HomelinessPest Control

Harmless drugs from aphids. Folk remedies for aphids

The smallest and most dangerous garden orchard pest is the aphid. This miniature creature can very quickly capture the entire territory and significantly spoil the harvest. That's why it gives a lot of trouble gardeners and causes huge damage to young plants, in addition, aphids also affects indoor plants. Plants affected by these insects grow slowly, wither, they may completely die. That's why you should always have at your fingertips drugs from aphids.

Appearance of aphids

Any disease is easier to prevent than treat, so you need to regularly inspect your garden. The first sign of the appearance of aphids is the twisting of leaves. If you find several insects, then wait for the rapid increase in the colony and the death of the plant. Therefore do not waste time and immediately use drugs from aphids. Usually, wherever it is, black garden ants begin to appear. No, they do not eat aphids, on the contrary, they feed on its sweet secretions. That is why drugs from aphids are often combined and act simultaneously on ants.

Methods of fighting aphids

There are several options for dealing with this scourge. The most effective are chemical preparations from aphids, but they are not always safe for the human body. Therefore, if the insects are still small, you can use a mechanical method of their destruction. Tulips can be collected, squashed or washed with water. In addition, biological methods of struggle, that is, natural enemies of aphids, can be used. Finally, there is a huge amount of folk recipes that can and should be used, as they are inexpensive and very effective.

Plants and insects as natural enemies of aphids

The very first rule: do not kill the ladybirds. This insect perfectly fights pests. If you fall out for a walk in the meadow where these sluggish beetles meet, carefully collect them and bring them to your garden site. But with a large number of pests, they alone can not cope, so plants are planted to help them, which frighten away the aphids. Near the fruit beds are planted onions, garlic and chamomile. These plants repel aphids. But if you noticed a large colony of insects on the garden, sucking out the juices from your plants, then it's time to take more decisive action.

Fruit trees

Very often they are affected by aphids. Insects are proliferating very quickly - within a few days the whole tree will be captured by a huge colony. In this case, it is not possible to collect or wash off all harmful insects, you need a safe drug against aphids on trees. One of these is the "Tanrek" remedy. The main advantage of using this tool is the durability of the action. It is not washed away by rain or water, but it is safe enough and does not affect the edible qualities of the fruit. The effect of the drug is completely independent of the ambient temperature, that is, it does not evaporate even at the highest positive temperatures. It is enough to make one treatment per season, and the aphid tree drug will last until the late autumn, protecting your garden from the invasion of pests. Producing treatment is during the growing season.

Biological preparations for the control of aphids

If the fruit harvesting period has already come, and a large number of aphids have attacked your garden, it is necessary to find an effective and absolutely safe remedy to destroy pests. Today there are modern biological insecticides that are as safe as possible. They are made on the basis of the products of vital activity of soil organisms, and therefore they do not harm plants. You can collect the fruits, starting from the next day after the treatment. One of these is the drug "Fitoverm". The maximum effect from the use of the drug is visible within a week, unless it has been washed away by water or rain. In addition, there are absolutely safe for human oil emulsions, for example "30 plus". It is a modern aphid drug. Instructions for use indicate its highest effectiveness when used on a variety of garden plants.

From the depths of centuries

For many generations, mankind did without industrial preparations and learned to fight harmful insects. Considering this experience, it is possible to prepare at home effective mixtures for pest control. These funds have a number of advantages. They are always at hand, they do not have to spend money on their purchase, nor will they harm your body. Folk remedies for aphids are presented in a huge assortment, today we consider only the most effective of them, which are used year after year in virtually every garden plot.

Recipes for your garden

Very much does not like aphids such flowers as marigolds. Therefore, when the flower bed fades, be sure to collect dry plants and prepare them for future use. For spraying, prepare the tincture, for which half a bucket of dry plants need to be poured with 10 liters of hot water and insist for two days. After this, the infusion is filtered and 40 g of laundry soap is added. It is better to process plants with this remedy 2-3 times with an interval of 3-4 days. By the way, for the control of aphids, the solution of laundry soap is also suitable. To do this, you need to dissolve 200 g of it in a bucket of water.

Do not forget to collect potato tops. Considering folk remedies for aphids, it should be noted this tool as one of the most effective. You need a kilogram of dry or fresh leaves, which must be filled with 10 liters of warm water and left for 4 hours. Now the infusion should be filtered and add 40 grams of laundry soap. In this solution, soap is not an active element. It is necessary only for the solution to adhere to the leaves. Processing is carried out in the evening, and the next morning 90% of aphids perish.

A very effective plant for the control of aphids is the yarrow. You need one kilogram of dry powder made from plants. They are poured with boiling water and insist 36-48 hours, after which they filter. You can prepare a decoction, for this, the same amount of yarrow is boiled for 30 minutes, filtered, topped up to 10 liters and added to the broth 40 g of soap. It is not recommended to store the broth for a long time, it is best to use it immediately after cooling down.

Save the flower garden

Fruit trees are often treated with insecticides in early summer, but the rosary remains unheeded until we notice how the plants twist the leaves and lower the lush heads. What effective drugs from aphids on roses will solve this problem? They are not so few, but we will start as usual with the safest. We have already talked about useful insects that feed aphids, these are ladybugs and many others. They are attracted by the smell of plants such as caraway seeds and dill, daisy and violet. These plants are planted on the site next to the roses. In addition, you can protect roses if planted in the flower garden are very attractive for aphids nasturtium and I will smell, poppy, mallow. They will serve as a natural trap for insects, where they can be rendered harmless. If all these methods were not effective enough, then you need to buy drugs such as Inta-Vir, Sharpay, Carbophos. Since roses are not related to fruit plants, it is possible to process at any time. Preparations from aphids on roses can be alternated, so as not to cause addiction in pests.

Fruit shrub

Probably everyone knows that aphids really like currants and gooseberries. Attacking a tender bush, it can ruin a crop or cause death of branches. But today there are effective drugs from aphids on the currant. First of all, this "Fitoverm" is a safe and inexpensive means that can be used even during fruiting. However, the effect lasts for a short while, you should repeat the treatment approximately every 2-3 weeks. So if you have not processed chemical products during the growing season, then you will have to spend more time on caring for the garden.

There are also natural, natural preparations from aphids on currants. This is a tar soap familiar to everyone , the solution of which is washed with branches. Not bad helps and garlic infusion, which sprayed the plant.

Chemical preparations from aphids

Today they are on sale a great variety, you can choose the one that best meets your requirements. There are two large groups. These are insecticides of contact action, that is, in order to act, the drug must be in contact with the insect, and the systemic one. The second type of drugs penetrates into plant tissues and affects the pest when it tries to regale. The first group of insecticides is used for a single pest control, as it is washed off the surface of the leaves. These are "Envidor", "Inta-Vir", "Iskra" and many others. Systemic drugs are treated once, they are constantly in the tissues of plants, that is, whenever a pest enters, it is destroyed. This means "Commander" and "Marshal", "Calypso" and others.

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