BeautySkin care

Hand scrub: recipes, reviews

Hands, like a person, need good care. To keep the skin smooth, beautiful and young, you need not only to feed the epidermis, but also exfoliate dead cells, stimulate metabolic processes, and improve microcirculation. With this task, it's easy to cope with a hand scrub. You can buy it in the store or make a hand scrub , the recipes for its preparation are passed down from generation to generation, and the ingredients can always be found in the kitchen.

A little about scrub

A substance resembling a cream or gel with hard abrasive particles is called a scrub. Has a mechanical effect on the skin. Improves the texture of the dermis, cleans it of dead cells. In addition, the skin throughout the procedure receives a good massage effect. As a result, blood circulation and metabolism improve. The dermis becomes more susceptible to the effects of cosmetic products. It is softened and moistened.

As experience has shown, most women prefer not ready-made cosmetics, but made a hand-scrub for their hands, the recipes of which can be found in this article. The product contains a large number of nutrients. Does not contain any harmful ingredients.

Top 5 Abrasives for Home Scrub

Any home scrub consists of two basic elements. This is the basis and abrasive particles. The basis, as a rule, is any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, linseed, peach, almond, grape), dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cream), honey, clay.

The main function of a cosmetic product is performed by abrasives. If you prepare a hand scrub with your own hands, the recipes of which are easy enough, you should pay attention to such solid elements as:

  • Coffee. Well cleanses the dermis, gives tone, energy, elasticity and elasticity. It combines coffee with honey and butter. You can use mixed with shower gel.
  • Sea salt. Exfoliate and disinfect the skin. Smoothes the uneven surface of the dermis. As a basis, you can use oil, honey, kefir.
  • Sugar. Carefully polishes the skin, does not injure it. Acts gently and delicately. Can be mixed with sour cream or butter.
  • Groats of fine grinding, for example buckwheat or rice. Before use, grind the grits in a coffee grinder into smaller particles. Here, any means can be the basis.
  • Oat flakes or bran. The most gentle abrasive for scrub. Suitable for any type of skin. Before use, the flakes are crushed. Applied in combination with honey, but with allergies to this ingredient, the base can be replaced with another one.

Hand Scrub: Recipes

Scrub of coffee breaks all records of popularity. It is used not only at home, but also when visiting a sauna or a sauna. Coffee with honey is taken in the ratio 1: 1. If the honey is frozen, then before preparing the scrub it should be melt in a water bath.

No less popular and coffee scrub with soap. For its preparation take 25 grams of freshly ground coffee and diluted with liquid soap in the same proportion.

Cosmetologists advise not to throw out the coffee grounds, and immediately after the coffee, apply it on your hands and massage the skin for a few minutes, and then rinse. They say that if you carry out this procedure constantly, your hands will retain beauty and youth for a long time.

Hand scrub from oat flakes is the easiest option for exfoliation. Here finely chopped oatmeal is bred warm olive oil to the state of gruel. Add a little honey and massage the brush with this tool twice a week.

Salt scrub for hands thoroughly cleanses the skin, disinfects. To make it, you need to take equal salt and sour cream. In the mixture, you can add a few drops of any essential oil (shea, rosemary, peach). After its use, it is advised to wash your hands with glycerin soap.

Positive effect on the skin scrub from apricot kernels. Bones for cosmetic procedure are ground. Mix with sour cream, cream or butter. Massaging the hands twice in 7-10 days.

Features scrub

Well-groomed hands require not only a good scrub, but also the correctness of its use, so when using this cosmetics it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • The cleanser is applied only to damp skin, so it will be easier and more evenly distributed;
  • Apply scrub with light movements from the fingertips to the wrist and massage the skin for 2-3 minutes;
  • After cosmetic measures you need to use a regenerating nourishing cream;
  • The procedure of scrubbing is carried out not more often than twice a week, with sensitive skin the number of sessions is reduced.

Regular application of scrub changes the skin of hands, prevents aging of cells, rejuvenates the epidermis.

Positive hand scrub

Purifying hand scrub cooked at home has several advantages over store. First of all it is:

  • Independent choice of components and their number;
  • Absence of harmful substances;
  • Natural substances here completely retain all the useful properties.
  • The product is cheaper than a similar ready-made scrub in the store;
  • Ingredients for making this cosmetics are always at hand;
  • After the procedure of scrubbing the skin reacts more readily to active substances of cream, mask or serum.

All these factors prove the effectiveness of home cosmetics. Its properties not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also remove the fragility and delamination of the nail plate. Remove the dead skin layer. Soften, possess wound healing, moisturizing and nourishing action.

Home Scrub Disadvantages

About how to make a scrub, and its positive effects, it was written above, and then the conversation will go about the negative aspects of cosmetics.

First, do not put the cosmetic remedy more than twice a week, as diligence in this matter can bring quite the same result, which the woman counted on. There may be ecdysis, irritation, redness of certain areas of the skin, various rashes. Secondly, it takes more time to prepare a home cosmetic product, and this is the reason why women often choose a finished product.

In addition, hand scrub can be unsuccessful when:

  • Thin and very sensitive dermis (here you should use a particularly gentle means, such as oat flakes scrub);
  • Allergic reaction to this or that component in the composition of the remedy;
  • Special proximity of capillaries to the surface of the epidermis;
  • The presence of open injuries, wounds, microcracks and not yet healed scars;
  • Inflammatory process on the skin.

Reviews of home scrub

Home scrub (reviews say a positive result, which is visible after the first application of the remedy) has taken root in the arsenal of many women. Gives an almost instantaneous result. Contains a huge amount of nutrients. Ladies say that the handles after the application of home remedies become silky, soft and smooth. Look unusually well-groomed. Nails strengthen and grow faster. Some women put all the ingredients directly to themselves in the palm of their hand, and only then with pleasure they rub the scrub on their hands for several minutes.

The most popular opponents call scrubs based on honey with sugar or coffee. They say that if they are used regularly, the beauty and health of the hands will last for many years.

Well-groomed hands are the pride of every woman, and cosmetic procedures do not require special efforts and are affordable.

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