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Philology. What does philology study? Russian philologists

Many people see philology as something very vague and abstract. They know that this process is related to the study of languages, but they do not possess more detailed information. And only those who graduated from the Faculty of Philology can accurately and fascinatingly discover all aspects of verbal science.

The concept of science

Philology is a science that studies the spirituality of different peoples, analyzes their writing, learns the characteristics of a particular language in detail, and then collects the knowledge acquired into a single whole.

It is known that written texts are one of the sources that reflect the history of the people. The first of them appeared in the form of comments on complex words, found in dictionaries, treatises and religious writings. Homer was the first, whose notes were subjected to careful analysis.

Philology includes many subjects, and each of them is engaged in its industry. Romano-Germanic philology, for example, is the most widespread in the world, as it analyzes the Romance and Germanic languages.

In this case, the Romance languages include:

  • French;
  • Italian;
  • Spanish and others.

The German group among many learn English and German, some of the most common today.

History of development

Philological sciences appeared long ago, back in ancient Greece. First there was their occurrence, then development (during the Middle Ages), and already in the Renaissance - flourishing in full force. The very concept of "philology" began to form in the XVIII century. Then it was only about the classical industry, after it there was a Slavic. The founder of the Slavic branch is the Czech scientist Dobrovsky Yosef.

It is easy to understand the reason why the development of philology began. Europeans began to be interested in their national roots, sources, and development trends. This was facilitated by the design of a romantic worldview in that period, as well as the beginning of the struggle against the Turkish invaders.

As for other types of science: each of them studies in depth the specific industry and peoples that are related to it. In the world there are a lot of public organizations that are engaged in one common business, from time to time they gather and exchange their achievements.

Complex of sciences

For a complete understanding of what philology does, it is worth discovering which philological sciences are its components:

  • Linguistics. The second name is linguistics, which studies the very essence of language, its function, structure.
  • Literary studies. He considers the history of literature, its development and influence on the culture of the people.
  • Folklore. Folk art, folklore, myths and legends are the main subjects of study.
  • Texting. In the center of her attention are works of different authors, the history of their appearance and further fate.
  • Paleography. This science studies the ancient manuscripts, their forms, styles, time and place of creation.

As you can see from this information, philological sciences study the language from all possible sides.

Famous philologists

Who is a philologist? He is a scientist, engaged in linguistics. This figure in-depth studies the specifics of a particular language, draws conclusions about the spiritual heritage of the people who speak it. A great contribution to the creation and development of the Russian language was made by Russian philologists.

  • Lomonosov M.V. Was the founder of Russian grammar. He was one of the first to start laying down the style of the language. What we now know about the parts of speech is the merit of Mikhail Vasilyevich. Being a skilful poet, he laid the foundation for different styles.
  • Vostokov A.Kh. Was engaged exclusively in grammar and wrote many books on this subject.
  • Potebnya A.A. He studied Russian and Ukrainian languages, paid much attention to grammar.
  • Shakhmatov AA Studied the origin of language. I wrote several works on the syntax of the Russian language.
  • Peshkovsky AM Singled out intonation in speech as a grammatical tool, which helps to express thoughts correctly.
  • Shcherba L.V. Was the discoverer of the words of the category of state and talked about the role of the noun and the verb in the sentence.
  • Vinogradov V.V. Studied the history of Russian linguistics. He wrote many books about the styles of the Russian language, used in their writings by various writers. Especially valuable is his contribution to lexicology and language phraseology.
  • Karamzin N.M. He studied the Russian church language, significantly brought literary and conversational style of communication closer.
  • Ushakov DN He studied orthography, lexicology, dialectology. I wrote 4 volumes of an explanatory dictionary containing 90,000 entries. Work on this project was conducted for 6 years.
  • Dal VI Known to everyone as the author of the Great Dictionary, which in itself shows the depth of his study of the Russian language.

Philology of the Russian language

Russian philology is a part of a huge Slavic section that studies the Russian people and its heritage. As early as the 17th century, the collection of data on ancient manuscripts, which Count Rumyantsev was engaged in, was started.

In the 18th century, Lomonosov wrote two well-known books on the grammar of the language and the advantage of the church language, than he continued studying stylistics. Until now, Russian philologists do not stop working, continuing to analyze different styles, dialects and phraseological units. Only now are they already modern figures who not only write works, but also share their discoveries with university students. After all, most of the philologists work in higher educational institutions and research institutes.

Foreign philology

This branch of science is aimed at the study of foreign languages, their history and peculiarities. A detailed study of the literary heritage, works, a detailed analysis of styles and dialects, knowledge of which greatly affects the ability of a person to speak and understand the carrier of the language being studied. A great role is given to the practice of translation.

You can learn the rules of spelling, grammar and phonetics for a long time, but without practical speech training you can not correctly speak and translate.

How to become a philologist

Become a philologist and devote himself to the most interesting of the sciences can be, enrolling in the Faculty of Philology. There are many educational institutions offering similar specialties. Some of them have departments that deal with different branches of linguistics: it can be Slavic, Indo-European, Romano-Germanic philology.

Choosing a direction, each student decides which language and people he is most interested in and whose spirituality will be curious to study. The best philological faculties on the territory of Russia are famous for such educational institutions as:

  • Moscow State University;
  • Russian Humanitarian State University;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Dobrolyubov;
  • Southern Federal University ;
  • Pyatigorsk Linguistic State University ;
  • Irkutsk Linguistic State University;
  • Moscow Linguistic State University.

This is the list of the most popular institutions among young people. But there are many other faculties in other universities, where you can study your favorite direction.

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