
How to level the ceilings? How to level the ceiling with putty?

Everyone who has his own house or apartment dreams that his apartment is beautiful and stylish, and even ceilings are not the last factor in this matter. It is not important whether there are patterns and figures on them, whether there are original chandeliers, spotlights or lighting. The main thing - that they were even. Then the room will look spectacular and have a finished look. Therefore, anyone who starts repairs, first of all, should think about how to level the ceilings and what is needed for this. What material to choose: drywall or putty? The answer to this question can not be unambiguous, many factors need to be considered so as not to be mistaken.

How to level the ceiling with gypsum board?

How to level the ceiling with plasterboard? To many unenlightened people it seems that there is nothing complicated in this. But not everything is so simple, it is necessary to have certain skills and abilities. The technology of leveling the ceiling is a rather laborious task.

When starting the process, the first thing to do is to attach the guiding profiles to the walls . Further, depending on how wide the gypsum boards were purchased, it is necessary to mount hangers on which the central profiles will be fastened. The gap between them should be one that allows them to pass through the center of each of the sheets in the form of a cross, fixing them in the center so that they do not sag.

The profiles between the sheets must be mounted in such a way that both successive sheets are fastened to the same profile. Profiles and suspensions must be fastened to the wall using dowels. Connections of plasterboard sheets with profiles are made using self-tapping screws.

Features of installation of drywall

To understand how to level ceilings, it is necessary to know the feature of the installation of gypsum board construction. It consists in observing the distance from the main ceiling to the drywall. Everything will depend on how uneven the ceiling, what its size, and what side bevels. To mount such a construction, first fix the wall and longitudinal profiles with grooves into which perpendicular ones will be inserted. Each stage of work should be checked by the building level, so that there is a perfectly flat ceiling.

How to mount drywall?

The next stage is to install sheets of gypsum board on the previously constructed structures. Between them, you need to leave a distance of a couple of millimeters, because each material and each structure can narrow and expand with sudden temperature changes. Fixing the sheets of drywall, you can proceed to their finishing. But for this you must first process the seams at the joints of the sheets, and then - the entire area of the gypsum board structure. To do this, take a painting tape and putty, apply a small layer and smooth out all the joints. After complete drying of the joints, it is possible to apply the filler to the whole area of the sheets.

Use of puttying

Many people are wondering how to level the ceiling with putty or other mixtures. This is not too difficult, but it is necessary to have such tools:

  • Punch.
  • Putty knife.
  • Polterter is metallic.
  • The brush is wide.

Align the ceiling only after it is completely cleaned from the previous coating: wallpaper or paint. If there are irregularities that protrude, then they need to be cut, using a perforator with a special nozzle. After the ceiling is cleaned, it is necessary to prime it. It is better to clean the sponge with a deep penetration, and primed with a roller or a wide brush. To understand how to level ceilings with putty, you should know that there are several stages of puttying.

First step. Putty Start

An hour after the primer has dried, you can safely proceed with the application of the putty - this will be a leveling layer. Therefore, apply the starter version and apply no more than 1 cm. By its density, the putty should resemble homemade sour cream, so that it minimally sags when it dries. In order for the ceiling to be well leveled, the mass should be applied with a metal half-hook.

Second phase. Putty finishing

Finishing putty should be applied in two layers. If the temperature values in the room are more than 15 degrees, and the room is well ventilated, then the second layer can be applied after a few hours or, in extreme cases, the next day. To finish the puttying, use an average spatula. If the room is more than twenty square meters, then you can use a half-rack. The main rule is to apply two layers in one day to get the best result.

The third stage. Sanding

If you observe the necessary atmospheric conditions in the room, then you can cover the surface the next day. To somehow accelerate this process, it is recommended to use a vibration grinder. And be sure to remember the precautionary measures: for your own safety, you should wear glasses with a special vent and a respirator.

How to level the wooden ceiling?

People who are thinking about how to level the wooden ceiling, it will be useful to know that it will not work with a thin layer of plaster. Plastering such ceilings only with the help of a grid or shingles. The latter is packed at an angle of 45 degrees in two layers. For the first, you need to take an uneven shingle with a thickness of about 5 mm. The distance between the slats should be no less than 5 cm.

For the second layer take smooth and smooth slats and fill them at an angle of 90 ° to the first row with a step of 5-10 cm, sinking the hats of the nails. Next up the shingles you need to apply the plaster and then wipe it with special graters. Do this in circular motions, after the layer of plaster has hardened a little. You may need to moisten the plaster.

So, how to level the ceilings, to get a smooth and perfectly smooth surface, on which it will be possible to perform different decor and patterns? The answer is one: high-quality and not hurrying, because it affects the appearance of the ceiling, as well as the life of the finish. Therefore, people who are not too confident in their abilities, skills and knowledge, it is better to seek help from specialists to save your time and money. Also they will tell you how much it is to level the ceiling.

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