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How to get to paradise? How many people will go to heaven?

In 1999 the Miramax film company presented a comedy film "Dogma" to the general public. The plot of this picture is built around two fallen angels, Loki and Bartleby, expelled by God from paradise. And here this couple lives on earth among people and dreams of forgiveness and return to the Garden of Eden. According to the plot, the apostates find a technical loophole among various church dogmas, allowing them to become sinless again. After that, you should immediately die - then they automatically go to heaven. And now the angels embark on all the hard, in order to realize their dream. In this comedy film, a question that worries many people is touched upon, although not all of them can confess even to themselves: "How to get to paradise?" Today we will try to figure this out, despite the fact that this theme is, so to speak, in Department of faith and religion. Science to date, the evidence could not provide evidence, however, as well as evidence of his absence. Well, let's go on the road ...

What is "paradise"?

We begin our research by analyzing the concept itself. If you go into this topic, you can see that paradise paradise is different. And in every religion the vision of this place is completely different, each denomination describes it in its own way. For example, the main book of Christianity, the Bible, gives us the following information about it: this word is called the Garden of Eden, which was home to Adam and Eve, the forefathers of mankind. The life of the first people in paradise was simple and carefree, they knew neither disease nor death. Once they disobeyed God and succumbed to temptation. There was an immediate expulsion of people from paradise. According to the prophecies, the Garden of Eden will be restored, people will live in it again. The Bible claims that originally the paradise was created on earth, so Christians believe that it will be restored there as well. Now only the righteous can go there, and even then only after death.

And what does the Koran say about paradise? In Islam, this is also a garden (Jannat), in which the righteous will live after the Day of Judgment. The Quran describes this place in detail, its levels and features.

In Judaism, everything is somewhat more complicated, however, after reading the Talmud, the Midrash and the Zohar book, we can conclude that the Hebrews' paradise is here now, given to them by Jehovah.

In general, each religion has its own idea of the "treasured garden". One thing remains unchanged. It does not matter which object is considered, whether it be Buddhist Nirvana or Scandinavian Valhalla, paradise is perceived as a place where eternal bliss reigns, given to the soul of a person after death. Probably, it makes no sense to delve into the beliefs of African or Australian natives - they are too alien to us, and therefore confine ourselves to the largest religious confessions. And now let's move on to the main topic of our article: "How to get to paradise?"

Christianity and Islam

With these religions all is more or less clear: lead a righteous way of life, that is, live according to God's commandments, and after death your soul will go to the "treasured garden". However, for those who do not want to limit their freedom and are looking for easier ways, there are so-called loopholes, which allow avoiding the hellfire. True, there are some nuances here. A very vivid example is jihad in Islam - zeal for the path to Allah. Recently, this concept is associated with armed struggle and self-sacrifice, although it is much broader and is a struggle with its social or spiritual vices. We will consider the mass media's highly publicized case of jihad, namely, suicide bombers. World news feeds are full of reports of explosions committed around the world by suicide bombers. Who are they and why are they being solved for such actions? It is worth pondering whether these people are doing God-pleasing deeds or are the victims of behind-the-scenes manipulators who, in the struggle for power, do not shy away from shedding other people's blood? After all, as a rule, not the enemy soldiers, but civilians, suffer from suicide attacks. So their actions at least can be called questionable, the murder of women and children is not a fight against vices, and breaking the main commandment of God is not to kill. By the way, in Islam, murder is also not welcomed, as in Christianity. On the other hand, history remembers the wars committed in the name of God: the Church blessed the Crusaders, the Pope personally sent soldiers to their bloody trek. So you can understand the actions of Islamic terrorists, but you can not justify it. Murder is murder, and it does not matter for what purpose it is committed.

By the way, in Orthodox Christianity, military service is also considered a charitable deed, however, it concerns the protection of the Russian land from an external enemy. And in the distant past, and today the priests blessed the soldiers marching on the campaign; There are a lot of cases when the ministers of the church themselves took up arms and went to war. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether the soldier who died in battle will fall into heaven or not, whether all his sins will be copied from him or, vice versa, will be pulled down to hellfire. So this method is difficult to call a ticket to the Garden of Eden. Let's try to find other, more reliable methods.


How do people go to heaven? In the first half of the thirteenth century, Hugo Saint-Sersky in his writings developed the Theological justification of indulgence, recognized a hundred years later by the Pope Clement VI. Many sinners of the time were spirited, because they had a great chance to get rid of their sins, which stood on the way to eternal bliss. What is meant by this concept? Indulgence is a release from a temporary punishment for committed sins in which a person has already repented, and guilt for them is already forgiven in the sacrament of confession. It can be either partial or complete. A believer can receive an indulgence for himself or for the deceased. According to the Catholic doctrine, complete forgiveness is possible only if the specific requirements are met: confession, communion, it is necessary to pray in the Pope's intention, and also to perform certain actions (witness of faith, charity, pilgrimage, etc.). Later, the Church compiled a list of "super-long good deeds" that allowed indulgences to be granted.

In the Middle Ages, the practice of issuing forgiveness often led to significant abuses, which can be characterized by the modern concept of "corruption." The hairy hydra so entangled the Catholic priests, which served as an impetus for the reform movement. As a consequence, Pope Pius V in 1567 "covers the shop" and prohibits the issuance of forgiveness for any financial calculations. The current procedure for their provision is regulated by the document "Guidance on Indulgences", which was issued in 1968 and supplemented in 1999. Those who ask the question: "How to get to paradise?" It should be understood that this method can work only if you are on your deathbed (so you do not have time to warm up again). Although a man often manages to make unpardonable mistakes in the dying state.

Sacrament of Baptism

How to get to paradise? The sacrament of baptism can help in this . The fact is that, according to Christian teaching, in the conduct of this rite, the soul of man is freed from all sins. True, most of the method is not suitable, because a person can pass it only once, and in most cases, parents baptize their children in infancy. Twice the rite passed only representatives of the royal dynasty, and then only at the coronation. So, if you are already baptized and do not belong to the royal family, then this method is not for you. Otherwise, you have a chance to get rid of all your sins, but just do not go into all serious and finally do what will later be a shame to tell your grandchildren. By the way, some representatives of Judaism prefer to adopt Christianity in old age. So, just in case, after all - according to their faith - paradise is here on Earth, and what will happen after death? So you can hedge yourself, and at the end of your earthly existence, change to another camp and secure yourself eternal bliss already in the Christian paradise. But, as you can see, this path is accessible only to the elect.

Egyptian, Tibetan and Mesoamerican "Books of the Dead"

How does the soul get to heaven? Few people know, but for this there are precise instructions that serve as a guide for the deceased in the afterlife. Many people have heard of them, in Hollywood, not one film about these treatises has been filmed, but nevertheless, practically no one is familiar with their content. But in ancient times they were studied with great zeal and noble people, and servants. In fact, from the position of modern man, "The Book of the Dead" resembles a computer game like Quest. In it, all actions of the deceased are listed step by step, it is indicated who is waiting for him on this or that level of the afterlife, and what is necessary to give to the ministers of the underworld. Yellow press is full of interviews survived a clinical death. People who have seen heaven and hell talk about their feelings and experiences about this. But few people know that the research of these visions conducted by R. Moody showed a colossal coincidence of such narratives with the fact that they describe the "Books of the Dead", or rather, those parts of them that are devoted to the initial moments of postmortal existence. However, all the "returnees" reach a certain stage, the so-called "non-return" point, and they can not say anything about the way forward. But the ancient texts speak, and in great detail. And immediately the question arises: where did the ancient civilizations, living on different continents, know about this? After all, the contents of the texts are almost identical, there are insignificant differences in details, names, but the essence remains the same. Or we can assume that all the "Books of the Dead" are copied from one, more ancient source, or this is the knowledge given to people by the gods, and everything that is written there is true. After all, people who "saw paradise" (survived a clinical death) say the same thing, although most of them never read these manuscripts.

Ancient knowledge and equipment of the deceased

In ancient Egypt, the priests prepared and trained citizens of their country for posthumous life. How? Man during his lifetime studied "magic tricks and formulas" that helped the soul overcome obstacles and defeat monsters. In the grave of the deceased, relatives always put objects that he needed in the afterlife. For example, it was necessary to leave two coins - this is a boatman's payment for transportation across the river of death. People who "saw paradise" often mention that they met there dead friends, good acquaintances or relatives who helped them with advice. And this is easily explained by the fact that modern people do not know anything about the afterlife, because the school does not say anything about it, you will not get such information in institutions either. In the church, the priests also will not help you much. What is left? Here and there are people close to you who are not indifferent to your destiny.

Court of the Gods

Practically in all religions it is said that a person after death awaits a court on which all the good and evil deeds of the defendant will be compared, weighed, and as a result, his fate will be decided. Such a court is also spoken of in the Books of the Dead. A soul wandering in the afterlife, having passed all the trials, meets with the supreme King and Judge Osiris sitting on the throne at the end of the path. A person should turn to him with a certain ritual phrase, in which he lists how he lived and followed throughout his life the commandments of God. According to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the soul after appealing to Osiris should have been justified for every sin of the rest of the 42 gods responsible for these or those sins. However, no words of the deceased could save him. The main god put a pen on one side of the scales, which is the symbol of the goddess Maat (truth, justice, world order, truth), and on the second - the heart of the defendant. If it outweighed the pen, it meant that it was full of sins. And such a man was devoured by the monster Amait. If the balance remained in balance, or the heart was easier than the feather, then the soul expected a meeting with relatives and relatives, as well as "eternal bliss". People who saw heaven and hell never described the judgment of the gods, and this is understandable, because he is behind the "point of no return", therefore one can only guess about the reliability of this information. But we should not forget that most religious confessions speak about such an "event".

And what do people in heaven do?

Strangely enough, but few people think about it. According to the Bible, Adam (the first person in paradise) lived in the Garden of Eden and did not know of any worries, he was not familiar with illnesses, physical labor, he did not even need to use clothes, so the climatic conditions there were quite comfortable. That's like everything, nothing else is known about his stay in this place. But this is a description of the earthly paradise, and that to the heavenly, so even less is known about it. The Scandinavian Valhalla and the Islamic Jannat promise eternal bliss to the righteous, they will be surrounded by full-breasted beauties, and wine will pour into their goblets, the Koran narrates that cups will be filled forever by young boys with bowls. The righteous will be relieved of the hangover, they will be all right with the male power. Here is such an idyll, however, the status of boys and full-breasted beauties is not clear. Who are they? Those who deserve paradise or are sent here as a punishment for past sins? Somehow it's not entirely clear.

Slaves of the gods

About a completely different idyll narrates the "Books of the Dead." In accordance with these ancient treatises, "eternal bliss" is reduced only to the fact that there is no crop failure, and accordingly, hunger and wars. People in heaven, as in life, continue to work for the good of the gods. That is, man is a slave. This is evidenced by books and Mesoamerican Indians, and ancient Egyptians, and, of course, Tibetan manuscript. But among the ancient Sumerians, the ideal picture of the afterlife looks much more gloomy. Having crossed the other shore, the soul of the deceased passes through seven gates and falls into a huge room, in which there is neither drink nor food, but only muddy water and clay. Here, the main after-effects of torture begin. The only relief for her can be regular sacrifices, which will be carried out by living relatives. If the deceased was a lonely person or loved ones treated him badly and do not want to conduct a ritual, then the soul is in for a very bad fate: it comes out of the dungeon and wanders around the world in the form of a hungry spirit and harms everyone on the counter. Here is an idea of the afterlife of the ancient Sumerians, but the beginning of their works also coincides with the "Books of the Dead." Unfortunately, people "who were in paradise" are not able to slightly open the veil over what is behind the "point of no return". Representatives of the main religious confessions are also unable to do this.

Pater Dee about religions

In Russia there are many religious directions of the so-called pagan direction. One of those is the Old Russian Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ingling, whose leader is A. Khinevich. In one of his video speeches, Pater Dee recalls the assignment received from his mentor teacher. The essence of his "mission" was as follows: to find out from representatives of the main religious faiths what they know about hell and heaven. As a result of such surveys, Hinevich learns that Christian, Islamic, Jewish worshipers have comprehensive information about hell. They can name all of its levels, dangers, trials, waiting for a sinner, almost by name list all the monsters who will meet with a lost soul, and so on, stuff, etc. ... However, absolutely all the ministers with whom he had a chance to communicate, About paradise. They have only superficial information about the place of eternal bliss. Why is that? Hinevich himself draws such a conclusion: they say, to whom they serve, they are aware of this ... We will not be so categorical in our judgments, and leave it to the reader. In this case it will be appropriate to recall the words of the classic, the brilliant MA Bulgakov. In the novel "Master and Margarita" he puts into the mouth of Woland the phrase that there are many theories about the afterlife. There is one among them, according to which everyone will be given according to his faith ...

And is there enough space?

On various information resources, topics related to the Garden of Eden are often discussed. People are interested in various issues. And how can you get there, and how many people in paradise and much more. A couple of years ago the whole world was in a fever: everyone was waiting for the "doomsday", which was to come in December 2012. In this regard, many predicted that the very "Judgment Day" would soon come, when God would descend to the earth and punish all sinners, and give the righteous eternal bliss. And here the most interesting begins. How many people will go to heaven? Is there enough space for everyone? Or will everything happen, as in the plans of globalists, who want to leave the "golden billion" on the planet? These and similar questions to many did not give rest, preventing sleep at night. However, it was 2013, the "end of the world" never came, but the expectation of the "Judgment Day" remained. Jehovah's Witnesses, evangelists, etc. appeal to passersby more and more, calling for repentance and letting God into their souls, for soon all things will come to an end, and everyone must make their choice before it's too late.

Paradise on Earth

According to the Bible, the Garden of Eden was on Earth, and many theologians are confident that in the future it will also be rebuilt on our planet. However, an intelligent person may ask: why wait for the day of judgment, maybe you can build a paradise on your own? Ask any fisherman who met the dawn with a fishing rod in his hands somewhere on a quiet lake: where is paradise? He will say with certainty that he is on Earth, here and now. Maybe you should not sit in a stifling apartment? Try to go out into the woods, to the river or to the mountains, to wander in silence, to listen to the singing of birds, to look for mushrooms, berries - and, quite possibly, you will discover this "eternal bliss" during your lifetime. However, a person is so arranged that he always waits for a miracle ... They say that a kind uncle will appear and solve all his problems - he will teach the sluts to throw garbage past the urn, rude people - to swear, ham - to park in the wrong place, corrupt officials - to take bribes and so Further. A man sits and waits, and life passes by, it can not be returned ... Muslims have a parable called "The Last Man Who Entered Heaven". She accurately conveys the essence of human nature, which always remains dissatisfied with the true state of affairs. A person always remains dissatisfied, even if he gets what he dreams about. I wonder if he will be happy in paradise, or, perhaps, some time will pass - and he will begin to be burdened with "eternal bliss", will want something more? After all, Adam and Eve also could not resist the temptations. It would be worth thinking about ...

"Terraria": how to get to paradise

Finally, it is necessary to highlight this question, although it is difficult to relate it to the topic of the article. "Terraria" is a computer game of the genre "sandbox" in the style of 2D-format. It features customizable characters, dynamic time-shifting, randomly generated worlds, the ability to deform the terrain, and the crafting system. Many gamers rack their brains asking the same question: "Terraria": how to get to paradise? "The fact is that in this project there are several biomes:" Jungle "," Ocean "," Terrestrial World "," Dungeon "," The Underworld ", Etc. ... In theory, there must be a" Paradise ", only it can not be found. It is especially difficult for beginners. This is the biome that is torn from the logical chain. Although experienced players claim that it exists. To get there, you need to craft the wings of the harpy and spheres of power. You can get the necessary components near the soaring islands. These are land areas that float in the air. Their appearance is not much different from the ground surface: there are the same trees, deposits of resources as on the ground, and only a lonely standing temple with a chest inside stands out against the backdrop of the rest of the landscape. Nearby, necessarily there will be harpies dropping so much necessary feathers, and other monsters. Be on the alert!

This concludes our journey. Let's hope that the reader will find his way to "eternal bliss".

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