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Lure with breastfeeding. Lure by month - table

With all the advantages of breast milk and its benefits to a growing organism, there is a shortage - the absence in its composition of vegetable protein and fiber, necessary for the full growth and physical development of the child. In this connection, there is a need to introduce complementary feeding when breastfeeding, when the baby reaches a certain age.

Introduction of complementary foods

The international health system annually develops new programs for the correct introduction of complementary foods, wishing thereby to find the most optimal balance of products necessary for the proper growth of the child's body. Pediatricians insist that even after the introduction of new products, women's milk should be left as the main food for children. There are no such useful substances, immunoglobulins, as in human milk, in any product. Therefore, to continue strengthening immunity, young mothers should pay special attention to breastfeeding.

All products that the child will consume should not contain salt, especially vegetable purees. It is also necessary to heat them

Basic rules for the introduction of new products

Healthy children are able for six months to move from a single product (women's milk) to a wide range of home meals. Thus, by the first year of life the child can already eat from an adult table.

On the other hand, young mothers who give their children exclusively female milk after six months of age risk their children's health. The consequence of such an improper diet is a violation of the physical development of children due to the limitation of nutrients and minerals. In children, whose diet is based only on breastfeeding, after 8 months, a swallowing reflex of solid food is not produced, which in the future hampers the proper development of the digestive system. Without the necessary amount of iron, children develop anemia.

The introduction of new products must occur in the cool season, because in hot weather food poisoning and indigestion of new food are possible. After each feeding with a new product, the baby should be given a drink with human milk. So the baby will be easier to adapt to the new rules of nutrition.

Therefore, the introduction of complementary foods should take the lead and attract special attention to young mothers.

When to introduce the first complementary food?

Depending on the type of feeding of the baby, pediatricians call different terms for the introduction of complementary foods. The first lure for artificial feeding is advised to inject newborns when they reach the age of four months. By this time the child has already formed a digestive system, ready to take more complex food than the mixture.

Another criterion for the earlier introduction of additional food is the lack of all the necessary vitamins and minerals in children's mixtures.

The first lure with breastfeeding is advised not to give before the baby turns 6 months old. One of the reasons for this is the possibility of developing atopic dermatitis, therefore, in addition to mother's milk, there is no need to give other products.

The following are some of the dangers of early introduction of complementary foods:

  • After the introduction of additional products, the production of breast milk from a woman may be reduced or ceased altogether.
  • The digestive system of the child, because of its immaturity, is exposed to the danger of contamination with pathogenic bacteria contained in products or liquids.
  • The risk of food allergy increases.
  • Immaturity of the digestive tract can lead to a violation of digestion of adult food and malnutrition.

Problems arising from later introduction of complementary foods:

  • The lack of energy and nutrients can lead to a slowdown in growth, child development and malnutrition.
  • Breast milk does not replace iron and zinc, therefore, their deficit is possible.
  • Insufficient development of chewing habits, taste of food.

Thus, starting to give lure when breastfeeding is necessary on time.

Digestion of children during the period of introduction of complementary foods

In infants, the secretion of the digestive system is not developed as in adults. Nature originally intended to digest only women's milk, which contains such substances that contribute to the proper digestion of food and prepare the body of the child to take adult food. Breaking this process with an earlier or late introduction of complementary foods, you can disrupt the proper functioning of the digestive system.

By the six-month age of the child, his stomach system is already sufficiently prepared for the adoption of dietary fiber, starch, proteins and fats from the products of the family table.

Some foods contain a low energy density, and the volume of the baby's stomach can take no more than 30 ml per kilogram of body, that is, getting enough low-calorie food, the child does not meet its energy needs. Thus, when choosing products, mothers need to consider what energy density and the content of micronutrients is in a particular product.

How to choose the first product

When a baby breastfeeding turns 6 months old, her mother starts to think about which product to introduce first. Pediatricians are advised to start feeding a child with vegetable puree.

In the recent past, children's doctors recommended the first dish to choose fruit puree. However, now most pediatricians criticize this product. The reason for this was research that revealed a high risk and frequency of cases when the tender infant gastric mucosa was irritated by the juice contained in fruit purees. Also, many kids refuse then from more sugary foods to taste.

Sour-milk products have also been gaining popularity recently among the options introduced first. However, due to the presence of various proteins in them, many babies react to them with allergy or indigestion.

Manna porridge, so popular in the past, is increasingly receding into the background in the list of complementary foods. Previously, with its help, young mothers easily solved the problem of underweight children due to its low cost and affordability. However, at the present time, it is almost not prepared for children because of the presence of gluten in its composition, which can cause allergy in the child.

Stopping at a particular product, mom should carefully monitor how the child reacts to new food.

How to cook lure

When the time has come for the introduction of complementary foods, moms are asking themselves: do they buy ready-made industrial products or cook at home? Most tend to the second option.

When the mother prepares independently, she sees the quality of the products, the food immediately becomes ready for consumption, does not contain preservatives and other additives. Although the Ministry of Health is always closely monitoring the quality of children's products, but in life there are different situations.

Depending on what the first lure for breastfeeding decided to introduce a mother, below are considered simple ways to prepare them.

When cooking vegetable purees, you first need to boil one or several vegetables a small amount of time (so as not to lose all the useful properties). Then you need to use a blender to crush everything to a homogenized state, that is, mashed potatoes.

Kefirchik can be made from sour milk. Curd is easily made from ready-made yogurt.

Kasha better cook buckwheat or oatmeal. It is desirable to cook it on water, without adding milk. After the croup has boiled, it will be necessary to crush it with a blender to a homogeneous mass.

Vegetable puree as first food

The easiest to introduce the first complementary foods and digest the children's body are vegetables. Of all the vegetables, the pumpkin or zucchini are optimal for the baby. They have all the useful properties found in many vegetable crops, as well as low allergenic. Some mothers start giving vegetables to their children in 5 months. Only it is necessary to observe the skin of the baby, and also give no more than one teaspoon on the first day. Every day it is necessary to add on a spoon, gradually bringing the volume to 100 g per day.

Vegetable puree is the source of most of the necessary vitamins and minerals needed in such a critical period for the child - a period of rapid development. Eating the necessary daily norm of vegetables, the child along with them strengthens their immunity, receives a charge of energy for full physical and mental development.

Kasha - the first lure

The first lure of porridge is allowed to try to give the child also after six months. First, you need to decide which porridge to choose a child: home cooking or industrial. Pediatricians agree that it is better to give the first lure of porridge factory production, as they are prepared according to technologies that preserve the optimal balance of useful nutritional elements and vitamins. Before you take your favorite porridge from the store counter, you should carefully read the contents of the package. It should not contain preservatives, sugar, vanillin and food additives from category E. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the period from which it can be started to be introduced into the feeding of a child.

It is very convenient to cook such cereals. It is enough to dilute a small amount of porridge in a child's mixture, if the child is introduced the first complementary feeding with artificial feeding. A baby, eating on her mother's milk, prepares an additional dish in the same way, with only a few corrections for natural feeding. That is, the cat is divorced in human milk, if this is the first lure in breastfeeding. Next, you should immediately feed the child to the porridge received and do not store it for more than half an hour. In the event that the child does not eat cooked food, it is necessary to prepare a new lure of porridge next time.

It is useful to give fruit porridge together with porridges. You can give half a teaspoon of fruit puree for one teaspoon of porridge. However, it is better to combine them already when the mother is convinced that the child does not have an allergy from any product.

Table of products and terms for the first complementary foods

In order to make it easier for young mothers to navigate the timing of the introduction of new food and its composition, a special supplementary table was developed. Recommendations for the introduction of various products are common, therefore, before completely following its contents, it is necessary to consult your child's doctor.

It is important to remember that during the entire period when lure is introduced, the baby should, as before, be left on the priority feeding with human milk. Next, we turn to the lure, which is set out in the table below.

Feeding table for children
Product name / month 6th 7th 8 9 10 eleven
Porridge 10-50 60-80 80-100 150 150-200 200
Vegetables 10-150 170 180 200 200 200
Fruit 5-60 70 80 90-100 90-100 90-100
Butter 1 2-3 4 4-5 5 6th
Sunflower oil 1 2-3 3 4 4-5 5
Curd 10-40 40 50 50 50
Meat 5-30 50 60 70 70
Chicken Yolk 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Cookies / rusks 3-5 5 5-10 10 15
Fruit juice 5-60 70 80 90 100
A fish 5-30 thirty 40-50 60
Dairy products 100 150 200 200
Bread 5 10 10 10
Total per day 1000 1000 1000 1000-1200 1000-1200 1200

The amount in the table is indicated in grams, except for the chicken yolk.

Entering the correct complementary feeding, it is necessary to consider the following:

  • Butter (both creamy and vegetable) is added directly to cooked food;
  • It is desirable to give fish one or two times a week, since it can cause allergy in the child;
  • Juices should be diluted with water, especially for freshly squeezed home-made juices; If there is no possibility to prepare the juice yourself, then it can be purchased at the store, where it is presented in a wide range.

Deciding to give lure at 5 months, moms can also use this table. However, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of the baby, it is possible that some foods, such as chicken yolk, should be postponed to a later date.

Conclusions and recommendations

When mom says to her baby: "Let's go to the lure!" - this should not mean that she will give him a try to eat a little adult food, and then again from time to feed him with new products. It is important for young mothers to remember that lure should be given systematically, so as not to harm the baby's digestive system. To step back is possible only in those cases when the baby reacts too negatively to new products: either by allergy or by vomiting altogether. In such a situation, you should consult your pediatrician as soon as possible.

Introducing a complementary meal in the form of porridge, you can not start at the same time and try the vegetable menu. Otherwise, in case of an allergy, it will be impossible to determine which product is not suitable for the child. Gradually introducing the lure by months, the mother prepares the child's body for digesting adult food, while doing all this in stages, studying the taste preferences of his child and restricting it in products that are not yet suitable for him at this time.

Having become acquainted with how to prepare lure on your own, you can see that this is nothing complicated, and it's very easy to move to a new stage of growing a baby. The main thing is to have a clear sequence of actions and a careful attitude of the mother to the well-being of the child.

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