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Meditation techniques

What kind of meditation is right? The meditation technique can be active and passive, it can be directed inside and out. Regardless of classification, any relaxation should be carried out in a state of mental relaxation, it can be as effective as the practitioner's depth of rest.

Real meditation is a process of changing consciousness and an active means of its transformation. And also - a step in the knowledge of one's own essence and the path to self-improvement. To achieve maximum effect in self-improvement, it is necessary to choose the right meditation technique. Different practical methods lead to different results. Correctly selected technique of meditation allows you to achieve a great effect, regardless of the level of human training. This is because an unprepared person is not familiar with typical patterns of behavior, he behaves naturally and naturally, and this is the determining factor in the quality of relaxation. Successfully conducted meditation allows you to resolve nervous tension and relieve stress, it promotes healing from many diseases, because it is a medicine for the soul.

What happens during meditation?

Based on the Sanskrit terminology, the concept of "meditation technique" corresponds to the meaning of the word "tantra", which means "the way to achieve enlightenment". During practice, the subtle body of a person, consisting of chakras (rotating energy centers), nadi (channels) and granthi (psychoenergetic knots), is purified by negative inclusions and generates a large number of new, subtle energies.

When energy flows, it is necessary to remain in a state of maximum submergence, so that internal transformations are as thin as possible. From the level and quality of individual energy depends human health, success and its overall well-being. It is necessary to reach the point at which all physical movements stop and the body becomes immobile. Energy will seek out and, not finding it in the physical body, rush into subtle bodies, so all energy channels will gradually be purified and filled with a qualitatively new substance.

Features of transcendental meditation

Meditation is the natural state of man. Any person is capable of it by nature. Every time there is a possibility of conscious rest, there is an arbitrary relaxation of the body, and meditation happens automatically. The technique of transcendental meditation is incredibly effective because it is based on natural laws. This is a process during which mental activity naturally decreases to a level of complete rest, and the practitioner goes beyond the mind, knowing the state of deep immersion in himself. It is this experience that is the goal of any practice.

Transcendental meditation does not use any concepts and therefore is accomplished quite easily. This is a wonderful technique of meditation for beginners, because it is natural, simple and does not require additional knowledge or effort. Her techniques can be quickly and easily learned, practicing daily for 20 minutes. At this time, you need to ensure yourself a quiet and complete peace.

Yoga and Meditation

Meditation is a gradual process of expanding mental capabilities and the main tool of yoga. The person has a colossal potential that can be developed through systematic practice. Yoga is a school that unites the theory and practice of contemplation. Constantly practicing simple techniques, beginners are able to move to a completely new level of consciousness and work out personal skills. According to the teachings of yoga, the ultimate goal of any practitioner is the consistent attainment of the eight stages of consciousness, among which the final is Samadhi - the highest degree of development of man's spiritual sphere.

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