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How to treat lichen in cats: methods of official and folk veterinary medicine

If suddenly it turns out that the domestic cat has suspicious patches on the skin, then the family begins a real panic. This is not surprising: deprive - the disease is contagious, and not only for pets, but also for their owners. Any changes on the coat of the animal should not be ignored, because they can be a sign of the onset of this unpleasant illness.

"What to do? At the cat deprive! "- with such a question the owners often turn to veterinarians. And doctors respond that a set of measures is necessary: medical and preventive.

To determine what is treated for cats, it is necessary to understand what kind of disease it is. Its scientific name is "dermatophytosis" - a fungal lesion of the skin. And, depending on the type of pathogen, it can be either microsporia or trichophytosis. However, in the people and even this is called "ringworm." It is more likely to develop in a weakened animal with reduced immunity, in a pregnant or nursing cat, a small kitten.

Causes and prevention

It is important not only what is treated for depriving cats, but also for the ways in which infection occurs. It can be a contact with a sick animal or places of its stay. Skin flakes and hair hairs are preserved on the litter, furniture in the house, the surface of the soil on the street. If there are animals in the house other than the cat that is ill, then almost certainly they will also be infected. While the course of treatment is under way, it is necessary to wash, wash and disinfect everything that comes into contact with the pet as often as possible: textile products that allow it to boil, wash floors, carpets and furniture to vacuum. In addition, all surfaces can be treated with drugs, the active ingredient of which is sodium hypochlorite. Kills the pathogen and irradiation of infected areas with a quartz lamp, but it does not affect the spores of the fungus.


The fight against dermatophytosis is a long and expensive affair, at the same time all members of the family are at risk. Therefore, earlier it was believed that this disease is a testimony to the lulling of an animal. Now the situation has changed, and the question of how they treat lichen in cats, there are many different answers.


Veterinarians vaccinate a mustachioed-striped patient, than they treat lichen from a cat from within her body. Unlike most vaccines, the use of "Vakderm", "Polivac", "Mycoderm", etc., also makes sense after the development of the disease. However, disputes about the benefits and harms of such therapy in the circles of veterinarians do not subside, besides, modern varieties of lichen are often already resistant to it. Producers, of course, assure that the effectiveness of their drugs is proven, and there is no harm from vaccines, but breeders of cats increasingly prefer to treat their pets with other methods.

Treatment of generalized lichen

Severe skin damage is called a "generalized" form of microsporia or trichophytosis. It develops in weakened animals or is a consequence of inaccuracies in care. In this case spots-bald spots grow, merge with each other, secondary infection can be attached. What is the treatment for cats in such a situation? Firstly, antifungal agents are prescribed inside : "Nizoral", "Klotrimazol", "Grizeovulfin" or others on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Secondly, hepatoprotectors are often added to the treatment regimen to reduce the level of fungicide damage to the liver. Strengthen the immunity help anti-stress drugs "Katozal" or "Gamavit", they are used in the form of injections.

Local funds

What are the cures for cats, if only one or several small lesions appear? In this case, it may be possible to do without general therapy. It is enough to cut the wool around the infected area of the skin and lubricate bald spots with antifungal ointments or solutions. Traditional means are veterinary drugs "Yam" and "Nitrofungin" or "Klotrimazol" and "Nizoral", sold in "human" pharmacies.

Folk remedies

It has long been used such a remedy for depriving cats, dogs and people, as ash from burning a white paper sheet. It is burned on a plate, ashes are formed and a little yellow oily liquid. She is smeared with affected areas. Use in the people and seasoning turmeric, mixing it with water to get an ointment or just sprinkling bald spots.

Whichever treatment method is chosen by the owners for their cat, treatment can be discontinued only after the veterinarian finds no foci on the Wood lamp , otherwise the disease can begin anew.

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