
Medical compressor inhaler B.Well WN-117: user manual, reviews

The inhaler, or nebulizer, is designed for inhalation as a therapy for respiratory diseases. During the use of the device, the drug is converted from liquid to aerosol particles, which, when dispersed, enter the affected lungs and other organs of the respiratory system. The nebulizer is one of the few types of home-use medical equipment that can be used to treat infants. This possibility is due to the fact that during the use of the device the child can rest and even sleep, and the drugs are selected according to age. Inhalation is one of the most effective therapies for bronchopulmonary diseases.

Nebulizer B.Well WN-117

The B.Well WN-117 inhaler is one of the reliable compressor nebulizers. Used as a therapy for acute respiratory diseases, chronic ailments of the respiratory system, with bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other diseases. The peculiarity of the model is a high degree of reliability. In operation, the B.Well WN-117 inhaler supplies a powerful jet of drug and sprays it into microscopic particles that enter the body through the respiratory tract directly to the source of infection.


The Compressor Injector B.Well WN-117 is quite compact, its use does not cause inconvenience, discomfort, it is easy to store, and it does not distract from the therapy process. In this nebulizer has a high degree of strength, reliability and effectiveness in the treatment of various lung and bronchial diseases. The minimum size of the atomized particles is about 0.5-5 microns, they provide the maximum therapeutic effect on the affected organs. Also, the use of aerosol allows you to treat diseases not only of the lower, but also of the upper respiratory organs.


Inhaler (nebulizer) B.Well WN-117 has a convenient function that protects the device from possible overheating. It can work continuously for 30 minutes, and when the temperature rises through this time interval it turns off automatically. The compressor has a cooling time of up to half an hour, after which it can be used again.

The design, in which the inhaler compressor B.Well WN-117 is made, is convenient and ergonomic. The nebulizer is equipped with a holder for the spray chamber located on the body of the device itself and a transport handle.

The kit includes all necessary accessories for inhalation:

  1. Mask for children and adults.
  2. Filters air spare.
  3. Air hose.

At the same time, the undeniable advantage is the fact that the price of the inhaler in pharmacies is quite low and is in the range of 1800-2500 rubles.

Principle of operation

The B.Well WN-117 inhaler, more precisely its principle of action, is based on the dispersion technique of a liquid medication. By converting to aerosol, the drug is able to reach all parts of the respiratory system, even the most remote, and have a therapeutic effect on the body.

The compressor installed in the inhaler delivers a strong airflow to the specialized chamber. A powerful jet converts the medicine into microscopic particles up to 5 microns in size. In such an aerosol form, the substance passes through the air tube through a mask or mouthpiece directly into the body.

How to use the device

The use of the device is quite simple. First, you need to assemble the B.Well WN-117 inhaler. Instructions for use, included in the configuration of the device, contains a graphic picture. It is necessary to connect all tubes and check the filter.

Next, you should prepare a medicine. It is recommended to use special means, enclosed in nebula, for each individual use. In the event that the drug requires dilution or dissolution in a liquid, all actions should be performed as recommended. As a rule, the medicine is bred in fiz. Solution 0.9% (sodium chloride). Do not use other liquids. The medication is taken from the vial with a sterile syringe, then the volume is supplemented with a solution up to 4 ml and poured into a special chamber (glass).

To the glass with the medicine poured into it, the tubes from the apparatus are connected. Mounted masks or mouthpieces. The first option is more convenient to use for children, because this way you can use inhalation for infants. For adults it is more convenient to use mouthpieces for maximum therapeutic effect.

For the inhalation procedure, you need to turn on the B.Well WN-117 inhaler. The average time of the procedure takes up to 10 minutes. As soon as the steam stops flowing into the mouthpiece or mask, it means that the medicine has run out in the apparatus.

At the conclusion of each inhalation, all removable accessories (glass, mouthpiece, mask, tubule) should be sterilized.

According to the rules, it is necessary to perform the procedure one and a half hours after eating, since with the use of certain drugs, there may be attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Today, many patients use the B.Well WN-117 compressor. The feedback of every second user speaks of the rapid recovery of health and the relief of the condition.

Features of using children

Children are afraid of everything new and unknown. Typically, the compressor inhaler produces a lot of noise, which frightens the baby, but the developers went to the trick. They came up with bright masks for children. At such an inhaler, the price in pharmacies is slightly higher, but this makes it possible to use the method for treating respiratory diseases in children without problems.

Before use, the child should be treated with a B.Well WN-117 compressor. The feedback of the parents using the device suggests that the first procedures should be done more with an informational purpose and do not insist on continuing if the kid is scared and does not want to continue. Better gradually increase the time of inhalation, giving the child the opportunity to get used to the device.

If a child experiences an unexpected deterioration, it is necessary to stop the process. And if you have the symptoms listed below, call for emergency help:

  • Pain in the chest;
  • Sudden violation of breathing (suffocation);
  • Loss of consciousness, dizziness.

The result

In conclusion, we can summarize and note that the inhaler, or, as it is also called, a compressor-type nebulizer, has an undeniable therapeutic effect. It is easy to use, it has no contra-indications, is convenient and compact. Using an inhaler, it is possible to successfully combat various respiratory diseases in both adults and children of any age.

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