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Noise is ... Production noise and its impact on a person

Noise is a certain sound vibration. Now every second person not only feels tired every day, but also feels a sharp headache about once a week. What is it really related to? Noise can have both a positive and negative impact on human health. For example, recently it has become popular to use white noise to calm the child and normalize his sleep.

Negative impact of noise on the body

The negative impact depends on how often and for how long a person is under the influence of high-frequency sounds. The harm of noise is absolutely not inferior to its usefulness. Noise and its effects on humans were studied back in ancient times. It is known that in ancient China, torture was often used by sound. Such execution was considered one of the most cruel.

Scientists have proved that high-frequency sounds adversely affect mental and psychological development. In addition, people who are in constant noise stress, quickly get tired, suffer from frequent headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Over time, these people develop cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, metabolism and the functioning of the thyroid gland. In large cities, noise has an irreversible negative impact on the human body. Today a huge number of ecologists are trying to cope with this problem. To isolate your home from the noise stimuli of a large city, install soundproofing.

Noise level

The noise in decibels is the power of sound perceived by the human hearing aid. It is believed that the human ear perceives sound frequencies in the range of 0-140 decibels. Sounds of the least intensity affect the body in a favorable way. These include the sounds of nature, namely rain, waterfalls and the like. A sound is considered acceptable, which does not harm the human body and the hearing aid.

Noise is a common definition for different-frequency sounds. There are generally accepted norms of sound level in public and private places of a person. For example, in hospitals and residential premises, the available sound norm is 30-37 dB, while the production noise reaches 55-66 dB. However, often in densely populated cities, sound vibrations reach a much higher level. Doctors believe that sound, which exceeds the mark of 60 dB, causes a person nervous breakdown. It is for this reason that people living in large cities experience chronic fatigue and frequent headaches. Sounds exceeding 90 decibels contribute to hearing loss, and higher frequencies can cause death.

Positive impact of sound

The effect of noise is also used for medicinal purposes. Low-frequency waves improve mental and psychological development and emotional background. As mentioned earlier, such sounds are attributed to nature. The effect of noise on a person is not fully understood, but it is believed that an adult's hearing aid withstands 90 decibels, while children's membranes can withstand only 70.

Ultra- and infrasound

Infra- and ultrasound has the most negative effect on the human hearing aid. It is impossible to protect yourself from such noise, as only animals can hear these vibrations. Such sounds are dangerous because they affect the internal organs and can cause their damage and rupture.

Difference between sound and noise

Sound and noise are very similar in meaning words. However, there are differences. By sound means everything that we hear, and noise is the sound that a particular person or group of people does not like. It can be someone's singing, barking a dog, the sound of a jackhammer, a production noise and many more annoying sounds.

Types of noise

The noise is divided according to the spectral characteristic into ten varieties, namely: white, black, pink, brown, blue, purple, gray, orange, green and red. They all have their own characteristics.

White noise is characterized by a uniform distribution of frequencies, and pink and red by their increase. At the same time, black is the most mysterious. In other words, black noise is silence.

Noise disease

The impact of noise on human hearing is colossal. In addition to constant headaches and chronic fatigue, noise can develop from high-frequency waves. Doctors diagnose it to the patient if he complains of a significant decrease in hearing, as well as changes in the work of the central nervous system.

Initial signs of noise sickness are ringing in the auricles, headache, and also unreasonable chronic fatigue. Especially dangerous is hearing damage in contact with ultrasound and infrasound. Even after a short interaction with such noise, complete loss of hearing and rupture of eardrums may follow. Signs of damage from this kind of noise is a sharp pain in the ears, as well as their stuffiness. At such signs it is necessary to address immediately to the expert. Most often, with prolonged exposure to noise on the auditory organ, there is a violation of nervous, cardiovascular activity and vegetovascular dysfunction. Increased sweating, too, often signals a noise disease.

Noise disease is not always amenable to treatment. It is often possible to restore only half of the auditory capabilities. To eliminate the disease, experts recommend to stop contact with high-frequency sounds, and prescribe medications.

There are three degrees of noise disease. The first degree of the disease is characterized by the instability of the hearing aid. At this stage, the disease is easily treatable, and after rehabilitation, the patient can again contact with noise, but at the same time must undergo an annual examination of the auricles.

The second degree of the disease is characterized by the same signs as the first. The only difference is a more thorough treatment.

The third stage of the noise disease requires more serious intervention. With the patient, the cause of the disease development is discussed individually. If this is the result of a patient's professional activity, the option of changing jobs is considered.

The fourth stage of the disease is most dangerous. The patient is recommended to completely exclude the effect of noise on the body.

Prevention of noise disease

With frequent interaction with noise, for example, at work, it is required to undergo an annual physical examination with a specialist. This will allow early diagnosis and elimination of the disease. It is believed that teenagers are also susceptible to noise disease.
The reason for this is visiting clubs and discos, where the sound level exceeds 90 decibels, as well as frequent listening to music in headphones at a high volume level. Such adolescents have a lower level of brain activity, memory worsens.

Industrial sounds

Production noise is one of the most dangerous, because such sounds accompany us most often in the workplace, and to exclude their impact is almost impossible.
Industrial noise is caused by the operation of production equipment. The range of sound waves ranges from 400 to 800 Hz. Specialists conducted a survey of the general condition of eardrums and ear shells of blacksmiths, weavers, boilermakers, pilots and many other workers who interact with production noise. It was found that such people have a weakened hearing, and some of them were diagnosed with diseases of the inner and middle ear, which in the future could lead to deafness. To eliminate industrial sounds or to lower them, it is necessary to improve the machines themselves. To do this, replace the noisy parts for noiseless and unstressed. If this process is not available, another option is to move an industrial machine into a separate room, and its console into a noise-proof room.
Often used to protect against production noise, anti-noise, which protects from sounds, the level of which can not be reduced. Such protection can include earplugs, headphones, helmets and others.

Influence of noise on children's body

In addition to poor ecology and a host of other factors, the vulnerable child and adolescent organism is also affected by noise. Just like in adults, hearing impairment and organ function worsen in children. Unformed organism can not protect itself from sound factors, therefore its hearing aid is most vulnerable. To prevent hearing loss, as often as possible, a child should be examined by a specialist. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

Noise is a phenomenon that accompanies us throughout the whole life. We can ignore its impact and not even think about it. Is it correct? Studies have shown that the headache and fatigue, which we usually associate with a hard working day, is often associated with noise factors. If you do not want to suffer from a constant bad state of health, you should think about your protection from loud noises and limit contact with them. Follow all recommendations for preservation and restoration of hearing. Be healthy!

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