HealthAlternative Medicine

How useful is ginger: advice of traditional medicine

Ginger is considered to be not only a popular and spicy spice in cooking, but also one of the most famous medicinal plants that is used in the treatment of a mass of ailments.

What is useful for ginger? About its medicinal properties known to mankind from time immemorial. So, the ancient Chinese used it two and a half millennia ago in the treatment of colds. At the same time, the American Indians noticed that ginger broth is an excellent remedy for nausea. In ancient Japan, India, southeast Asia, the root of this plant was used, and in medieval Europe it was even positioned as a "miraculous" preventive remedy for plague.

On the question of what is useful for the root of ginger, it is quite easy to answer. All its value is explained by the fact that the rhizome contains a huge amount of vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals. In particular, these are "fundamental" vitamins for the human body, such as B1, B2, C, as well as potassium, zinc, sodium, essential oil, etc.

Well, now go to the most important part of our article, in which you will find prescriptions of medicines from ginger.

What is useful for ginger for colds

Catarrhal diseases respond well to both prevention and treatment with the plant in question. So, to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this disease, it is recommended to take ¼ teaspoon of worn to the state of ginger powder and simply pour boiling water (one glass). After 5 minutes, drink the infusion, adding honey and lemon juice to taste.

To remove the stuffiness and swelling of the nose, grate the fresh root of ginger on the smallest grater and squeeze out the juice. Mix honey and ginger juice in equal proportions (for example, a teaspoonful) and take three times a day.

If the voice is hoarse, then prepare the next effective mixture. Ginger juice (tea spoon) mix with the same amount of lemon juice and add a pinch of salt. Take this medicine at least three times a day.

If you have tortured headaches against the background of the developed frontitis, then take ginger powder (half a teaspoon), dilute with warm water. Rinse napkin or a handkerchief moisten in a medicine and put to the forehead for twenty minutes. After this time, wash thoroughly.

In Tibet, ginger is also popular. How to cook a Tibetan cold drink? Take water (0.5 l), milk (0.5 l), cloves (10 pcs.), Cardamom (10 pcs.), Ground ginger (half teaspoonful), green tea without flavors (two teaspoons). Pour the water into an enamel saucepan, put it to boil, add the crushed spices, tea, ginger. After a minute pour in the milk and wait for the liquid to boil. After two minutes, turn off, cover with a lid for five minutes, so that the tea is infused, and then strain. Drink this medicine in the morning, without adding anything more to it - neither sugar nor honey.

What is useful for ginger for the digestive system?

The following products, prepared on the basis of this plant, perfectly help to relieve spasms and pain in the intestines and stomach. It is only important to remember that with bleeding and peptic ulcers of digestive organs, these recipes can not be used.

To deal with diarrhea and spasms in the intestine, do this. Pour half a glass of yogurt (no additives, natural) and add the same amount of boiled water. In the liquid, dissolve the ginger powder (1/4 teaspoon) and the same amount of nutmeg (ground). Drink the medicine.

If nausea with vomiting is painful, take a mixture prepared from ginger (1 tsp) and onion juice (1 tsp).

With abdominal pains against the background of diarrhea, rub a small amount of ginger juice into the pereputic region.

What is useful for ginger for those who are shaken?

If you suffer from motion sickness, then this plant is an excellent alternative to medical products. Just drink half an hour before the trip half a spoonful of ginger juice, and then drink it with a glass of mineral water, plain water or tea.

Pregnant women very often complain that they suddenly start to be rocked in a vehicle, although before such a problem was not observed. In this case, the usual ginger health tea. Slice the spine with thin plates and fill with water. Cook for 15 minutes, cool, add lemon juice and honey to taste, and drink before the trip.

What is useful for ginger for weight loss?

It is designed to speed up the metabolic processes, which, as is known, in people with excess weight are slowed down. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a glass of this drink half an hour before a meal. Scrub the ginger root (teaspoon), mix with the same amount of grated garlic. Pour the gruel with boiling water (one glass). After letting the medication take 20 minutes, strain it and drink three times throughout the day. Only here at night to use this tea should not be.

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