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How to dry the tea? Grass willow-tea: blank

A unique plant, which does not stop rumor for centuries, is the narrow-leafed spray. Few will guess that the conversation is about the well-known in Russia grass, from which a medicinal drink was made. Of course, this is Ivan the tea. Natural pantry of nature. And the most versatile first aid kit. A traditional Russian drink - Kopor tea (which is made from grass) is known for its medicinal properties. It is valued not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Our ancestors knew how to properly assemble a leopard, how to dry a willow-tea, how to make a fragrant and tasty drink.

Description of the narrow-leaved

Many Russians can easily meet Ivan the tea. He grows in a dry open area. It seems surprising such accessibility. Sometimes people who have heard a lot about it collect other types of plants. It is important to be able to correctly distinguish the spray from the numerous representatives of the family. Grass Ivan the tea is a perennial plant. Its trunk reaches a height of two meters. Separate large flowers, collected in the inflorescence of the canonical brush type , have a white to purple hue. The rest of the representatives, as a rule, have very different tones.

Throughout the summer blooms willow-tea. The photo of the meadow is just amazing with its pink mist. And the fruits ripen by the end of summer. This is a fluffy box full of seeds.

Why is it useful?

The amber drink has a pleasant taste and aroma. It encourages the body, leads to its tone, significantly adds vitality. From time immemorial, the healing properties of grass are known. Ivan tea has a positive effect on the whole organism. If you constantly drink strong infusion of spraying, the hemoglobin level will increase significantly, and the acid-base norm will recover. Apply it in different forms: as a tincture, a decoction or powder.

Ivan-tea, thanks to its constituent components (copper, iron, manganese), has an excellent ability to normalize the hematopoietic process, excellent immunity.

The calming properties of the herb are widely known, surpassing in some respects even valerian officinalis. Many professionals traditional medicine in a special way allocate kiprej. Quite often they prescribe ivan-tea for neurotic disorders, depression, stress, uncaused states of anxiety. In addition to soothing effect, the herb has a hypnotic effect.

Brewed tea perfectly heals from a headache. He treats otolaryngological diseases: sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.

Kiprej normalizes the pressure, celibacy with male diseases (adenoma and prostatitis). Ivan tea is useful for various poisonings. It is recommended for gallbladder and spleen diseases. It should be noted that it is the strongest anti-inflammatory drug. Therefore, it is simply necessary for infections of the genitourinary system.

In cosmetology is used in the role of an excellent means of caring for problem skin. Perfectly affects the growth of hair, strengthens them, protects them from falling out.

In the fight against various tumors (including malignant), such medicinal herbs are used. Ivan tea after radiation exposure and chemotherapy can significantly restore the body.

How to collect a spray

To preserve all the healing properties of grass, it is very important to know how to harvest willow-tea. Collection should begin at the time of flowering. It was at the moment when the flower brushes did not fully bloom. As a rule, the process begins in late June. And it lasts until autumn. On the lower branches of the grass, beans appear closer to August. They contain an unpleasant fluff, which under no circumstances should be included in the collection.

The process is carried out without fail in dry weather. It is not necessary to collect willow-tea immediately after the rain. Procurement of such raw materials will not be of high quality. Do not fit dirty, dusty, diseased plants. For medicinal collection is not intended kiprej, growing near the busy roads. It is better to choose a more remote place, not polluted by exhausts of cars and trains.

For medicinal infusions apply the entire ground part of the plant. Therefore, the willow-tea is cut or broken in the middle, and sometimes closer to the ground.

In general, leaves are collected, although flowers are also acceptable. The taste of the drink is practically not affected by their presence. They are important for bees and, of course, for future harvests. That is why it is desirable to collect only leaves of willow-tea. For this, the stem is clamped between the fingers and lowered downwards. Leaves remain in the palm of your hand. In this case, the plant itself is intact and can further bloom.


To make the drink tasty and fragrant, you need to properly handle the raw materials. That's why it is recommended to collect as many leaves and flowers as can be recycled.

And now we'll figure out how to harvest willow-tea. The collected raw materials should be washed and spread on clean paper with a small layer (up to 5 cm). Do not use a newspaper. It is not recommended to spread the sun in the sun. The billet will drastically dry out and become completely unsuitable for further processing.

The grass should dry very little. As a rule, there are enough days for this. It is necessary to turn leaves and flowers, to stir.

As soon as your stock is poured, but still soft enough, you can proceed to a further process.

A simple method of fermentation

Next, you need to move on to the next stage. Before drying the tea, raw materials must be fermented. There are several ways to achieve the desired result. All of them are equally correct. And the choice of method depends entirely on personal preference.

Leaflets and flowers are rubbed in the palms of your hands. Prepared material compactly folds into three-liter bottles. Covered with a damp cloth, such jars fall into a cool dark room (t to 25 degrees C). After 36 hours, the fermentation process will be completed. The prepared mixture must be slightly loosened. And you can go to the drying process . How to dry the willow-tea properly , will be described further.

Forgotten fermentation method

This way our grandmothers used. It is quite simple and undeservedly forgotten. This method is good because it allows processing a large amount of grass.

Before drying the willow-tea, our ancestors took wet linen cloth and laid out raw materials on it. The layer should be small to ensure a sufficient level of fermentation. As a rule, it is up to three centimeters. Cloth together with grass should be twisted into a roll. It is important to fold as tightly as possible. During the twisting, the cloth must be moistened with clean water. To do this, you can use a conventional spray gun. If such a process is missed, the fabric will be impregnated with valuable ivan-tea juice.

The roll is carefully tightened with a rope. It is not a bad idea to use a rubber cord for this purpose. Approximately half an hour it is necessary to grind the grass. To do this, the knotted roll must be alternately bent and straightened. It will be much easier if two people take part in such an event. At this time, the structural cells of the plant are destroyed. Further within 2-3 hours there is a stage of primary fermentation. From time to time, the temperature of the roll is controlled tactilely. When palms feel heat (about 37 degrees C and above), the initial stage of fermentation is completed.

With the liberation of the masses, at once there is a tender smell, something reminiscent of a pear compote, slightly acidified. At the slightest pressure on the raw material, a characteristic crunch is heard. This mixture is densely packed in a prepared container. Can be placed in cans, as in the previous method, or use a plastic bucket. For the final fermentation process, the containers are closed and left in this form for 36-40 hours.

A little advice. In order not to spoil the raw materials, in such a careful way manufactured, it is necessary to leave small clues. For this, the date and exact time of the bookmark should be written on the covers. It will be nice to leave a note about the moment of the supposed end of the process.

Fermentation under pressure

For the third method of processing raw materials, completely cut plants can be used.

They are preliminarily divided into two parts. From one squeezes out the juice. It is better to use a press juicer. It turns out a bit of liquid, even when using the most modern apparatus.

The second half is loaded into the pan (preferably cermet). Following it pours out the juice. Above everything is crushed by oppression. It is better if it is a wooden circle on which a load is placed, weighing not less than 20 kilograms. You can apply the usual weight (two-pood). It must be wrapped in polyethylene. It is absolutely unacceptable to contact grass with metal. After 72 hours, the fermentation process is completed.

The raw material is completely ready for the next stage of the workpiece.

Drying process

Now consider how to dry the willow-tea. Flowers and leaves to touch should resemble soft rubber. Hence, the fermentation process was correctly performed. Dry the prepared mixture at a temperature of 95-110 degrees C. For this, you can use a gas or electric oven.

If the raw material was made from long stems, it should be ground a little. Formed "sausages" cut into smaller parts.

The mixture is spread on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. During the drying process, the mass must be mixed. Gradually the future tea will acquire the necessary color. It varies from light brown to dark. It is impossible to name exactly the time of such a process. It is determined by eye. And depends on the moisture of the collected grass. Tea is considered ready when it decreases in size in a ratio of 5: 1, if we compare it with the raw material.

Before the completion of the process, the temperature in the oven should be increased. Such calcination, applied to coffee beans, also improves the taste of tea and gives it unsurpassed fragrance.

The oven should be slightly ajar all the time. Another tip will tell you how to dry the willow-tea properly. Under the baking sheet, place a red brick or ceramic tile. This will protect tea from drying. At the same time you receive at home a device that operates on the principle of a Russian oven. This method allows you to normalize the temperature in the oven. The resulting drink completely corresponds to the old recipes and preserves all the medicinal properties.

Drying flowers

Quite often, when harvesting grass, the stems of the plant are cut. In this case, along with the leaves are flowers. All the above steps can be carried out for the whole plant. However, it is worthwhile to know that the most healing and useful in Cyprus are leaflets.

At the same time, in cosmetology, decoctions are prepared on flowers. Therefore, there is often a need for a separate collection. How to dry flowers of willow-tea? Much easier and easier than the leaves. Flowers do not require the process of fermentation. It is enough to decompose them separately from the leaves in a dark room. The sun's rays are also inadmissible for them.

The inflorescences dried in this way are stored for storage in a glass jar.

Making Tea

The cooking technology also has its own characteristics. No matter how wonderful Kopor tea is, its taste, color and smell directly depend on the quality of the water. What an exquisite aroma gets a willow-tea! Preparation of the drink on the spring or melt water allows you to fully enjoy the unsurpassed taste.

Proper brewing of a willow-tea is an important condition. It ensures complete safety of medicinal properties.

Brewing dry tea. Two teaspoons of herbs are poured over with boiling water (600 ml). The container with liquid is tightly closed. She should brew for about fifteen minutes. After that, the tea is stirred.

The infusion contains essential oils. For this reason, it does not spoil for several days.

Tea is delicious both hot and cold. If desired, the drink can be heated. However, one should not allow boiling, otherwise the aroma will immediately disappear, and the healing properties will be significantly reduced.

Brewing freshly picked tea. Simply amazing! But from fresh leaves you can make delicious tea. To do this, they are put in enamel cookware layer of up to five centimeters. The finished component is poured with water at room temperature. The pan is put on a small fire and only brought to a boil. For ten minutes, the received drink is insisted.

Application of the willow-tea

Therapeutic decoctions and infusions have a huge spectrum of action. For most diseases, doctors strongly recommend drinking grass. In folk medicine, many recipes that produce positive results are created on the basis of this unpretentious plant. At what diseases is the herb tea useful?

  • Adenoma. It is recommended to use the drink as an auxiliary in the fight against the disease. For a positive result you need to drink in the morning on an empty stomach one glass of tea and in the evening half an hour before bedtime. To prepare this decoction, both grass and flowers are used. One and a half tablespoons of dry mixture per glass.
  • Gastroenterology . To remove the pain syndrome with enterocolitis, gastritis is assigned a decoction of willow-tea. Take it should be 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon. The softening effect of tea and the enveloping of the walls of the stomach allows you to easily get rid of the pain. To prepare the broth, take 1 tablespoon of the prepared mixture for 1 glass of water.
  • Chronic fatigue. Having a tonic, strengthening the nervous system, the decoction gives strength to the person. Drinking 3 times a day for 0.5 glasses is prescribed. Take it before you eat. To make tea take the grass (2 tbsp.), Pour water (2 tbsp.). The prepared mixture is brought to a boil over a small fire. Do not boil!

  • Headache. Ivan tea is not only an anesthetic. It is peculiar to expand the vessels of the brain, which makes it an excellent medicine even in the fight against migraines. Take the drug three times a day. To prepare this tincture, three tablespoons of herbs should be poured into a glass of water. The solution should be warmed in a water bath for fifteen minutes.
  • Stomach upset . Helps the broth in stabilizing the work of the intestine. With constipation or diarrhea, it is necessary to take an empty drink on the morning (3 tablespoons). To make the tincture, the root of the plant is best suited. It is grinded (2 tbsp.), Poured with boiling water (2 tbsp.) And insisted for three hours.
  • Anemia . Ivan tea enhances the formation of red blood cells. It is recommended to take three times a day for one tablespoon. The benefits of decoction for anemia are invaluable. To make one spoon of dry grass and a glass of boiling water. The broth should last for two hours.
  • Conjunctivitis. With this disease, ivan-tea acts as an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is enough to wipe out the sore spot and make lotions. To prepare tincture, one tablespoon of leaves and flowers should be filled with a glass of boiling water. The solution is cooked for 15 minutes, infused for one hour. It must be filtered before use.

This is not all diseases, in which the willow-tea becomes a magic "wand-zaschalochko." It is widely used for teething in babies. It is a component of many cosmetic prescriptions. He is extremely useful in dermatology.

Instead of concluding

In time, with great love, collected and carefully crafted, willow-tea will allow you to enjoy the exquisite aroma and magnificent taste of the drink, presented by nature itself. Tea will help protect the body and improve your health. Mother Nature is truly generous! It is only necessary to learn how to correctly apply its gifts.

To maximize the use of all healing properties, you need to know how to properly harvest grass, recycle it. The above methods will suggest how to dry the willow-tea. And cooking recipes will create a great drink with a delicate aroma of summer and an unrivaled healing power.

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