eyebrows.

Many shades are sold in two colors - one - dark, to fill the eyebrows, and the second - light, it should be applied under the eyebrow. So the gaze opens. Colors in such pallets are chosen specially and perfectly combined with each other.

When choosing shadows, you should pay attention to the brush - it is inconvenient to apply them with an ordinary applicator, there should be a tassel with a beveled end. Also, it must be rigid enough that when the shadow is corrected, only the "inside" eyebrows remain. There are many professional brushes, you can buy them separately. Most often in a set of several brushes - for example, there is an oval one - it is intended for wax, but, as practice shows, it is quite possible to manage one - the one with bevelled bristles. With proper care of the brush, it will last you a long time. But, if you use wax daily and eye shadow for your eyebrows, then it's better to get a professional brush for wax.

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