
Ingrown nail: laser removal, causes and main stages of treatment

The ingrown nail is not a dangerous disease, but at the same time it significantly worsens the quality of human life. There are many reasons for this pathology, which is the most unpleasant thing that can happen to anyone. It is recommended to consult the doctor at the first symptoms, because it is not about a disease that will pass "by itself". How is the ingrown nail treated? Laser removal is one of the most modern methods of getting rid of this problem.

What is ingrown nail?

A healthy nail plate grows only forward and smoothly fills the nail bed. On three sides the nail is protected by skin dents, and near its lower edge a cuticle is formed. With normal growth, the nail plate protrudes beyond the border of the finger pad, but it can not expand to the sides. However, under certain conditions, the growth of the nail can be disturbed. In this case spicules are formed - processes that grow into lateral ridges of the skin. Such pathology is not dangerous to health, but it causes considerable discomfort when walking. Why is this happening? Indeed, the nail plate itself consists of keratin and does not have nerve endings. However, the surrounding soft tissues are quite sensitive. Accordingly, abnormal growth of the nail plate is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a very painful pathology. It is important to understand that only surgically you can completely remove the ingrown nail. Laser removal is a worthy alternative to traditional surgical treatment.

Causes of nail growth disorders

Before choosing a treatment option, let's figure out why this disease appears. In most cases, the growth of the nail plate is disturbed by improperly made pedicure. Remember that the nails on the legs are not recommended to give a rounded shape, do not cut them and too short. The second most popular cause of nail plate growth is uncomfortable shoes with too narrow noses. The cause of pathology can also be excessive load on the legs, fungus and other skin diseases. Sometimes the disease begins after the injury, during pregnancy, as well as in diseases that disrupt the nourishment of the nail plate or lead to deformation of the foot.

Signs of ingrown nail

Understand that the nail plate is growing wrong and unnatural, you can even when viewed with the naked eye. Most patients suffering from this disease recall that the first signs of malaise were pain. If the area of nail ingrowth or infecting the infection is damaged, suppuration, ulceration and local edema may occur. What happens if you do not treat an ingrown nail? Laser removal of spicules is a proposal of clinics, which appeared relatively recently. Earlier, the option of radical treatment was one - a surgical operation. Of course, many patients this option of therapy seemed too complicated and problematic. As a result, patients often went to medical institutions with this disease in too advanced stages. There is a pathology in this case, irreversible deformities of the nail plate, excessive proliferation of soft tissues and their coarsening. Attention: if you notice any of the signs of this pathology, do not postpone the visit to the clinic!

Laser treatment of ingrown nail

There is a mass of folk remedies and medicinal ointments of factory production intended to alleviate the condition of people suffering from ingrowth and curvature of the nail plates. However, it is worthwhile to understand that all these medicines can only provide temporary relief and are not capable of eliminating the problem. Remove ingrown nails can only be surgical or laser. What is the second option? If you are concerned about an ingrown nail, laser removal is the most modern treatment option. The operation lasts about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. The laser removes all the excess elements of the nail plate, and then the affected tissue areas are cleaned. What is important, the operation is contactless, during this exposure, healthy tissues are not injured.

Advantages of the new method

Today, any specialized clinic laser removal of ingrown nails is positioned as the best option to fight this disease. But what advantages does this method actually have? Any laser operation is performed without the risk of infection, because there are no incisions, and all manipulations are carried out without contact. The laser beam sterilizes the treated surfaces, which means that during removal of the ingrown nail the patient will also be cured of fungal diseases. After the laser operation, recovery is fast enough and easy, and, which is especially nice, hospitalization is not required. Immediately after removing the ingrown nail, the patient leaves the clinic home.

Laser removal of ingrown nail in Moscow and St. Petersburg: clinics and prices

The most important question among those who decided to remove the ingrown nail laser: "How much is this procedure and in which clinic to enroll?" Laser removal of ingrown nail in Moscow offers almost all major medical centers. There are among them clinics of major all-Russian networks, and small private centers for aesthetic medicine. This service is offered to patients in such medical institutions as Medline-Service, Vitamed, Best Clinic, NEARMEDIC and many others. The cost of the procedure in the capital starts from 2300 rubles and increases depending on the pricing policy of the institution and the complexity of pathology in a particular patient. And what about the laser removal of ingrown nails in St. Petersburg? And in this city many medical centers are ready to help patients with this problem. "Be healthy", "Panacea", "Constellation", "A-Media" - all these are clinics in which laser removal of ingrown nails (SPb) is performed. As for the cost of the procedure, the prices are not much different from those in Moscow. So, this operation will cost 2200-6000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the case and the level of the clinic.

Reviews of those who have already removed the ingrown nail with a laser

What do patients of laser medicine clinics say, who have already tried to get rid of ingrown nails? There are almost no discontent among these people. Laser removal of ingrown nail testimonials is positive due to the speed of the procedure and its high efficiency. The most often noted plus is this: to get rid of this pathology, you do not need to go to the clinic, and one week after the operation you can live a full life - wearing any shoes, visiting the pool. But there are disadvantages. Not all patients like the cost of this service. However, you should not try to save money: remember, what is ahead of you, let it be safe, but still the operation is laser removal of ingrown nail. In Moscow, it is not cheap to make this procedure, the minimum cost is about 2 thousand rubles. Remember that the miser pays twice, and if you are really worried about your health - it makes sense to find a clinic with a good reputation, rather than trying to choose the cheapest option.

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