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Piggy bank for paper money will help make a fortune

At all times it was believed that the wrong person is rich, who earns a lot of money, but the one who spends his money economically. Thrift should be taught and learned, as well as all life skills. One of the assistants in this can be a piggy bank. Since today you can not collect a lot of coins, the most important is a piggy bank for paper money. Its difference in the longer slot, so that the bill could easily climb.

To have such a thing in the house is a custom that originated in Russia. Then each member of the family had his own piggy bank, where a penny was postponed on certain days of the week. On the eve of the New Year, savings were extracted and compared. He who had the most of them was called a "master". Most often it was a child, as adults forgot to postpone a penny due to employment. Since the beginning of the year, savings have been renewed.

The tradition of saving money exists in Asia. In the eastern nations, this process is closely related to religion. Deferring money is considered a sacrifice to the gods. A lot of proverbs have been written about piggy banks, in which the people's quivering attitude towards such things is traced. So, if the money box for the money has cracked, it is considered that it is a crack in the family budget. If the fundraiser suddenly breaks, the next year will be incredibly difficult financially.

From the countries of Asia came the custom to make piggy banks in the form of animals. It can be a cat, an owl, a bear, and the most popular is a pig. There is a belief that every animal has its own meaning. So, if a piggy bank for paper money is made in the form of an owl, then the deferred funds will give wisdom to their master. A cat will help in acquiring friends and learns its stunt manager. The pig will increase wealth, and the dog will help protect it from uninvited guests. It is believed that you need to start saving money on the growing moon.

A piggy bank can be purchased at any gift shop. By the way, this is a great idea for a gift. The material from which they are made is porcelain, a polyester, plastic, plastic, and gypsum.

How to get money out of the piggy bank? It is not necessary to break it. Today, these items are equipped with a special rubber stopper placed in the bottom. It is better to choose a medium-sized thing. A large piggy bank for paper money is completely useless. After all, keeping all savings at home is unsafe, it's better to take them to the bank. And to accumulate preferably small amounts and spend it for the soul. For example, on a trip to a recreation center, buying a book or a player.

Esotericists are advised to treat their income with great attention. You should regularly keep a piggy bank in your hands and represent it filled, then you should visualize what you want to spend it on. But not only a piggy bank for paper money will help to increase wealth. The wallet is also a storage place. It is recommended to always keep a large bill in it. It is good, if the purse will be red. It is believed that this color attracts money. The advice from psychologists - to become rich, you need to behave like them. Imagine that you have a lot of money, as you buy everything you want on them. But do not forget to notice the opportunities that this will offer you life.

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